1、一边一铁锨,末后连窝端。 One shovel on one side, the end of the pit end.

2、三月茵陈四月嵩,五月过来当柴烧。 In March Yinchen April Song came to work as firewood in May.

3、不稀不稠庄稼旺,秋收到来粮满仓。 Not sparse, not dense crops, the autumn receives a full barn of grain.

4、冬忌生鱼,夏忌狗肉。 Avoid raw fish in winter and dog in summer.

5、冬至江南风短,夏至天气旱。 Winter solstice is short in the south of the Yangtze River and summer solstice is dry.

6、午前下的雨,时间不会太长。 The rain in the afternoon will not last long.

7、吃了夏至面,一天短一线。 Eat summer solstice noodles, a short day.

8、地头岩头坝窝头,春种芝麻秋打油。 Rock Head, Rock Head, Dawotou, Sesame seed in spring and oil in autumn.

9、夏不睡石,冬不悃板。 Summer does not sleep on stones, winter does not stifle boards.

10、夏天多流汗,冬天少挨冷。 Summer sweats more, winter is less cold.

11、夏至不雨天要旱。 The summer solstice is dry without rain.

12、夏至东南风,十八天后大雨淋。 It's windy in the southeast of the summer solstice and rains heavily after eighteen days.

13、夏至农田草,胜如毒蛟蛟。 Summer solstice farmland grass is better than poisonous Jiaojiao.

14、夏至大烂,梅雨当饭。 Summer is bad, plum rain is the meal.

15、夏至无响雷,大水十几回。 There was no thunder in the summer solstice, and there were more than a dozen floods.

16、夏至无风三伏热。 The summer solstice is windless and hot.

17、夏至有雨,仓里有米。 There is rain in the summer solstice and rice in the warehouse.

18、夏至狗无处走。 Summer solstice dogs have nowhere togo.

19、夏至的,无处走。 Summer solstice, nowhere to go.

20、夏至雨点值千金。 Summer solstice raindrops are worth thousands of gold.

21、夏至馄饨冬至团,四季安康人团圆。 Summer solstice wonton winter solstice reunion, four seasons of healthy people reunion.

22、夏走十里不黑,冬走十里不亮。 It is not dark to walk ten miles in summer, but not bright to walk ten miles in winter.

23、夏钓夏钓,夜间比白天好钓。 Summer fishing is better than daytime fishing at night.

24、夏鱼吃鲜,腊鱼吃腌。 Summer fish eat fresh, salted fish eat pickled.

25、大暑不热,冬天不冷。 It's not hot in summer and cold in winter.

26、大暑不热,气候不顺,会有水灾风灾。 The heat is not hot, the climate is not good, there will be floods and wind disasters.

27、大暑展秋风,秋后热到狂。 Summer shows autumn wind, autumn fever to fanaticism.

28、大暑无酷热,五谷多不结。 There is no scorching heat in the summer, and there are many grains.

29、季节到立夏,先种黍子后种麻。 When the season comes to early summer, millet is first planted before hemp is planted.

30、小暑吃黍,大暑吃谷。 Millet is eaten in summer and grain in summer.

31、小暑大暑,有米不愿回家煮。 Xiao Shu and Da Shu, you are reluctant to cook at home.

32、小满谷,打满屋。 Small valley, full house.

33、小表开花虫长大,消灭幼虫于立夏。 The small flowering insect grows up and kills the larvae in the early summer.

34、早一把,晚七根,糯稻田里打独身。 One in the morning, seven in the evening, single in the glutinous paddy field.

35、春东风,雨祖宗,夏东风,一场空。 Spring East wind, rain ancestors, Summer East wind, empty.

36、春争日,夏争时。 Spring contends for days, summer contends for time.

37、春困秋乏夏打盹,睡不醒的冬三月。 Spring, autumn, summer, sleepless winter and March.

38、留苗不长眼,管好也减产。 Leave seedlings without long eyes, good management will also reduce production.

39、稀留密,密留稀,不稀不密留壮的。 Sparse, sparse, not sparse, not strong.

40、稠谷好看,稀谷吃饭。 The thick Valley looks good, but the thin Valley eats.

41、稻谷要喝夏至水。 Rice needs summer solstice water.

42、立夏下雨,九场大水。 It rains in early summer and there are nine floods.

43、立夏不吃蛋,上坎跌下坎。 Lixia does not eat eggs, but climbs and falls.

44、立夏不热,五谷不结。 Summer is not hot, grain is not knotted.

45、立夏到夏至,热必有暴雨。 From the beginning of summer to the summer solstice,there will be a rainstorm in the heat.

46、立夏北,无水通磨墨。 Lixia North, no water through grinding ink.

47、立夏小满田水满,芒种夏至火烧天。 In summer, the fields are full of water, and the summer solstice is burning.

48、立夏晴,雨淋淋。 It's sunny and rainy in early summer.

49、立夏栽棉花,谷雨种甘蔗。 Cotton is planted in summer, sugarcane is planted in grain rain.

50、立夏汗湿身,当日大雨淋。 Lixia sweat wet body, the day of heavy rain.

51、立夏雨,涨大水。 Rain in summer, flood.

52、立夏麦咧嘴,不能缺了水。 Lixia wheat grin, can not be short of water.

53、立夏麦龇牙,一月就要拔。 In early summer, wheat will be pulled out in January.

54、羊喂盐,夏一两,冬五钱。 Sheep feed salt, one or two in summer, five in winter.

55、芒种不下雨,夏至十八河。 It doesn't rain in the mango, but in the summer to the eighteen rivers.

56、芒种不开镰,不过三五天。 No sickle, but three or five days.

57、芒种忙忙栽,夏至谷怀胎。 Mangzhi busy planting, summer solstice grain pregnant.

58、芒种忙忙种,夏至谷怀甲。 Mango busy planting, summer solstice Valley armor.

59、芒种晴天,夏至有雨。 It's sunny and rainy in the summer solstice.

60、芒种栽秧日管日,夏至栽秧时管时。 Mango seedling planting day, summer solstice seedling planting pipe time.上一页12下一页

61、芒种落雨,端午涨水。 Rain falls and water rises at the Dragon Boat Festival.

62、豌豆立了夏,一夜一个杈。 Peas stand in summer, one night at a time.

63、过了夏至节,夫妻各自歇。 After the summer solstice, the husband and wife rested separately.

64、过了芒种,不可强种。 After awn seed, do not strong seed.

65、风扬花,饱塌塌;雨扬花,秕瞎瞎。 Wind blossoms, full of collapse; rain blossoms, blind.

66、高粱稠了难通风,秸倒粒瘪减收成。 Sorghum is thick and difficult to ventilate. Straw pouring reduces the harvest.
