1、*in 'listen to me. I love you.

2、一个人的伤害,唯一的错觉。 A person's injury, the only illusion.

3、一个人,一座城市,一生心痛。 A person, a city, a lifetime of heartache.

4、一脸幸福、喜欢有迩每一天。 A face of happiness, like you every day.

5、不是我不挽留,而是你的选择。 It's not that I don't stay, it's your choice.

6、不是没你不行,只是有你更好。 It's not that you can't do it without you. It's better to have you.

7、世界这么大,如何走遍她。 The world is so big, how to travel around her.

8、人善被人欺,并非无稽之谈。 It is not absurd that people are good at being cheated.

9、今生不见,便是生生不见。 If you don't see in this life, you will never see it in your life.

10、似水流年间,白发染红颜。 Like water years, white hair dyed red.

11、余生还长,请多多指教。 The rest of my life is still long, please give me more advice.


13、你不必太张扬,是花自然香。 You don't have to be too ostentatious. It's the natural fragrance of flowers.

14、你的幸福,我是独家赞助商。 I am the sole sponsor of your happiness.

15、你的微笑,我一生的解药。 Your smile is the antidote of my life.

16、你的笑容,刺痛我的心房。 Your smile stings my heart.

17、你说你会哭,不是因为在乎。 You say you cry, not because you care.

18、你说北方有我,后来你往南走。 You said there was me in the north, and then you went south.

19、别叫醒我,他正说着他爱我。 Don't wake me up. He's saying he loves me.

20、努力学习去爱,可惜忘了等待。 Study hard to love, but forget to wait.

21、南风知我意,吹梦到他心。 The south wind knows what I mean and dreams of his heart.

22、唯一的珍惜,唯一的错觉。 The only treasure, the only illusion.

23、回得了过去,回不了当初。 Can go back to the past, can not go back to the original.

24、如果梦里有你,我马上入睡! If you are in my dream, I will go to sleep immediately!

25、完美的爱情,是致命的毒药。 Perfect love is a deadly poison.

26、宝贝,我会一直陪着你的。 Baby, I'll always be with you.

27、幸福是被时光凝住翅膀的飞鸟。 Happiness is a bird whose wings are frozen by time.

28、愿得一人心,爱你到不朽。 May you have a heart and love you forever.

29、我们手拉手,磨磨蹭蹭地变老。 Hand in hand, we grow old slowly.

30、我们的回忆,有喜有悲。 Our memories are full of joy and sorrow.

31、我会把我的一辈子都送给你。 I will give you my whole life.

32、我想要你陪我,走完下辈子! I want you to accompany me to finish my next life!

33、握不住的沙,那就扬了它。 If you can't hold the sand, lift it.

34、放弃很简单,时间和新欢。 It's easy to give up, time and new love.

35、无论你爱过谁,结果只有一个。 No matter who you've loved, there's only one.

36、既然爱了,就不会放开。 Since love, will not let go.

37、是风起的泪,是爱的回忆。 Is the wind tears, is the memory of love.

38、晴天无涯,思念一个人。 There is no end to sunny days, missing a person.

39、有一个人,你来了,就好了。 There is a person, you come, it is good.

40、有些相遇,注定与爱情无关。 Some encounter, destined to have nothing to do with love.

41、有你的日子,天也笑看了颜。 Have your day, the day also smile to see Yan.

42、梦想不实现都是因为不够现实。 Dreams don't come true because they're not realistic enough.

43、爱人在身旁,处处是天堂。 Love by your side is heaven everywhere.

44、爱情只能用爱情来偿还。 Love can only be repaid with love.

45、爱情和智慧,二者不可兼得。 Love and wisdom cannot be both.

46、爱情是教会人如何学会不爱的。 Love teaches people how to learn not to love.

47、爱没有先后,爱不需要理由。 Love has no priority, love needs no reason.

48、生活需要被打扰,那样才精彩。 Life needs to be disturbed so that it can be wonderful.

49、看不穿往事,写不断今生。 Can not see through the past, write constantly this life.

50、童话已经结束、遗忘就是幸福。 The fairy tale has ended, forgetting is happiness.

51、等待你的答案,期待你给的爱。 Waiting for your answer, looking forward to your love.

52、给我听着,我爱你。 You

53、自从有了你,世界变得更美丽。 The world has become more beautiful since I had you.

54、蜜爱,甜透美好的生活。 Honey love, sweet life.

55、说我爱你说的真卑微,真下贱。 Said I love you, said really humble, really mean.

56、请放手、这无奈的感情。 Please let go, this helpless feeling.

57、谁将烟焚散,散了纵横的牵绊。 Who will smoke scattered, scattered vertical and horizontal ties.

58、谢谢我爱的人,爱我的人! Thank you for the people I love, the people who love me!

59、走远的,只是过眼云烟。 Far away, just passing clouds.

60、这里什么都好,因为这就是你。 Everything is good here, because this is you.

61、野心终止了,幸福就开始了。 When ambition stops, happiness begins.

62、青山看不厌,流水趣何长。 I can't bear to see the green mountains, but the water is so interesting.