1、一人违章,众人遭殃。 One violation, people suffer.
2、上班一走神,事故敲你门。 Go to work a distracted, knock on your door.
3、不怕千日紧,只怕一时松。 I am not afraid of a thousand days, I am afraid that temporary loose.
4、严格质量、优良出品。 Strict quality.
5、为了你的幸福,请你注意安全。 For your happiness, please pay attention to safety.
6、为安全投资是最大的福利。 For the safety of investment is the greatest benefit.
7、事故不长眼,你严他就远。 The accident is not long eyes, you are far away from him.
8、事故猛于虎,隐患是豺狼。 The accident is fiercer than the tiger.
9、人人讲安全,家家保安全。 Everyone speaks safe, every family security.
10、人人讲安全,家家保平安。 Everyone talks about safety.
11、人以安为乐厂以安为兴。 People to safety for the music factory to security for xing.
12、企业是我家,环境靠大家。 Business is my home, the environment depends on everyone.
13、优化生产工序,提高生产效率。 Optimize production process and improve production efficiency.
15、关注校园安全,构建人文和谐。 Pay close attention to campus safety and construct humanistic harmony.
16、关爱生命,安全发展。 Caring for life, safe development.
17、内强职工素质,外树交通形象。 Within the strong quality of workers, outside the tree traffic image.
18、加强质量教育、提高质量意识。 Strengthen quality education, improve quality consciousness.
19、只有防而不实没有防不胜防。 It is not only not impossible to guard against anti.
20、只有麻痹吃亏,没有警惕上当。 Only paralysis suffer, no vigilance fooled.
21、同创安全工地,共享美好生活。 Create a safe site, sharing a better life.
22、坚持安全发展,构建和谐社会。 Adhere to the safe development and build a harmonious society.
23、坚持标本兼治,重在治本。 Adhere to the treatment of symptoms, focusing on a permanent cure.
24、培训要付出,不培训付出更多。 Training to pay, not training to pay more.
25、天长地久有时尽,推行无绝期。 Enduring as the universe sometimes, the implementation of the endless period.
26、宁可停工停产,绝不违章蛮干。 Would rather stop, not reckless violation.
27、宁愿事前检查,绝不事后返工。 Prefer to check in advance, never rework afterwards.
28、安全一万天,事故一瞬间。 Safety for ten thousand days, an accident.
29、安全一个人 A safe person, happy family.
30、安全万事兴,麻痹人财空。 Safety of everything, paralysis of money.
31、安全不离口,规章不离手。 Safe and secure, rules and regulations.
32、安全你一人,幸福全家人。 You are safe, happy family.
33、安全创造幸福疏忽带来痛苦。 Safety creates happiness.
34、安全在我心中,生命在我手中。 Safe in my heart, life in my hands.
35、安全就是生命,责任重于泰山。 Safety is the life and responsibility weightier than Mount Tai.
36、安全就是节约,安全就是生命。 Safety is saving,safety is life.上一页12下一页 Supervision according to law, just law enforcement to ensure safety.
37、安全是于警惕,事故出于麻痹。 Security is on the alert, the accident from paralysis.
38、安全生产创效益违规操作酿祸端。 Safety and benefits of illegal operations brewing scourge.
39、安全知识,让你化险为夷。 Safety knowledge, let you change danger into safety.
40、安全规程高于上级命令。 Safety regulations are higher than higher order.
41、安全谨记心安全永伴你。 Bear in mind the wing with your safety security.
42、完善质量体系、强化工程质量。 Improve the quality system, strengthen the quality of the project.
43、小心无大错,粗心铸大过。 Be careful not to make a mistake.
44、工地就是战场,防护才能全胜。 The site is the battlefield, the protection can win.
45、*松一寸,职工松一尺。 Cadres loose one inch, one foot staff.
46、广泛动员,狠抓落实,群防群控。 Extensive mobilization, pay close attention to the implementation of group prevention group control.
47、廉洁高效建设优质交通工程。 Honest and efficient construction of high quality traffic engineering.
48、弹拨安全弦,奏响太平曲。 Ann plucked string, played the song of peace.
49、强化服务意识,倡导奉献精神。 Strengthen the sense of service, advocating dedication.
50、我们的承诺不做不良品。 Our commitment not to do bad products.
51、把握安全,拥有幸福。 Grasp safety, have happiness.
52、抓好安全生产促进经济发展。 Safety production and economic development.
53、拒绝违规操作,保护生命安全。 Refused to violate the rules to protect life safety.
54、提高安全意识,建设文明工地。 Improve safety awareness, build civilized site.
55、放松安全一时,悔恨人生一世。 Relax for a moment, regret life.
56、时间就是金钱,效率就是生命。 Time is money, efficiency is life.
57、正确使用它、事故就少了。 The correct use of it, fewer accidents.
58、治病要早,除患要细。 Treatment should be early, in addition to suffering to fine.
59、治病要趁早,安全要抓小。Treat as early as possible, safe to catch small.
60、甜蜜的家盼着您平安归来。 Sweet home to your safe return.
61、生产再忙,安全不忘。 Production again busy, safety does not forget.
62、生命是个宝、健康最重要。 Life is a treasure, health is the most important.
63、生命最可贵,安全第一位。 Life is the most precious, safety first.
64、生命至高无上,安全责任为天。 Life is paramount, security responsibility is heaven.
65、疏忽一时,痛苦一世。 A moment of neglect.
66、疾病从口入,事故由松出。 The disease comes from the mouth.
67、细心精心用心,品质永保称心。 Carefully and carefully, the quality will always be satisfied.
68、绳子断在细处,事故出在松处。 The ropewas broken at the thin place, the accident was loose.
69、自检互检确保产品零缺陷。 Self inspection to ensure zero defect.
70、致富千日功,出事当日空。 Rich day work, the accident that day empty.
71、落实应急预案,加强事故防范。 Implementation of emergency plans to strengthen accident prevention.
72、诚信求昌,以德兴企,以义兴利。 Good faith to Chang, to Dexing enterprises, to justice Hing lee.
73、质量标准化,安全创水平。 Quality standardization, safety level.
74、车间重地,安全第一。 Workshop heavy ground, safety first.
75、辛辛苦苦代替不了规章制度。 Hard to replace the rules and regulations.
76、过马路要眼观六路,耳听八方。 Cross the road very alert to observant and alert.
77、违章违纪不狠抓害人害己害国家。 Violation of no harm to others and pay close attention to the country.
78、遵章守纪,善待生命。 Zunzhangshouji, treat life.
79、隐患处处有,安全时时记。 Hidden dangers everywhere, always remember.
80、高高兴兴上班,平平安安回家。 Go to work happily and go home safely.