1、r轻骑,旁水桥。 -秦关,《乡乡子·村子上的树木》

2、临夏路水边石。 -吴文英《瑞和县·秋意》

3、仍从胜水夺冠,突然到窗前不能做梦。 -孔子《榘天·就月凌风度雪清》

4、偏远指平山路,水域不计其数,信义交广陵潮。 -王世zhen《浣溪沙·红桥》

5、冯玉有,ing饮,林翠水,凯宴。 -刘Yong《破碎的音乐与露水的倒影》

6、冷水向桥东流去。 -刘震《虞楼春·东山探梅》

7、刘带摇晃汉水滨风,在平邑两岸竞争。 -牛溪集《临江县六角沙峰汉水宾》

8、只有热情的水,在人的陪伴下。 -苏“《南宋子·义》

9、墨韵七水光,上下玻璃天。 -陆文贵《宿迁之雪路》

10、外面水光,做飞云,吹掉罚款。 -高广国《精妙的四criminal徒,水外光贤》

11、夜水桂水城,楚山青霄云。 -范Yun《送沉吉房夜》

12、大雨大,斜风绕水。 -何助《珍惜玉春,雨与春》

13、孤兔s水,小凤起,银河西。 -吴文英,“玉漏瓜,中秋福,福”

14、宁愿齐其水,[金G。 -长剑《春话二》

15、小娘停止舔纤维,水下见红色。 -毛启龄,《玫瑰杯,南唐五月满水》

16、山上玉雕,珠探水屋。 -尧河《庄举·野行》

17、山水江水未闻,而岸边翡翠藏金索。 -徐灿《念奴娇·西湖雨幽灵》

18、怕水沉红,梦遗留云。 -细心“扫花九日归”

19、悬崖像血液一样深,花儿温暖而阳光明媚。 -选择U“咏杜鹃花”

20、新浴红,绿水带一股清香。 -吴文英《江沉子·从合江仍寄翁五凤》

21、映水区,翠娃竹yu,崔杨丽,见金庭。-周邦彦”绮寮··上上上》》》》》》》》》》》 》 [[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[--Nalan德“风流子,秋天的郊区”

22、最美的化妆水。 -吴文英《醉桃园芙蓉》

23、梦水西亭魂。 -陆魏老《小中山·七夕病》

24、楚水刺鱼洞,燕山至燕家。 -裴曰《歌上的歌》

25、水am,云霄。 -几句话“鹧鸪天·醉拍春衫惜旧香”

26、水不深,有一条龙。 -刘禹锡《龙之屋》

27、水冷又冷,香气稀薄,人们立于黄昏。 -吴文英,“相思,称号,陈藏,沂水,月眉扇”

28、水和风都是玉枕。 -苏Shi《浣溪沙·书虞元翁书》

29、水是一个孤独的城市,云层遥远,垂柳一点点活着的乌鸦。 -王国维《满庭芳·水抱孤城》

30、水是绿的和摇曳的。 -谢仪,《佛曼,飓风,晚春》

31、水极为晴朗,酒窖正望着西河。 -赵克《封其玉·霜树重又小》

32、水边合影,花Tu铁翠,露水泪湿。 -吴文英,“压抑者,沉重的黄水仙”

33、洞庭人怕水,烟毒消香烟。 -李白,《前门秋怀》

34、流水,漫长的天空。 -晏《《》···········································

35、清清钟水铺,有一对鱼。 -汉愈《清清浦二水》

36、田天初冲出水面,哀悼娇瑞。 -龚祥林《佛曼·画集》

37、秋夜水六十六屋,芦花高粱。 -欧阳羽《更多的泄密,秋夜第六十三宫的水》

38、秋日轻谈瘦人,野水,砸草,幽绿山。 -朱Xi肚servant·秋“

39、程国正好在水面上,山河都是刘厚宇。 -欧阳修,《陵墓》 31, flowers are not spoken, water flow. - A few words "鹧鸪天·守得莲开结伴游" 32, people veins, water long. —— 晏 道 《 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉 诉- Liu Yong "Jade Butterfly, Looking at the Rain and Clouds" 34, the white intestines wear the clouds, and the red teeth of the Yanzi Red Bridge are low. - Xu Dezhen "West Bridge Liu color" 35, the lake is soaked in white clouds, so the book is broken. - Huang Tingjian "Autumn Huai two" 36, when the two waters are different, the Hezhou plant Liu Shaoren knows. - Yu Yizhen, "Zhongzhou Zhuliu" 37, the water is bright and clear, it is the mirror lake. - Li Bai "Deng Shan father Tao Shaofu half moon platform" 38, Shuibi Fengqing, into the scent of fine red and greasy. - Gu Fuduo forced son · Shuibi Fengqing" 39, Wuhu water color cover Xi Shi. - Wu Wenying "浣溪沙·题李中斋舟中梅屏" 40, the evening building Mingwan water, spring riding cluster Zhaoting. - Huang Tingjian "Send the sage of the wild husband of Xuancheng" 41, also shocked the sea to the rhinoceros 42, flowing water tears, cold ash is more companionship. - Hu Yu "and Song Zhiwen cold food questions Linjiang 驿" 43, dreams are also dreams, dreams are not, cold water and air. - Jiang Jie "Plum Blossoms · Jingxi Snow" 44, the water wears stone armor dragon scales, the day around the peak Buddha roof wide. - Wang Shouren "Dengda 缮 》" 45, to be sent to the courtesy, the old tour Yan Yan, the water is scattered. - Zhang Wei, "Mo Shanghua·有怀" 46, Qingxi water, flow to get the Red Bridge. - Zhang Jingxuan "Xiaozhongshan · a few Shuya 誊 wicker" 47, wind dew wet clouds, sand water fans return to the boat. - Zhang Yuanqian "Bu operator, wind dew wet clouds" 48, Heqiao Liu, Zhan Fangchun, Yingshui containing smoke road. - Mao Wenxi "Liu Hanyan·Heqiao Liu" 49, Jun sees the river outside the river, rolling from the east. - Xin Qiji "Water Tune Head · Send Yang Minzhan" 50, water fine double pillow, there is a sturdy. - Ouyang Xiu, "Linjiang Xian, Liuwai light thunder pool, rain" 51, Ni Qi Fei Qiong, smashing jade, smashing the clouds and weak water. - Wu Wenying "no boring · snow" 52, gathering and rushing, cloud-side geese, duckweed on the water. - Liu Guo, "Liu Tingqing, send Lu Meipo" 53, Tian Ma, spring water, tiger ridge two, if the ghost. - Liu Che "Tianma two first two" 54, water for the township, awnings, fish, rice, rice, meals. - Li "fishing songs · 荻花秋" 55, gulls like snow, water as the sky, recall the year. - Wu Ji "sue to the heartfelt love of the night Han Mao shop" 56, Shui Chunchun back, look to send me, Jiangnan Meilong. - Zhou Bangyan "Solutions and Resentment" 57, the fruit is ripe, the water is fragrant, and there is a pond in the family scenery. - Li "Nanxiangzi · Shanguo cooked" 58, mountain溅起的水道是玉。 -黄庭坚《诉桃心燃烧柳桃小LL》

40、窗外静and而迟,金鸭水是温暖的。 -洪咨询《平沙芳草渡头村之眼》

41、红叶飘带,平化两two,心成秋水。 -吴文英《永玉乐·仪奇中秋节》

42、绘画厅空无一人,香气在摇曳。 -孙广宪《虞美人·好风微揭幕旌起》

43、蒸开水,为他人to。 -何助《子夜歌·三江月》

44、西山被遮盖,水烟在摇曳,还有几排渔屋。 -史小友《蓝宝石案·正洪过秋荣谢》

45、谁能在水幕下看到。 -王国维《蝶恋花,月亮要东南秋,一半一半》

46、谭在城市东部,20英里处,常常与浑水的增加和减少有关。 -苏Shi《楚溪沙,软草,平沙,雨后新》

47、谷雨玉柔软的花边,水漫漫。 -冯延昭:“抛球,回草,回雨还不清楚”

48、远离浓烟与恨水,秋夜噩梦。 -吴文英《赵窗冷玉兰》

49、连山变得安静,碧绿的水温暖了。 -刘宗元《饮酒》

50、追水犀牛,此人为之,英勇英雄。 -吴渊,“念奴娇,我要来犊牛”


52、鲜花的流通很着急。 -杨吉,“浣溪沙·上巳”

53、鼓中的红色鼓,湖的春天被打破了。 -詹Yu《齐天乐。童谣交付后,士兵们返回杭州》
