1、世间美好齐涌向你,祝你快快乐乐过五一! The beauty of the world is coming to you. I wish you a happy May Day!

2、五一五一我爱你,就像老鼠爱大米! I love you, just like a mouse loves rice!

3、五一劳动节到了,愿你揣一份悠闲心情,感受温暖阳光! May day is coming. May you have a leisurely mood and feel the warm sunshine!

4、五一劳动节愿你开心常在,笑口常开。 May Day wish you always happy and happy.

5、五一劳动节,万事如意妙。 On May Day, everything goes well.

6、五一劳动节,愿好运与你缠绵,健康与你相恋,生活更加烂漫! May day, wish good luck and you lingering, health and your love, life more brilliant!

7、五一劳动节,愿快乐与你永相伴,好运常在你身边。 May day, may happiness always accompany you, good luck always by your side.

8、五一劳动节,祝你出行顺利,旅行快乐! May day, I wish you a smooth and happy trip!

9、五一劳动节,祝您在劳动中,找到幸福的生活。 May day, I wish you a happy life in your work.

10、五一将至,祝你千分快乐,万分幸福! May day is coming, I wish you a thousand happy, very happy!

11、五一玩好,身体养好,日子过好,道路走好,心情超好。 May day plays well, the body raises well, the life is good, the road walks well, the mood is ultra good.

12、五一祝福有宽度,劳动节开心幸福。 May Day blessings have width, happy Labor Day.

13、五一节,祝你快乐幸福多一点。 May day, I wish you a little more happiness.

14、五一节,让我们共同祝愿心情好,生活美,天天像把节日度! May day, let's wish a good mood, beautiful life, every day like a holiday!

15、今天五一劳动节,祝你没有烦恼,心情舒坦! Today's labor day, I wish you no trouble, feel comfortable!

16、今天的努力和汗水,就是明天的幸福和甜蜜。劳动节快乐! Today's efforts and sweat are tomorrow's happiness and sweetness. happy International Workers ' Day!

17、会休息的人才会工作,善待自己的人最快乐。五一将近,祝你惬意。 Those who can rest will work, and those who are kind to themselves will be happiest. May day is coming. I wish you a pleasant time.

18、劳动节来到了,祝你胸前戴红花,当一个劳动榜样,前途无量。 Labor Day has come, I wish you wear safflower chest, when a working example, promising.

19、劳动节里,朋友情谊,记在心里! Labor day, friendship, keep in mind!

20、劳动节,愿你乐相伴,福相随!劳动节快乐! Wish you happiness and happiness on Labor Day! happy International Workers ' Day!

21、劳动节,愿你工作顺利,幸福安康! Labor day, I wish you work smoothly, happiness and well-being!

22、劳动节,愿你快乐吉祥,开心欢畅,幸福安康! Labor day, I wish you happiness and good luck, happy, happy and healthy!

23、劳而有功,劳有所获!五一快乐! Work and merit, work and gain! happy International Workers ' Day!

24、嗨!朋友,别在劳动中麻木,还是让劳动的过程真正变为一种快乐吧! Hi! Friends, don't be numb in labor, let the process of labor really become a kind of happiness!

25、在五一劳动节来临之际,祝你收获一个精彩人生! I wish you a wonderful life on May Day!

26、太阳高高照了,起床啦!今天是五一节,要庆祝一下呀,劳动节快乐! The sun is shining high, get up! Today is may day, to celebrate it, happy Labor Day!


28、愿你事事都顺利,好运福运不分离,开心快乐在五一。 I wish you all the best, good luck and happiness, happy on May Day.

29、愿你五一乐逍遥,生活幸福步步高! Wish you happy may day and happy life step by step!

30、愿你劳动节快乐没人比,生活又如意! Wish you a happy Labor Day and a happy life!

31、明天五一,祝你千分快乐,万分幸福! May day tomorrow, I wish you a thousand happy, very happy!

32、物价涨,琐事多,生活包袱搁一搁。五一快乐! The price rises, the trivia is many, the life burden puts aside. happy International Workers ' Day!

33、祝你五一好心情,天天愉快。 I wish you a good mood on May Day and a happy day.

34、祝你劳动节假期快乐围绕,轻松美好! I wish you a happy Labor Day holiday, relaxed and beautiful!

35、祝你劳动节,运动摇一摇,心情乐陶陶! I wish you a happy Labor Day!

36、祝你劳动里幸福来,收获中好运在。 I wish you happiness in your work and good luck in your harvest.

37、祝愿快乐伴你不换届,幸福陪你永不谢。 May happiness accompany you forever, and happiness accompany you forever.

38、美好生活要靠脑和手,五一节,与懒惰永别! Good life depends on brain and hands, may day, farewell to laziness!

39、褪去疲劳,忘却烦恼,祝你快乐,愿你美丽。 I wish you happiness and beauty.

40、重温久违的情谊,只愿你过得很好。祝五一快乐! Revisit the long lost friendship, only wish you have a good life. Happy May Day!

41、预祝你五一快乐,生活永美好! I wish you a happy may day and a wonderful life!