1、与拼搏并肩,让盈利翻番。与汗水一起,把成功留住。与欢笑同行,让幸福永驻。 Work hard together to double profits. Together with sweat, keep success. Go with laughter and make happiness stay.

2、公司的发展贡献我的微薄之力,希望我的到来给大家带来更多的快乐。 The development of the company has contributed to my meager strength, and I hope my arrival will bring more happiness to you.上一页12下一页


4、在新的一年里,再接再厉,让佳绩再续,辉煌再现。 In the new year, we should make persistent efforts to renew our achievements and reappear brilliantly.

5、在新的一年里,愿努力拼搏勇于追求,再谱新篇百尺竿头。 In the new year, we are willing to work hard and pursue bravely.

6、展望新年,新的起点,新的征程,机遇蕴含精彩,发展充满信心,号角催人奋进。 Looking forward to the New Year, a new starting point, a new journey, opportunities contain wonderful, confident development, the horn inspires people to forge ahead.

7、感谢一年的努力,创造一路的奇迹。新的一年,愿与你再扬帆济海,创造美好精彩! Thanks for the year's efforts, and create a miracle all the way. In the new year, I wish to sail again with you to create a wonderful and wonderful life.

8、愿同志们再接再厉,努力向前,再创新的辉煌。 Comrades are willing to make persistent efforts and strive for further innovation.

9、愿大家与时俱进,拼搏不懈,共创新的辉煌! May we advance with the times, strive for unremitting efforts, and create brilliant new achievementstogether.

10、愿我们一起奋斗,共同进步。 May we work together and make progress together.

11、愿片片洁白美丽的雪花,带着我美好的祝愿, Wish the white and beautiful snowflakes, with my best wishes, fly to your side, wish you a happy New Year and prosperous career!

12、成功之路汗水铺,拼搏换来事业傲。愿你再接再厉不骄傲,新年再把新功建! The road to success is paved with sweat. May you keep up your efforts and be proud of yourself.

13、拼搏与努力,奠定了卓越的业绩;奋斗与汗水,成就了事业的辉煌。 Hard work and hard work have laid an outstanding achievement.

14、新年的阳光开始普照,新年的热情开始燃烧,新年的祝福赶来报道,愿公司像巨龙般腾飞。 New Year's sunshine began to shine, New Year's enthusiasm began to burn, New Year's greetings came to report, wish the company like a dragon to take off.


16、新的一年要到来,努力奋斗创未来。大家一起来努力,公司会有好业绩。 The new year is coming, striving for the future. Let's work together and the company will have good results.

17、新的一年里,愿你事业大踏步,业绩连连升,年终再次与成功会师! In the new year, I wish you a big step in your career and your achievements will rise again.

18、新的一年,愿你继往开来,直挂云帆,想着理想尽情翱翔! In the new year, I wish you to carry on with the future and hang on to the clouds, thinking that your dream will soar.

19、新的起点,新的征程,机遇蕴含精彩,发展充满信心,号角催人奋进。 The new starting point, the new journey, the opportunity contain wonderful, the development is full of confidence, the horn is pushing people forward.

20、新的辉煌新舞台,拼搏进取在未来,愿新的一年谱写新的篇章继往开来。 The new brilliant new stage, striving and enterprising in the future, is willing to write a new chapter in the new year.

21、最美的祝愿给你,愿你新的一年里再创佳绩,加油! The best wishes to you, and wish you a new year's success. Come on! In the new year, we hope that all of us will work hard to make the palace of achievement for us to add another, shining glorious, loaded with our common dream.

22、火红的事业财源广进,温馨的祝愿繁荣昌隆,美好的祝福送上来。 The prosperous cause, the source of wealth, the warm wishes, the prosperity and prosperity, and the best wishes.

23、祝愿崭新的一年,我们密切配合,精诚合作,事业再上新台阶,取得更大的成功。 We wish you a brand-new year, with close cooperation and sincere cooperation, a new stage in your career and greater success.

24、祝我们企业的明天更加辉煌,祝大家新年快乐,心想事成,万事如意! I wish our company a brighter tomorrow. I wish you all a happy new year.

25、过去的一年我们合作的都很愉快,谢谢您的关照,祝您全家欢乐,心想事成! Thank you for your kindness. Wish you a happy and successful family.

26、过去的一年,我们同努力,我们共欢笑,每一次成功都蕴藏着我们辛勤的劳动。 Over the past year, we have worked together, we have laughed together, every success contains our hard work.

27、迎接明天的灿烂繁华,握手诚信,相邀团结,祝福我们的明天会更好。 Welcome tomorrow's splendid prosperity, shake hands with sincerity, invite each other to unite, bless us tomorrow will be better.

28、随着新年的到来,预祝贵公司规模扩大,业务发展,生意兴隆,财源广进! With the arrival of the new year, I wish you a great expansion of your company, business development, business prosperity and financial resources.

29、预祝来年精诚合作宏图大展,共同开创事业的艳阳天。 I wish you all the best cooperation in the coming year to create a bright sunny career.
