1、不想面对他离开,逃避不是一个好方法,但却是唯一的办法。 Do not want to face him to leave, escape is not a good way, but it is the only way.

2、世界上再多漂亮的风景,也不及你回头看我一眼。 No matter how beautiful the scenery in the world is, you can't look back at me.

3、世界上最美的情话,不是我爱你,而是我想和你有个家。 The most beautiful love words in the world are not that I love you, but that I want to have a home with you.

4、亲爱的,我永远都爱你,因为你是我生命中最重要的人。 Dear, I will always love you, because you are the most important person in my life.

5、人生最大的幸福,是发现自己爱的人正好也爱着自己。 The greatest happiness in life is to find that the person you love also happens to love you.

6、今晚别关窗,我想偷偷进你的梦里。 Don't close the window tonight, I want to sneak into your dream.

7、任何时候任何情况,只要你需要我,我立即赶来,尽我全力为你做事。 Any time, any situation, as long as you need me, I will come immediately and do my best for you.

8、你只想得到,从未想过付出,这就是我会爱上她,而永远不会喜欢你的原因。 You just want to get, never want to pay, that's why I will fall in love with her, and never like you.

9、你就是我的太阳,而我是沐浴在你温暖阳光下的骄傲的向日葵。 You are my sun, and I am a proud sunflower bathed in your warm sunshine.

10、你帅得有点呆,你乖得太可爱,你对我最坏,让我只能把你爱。 You are a little bit handsome, you are too lovely, you are the worst to me, let me only love you.

11、你的一生我只借一程。这一程便是余生。 I only borrow one ride of your life. This journey is the rest of my life.

12、你真可爱,想摸摸你的头,捏捏你的脸,亲亲你的嘴。 You are so cute. You want to touch your head, pinch your face and kiss your mouth.

13、你许诺的那天因为太美好永远不会走却也永远不会来。 The day you promised will never go and never come because it's so beautiful.

14、你说的每句漫不经心的话,全在我心上开成漫山遍野的花。 Every careless word you say is full of flowers in my heart.

15、你说,诗很美,我说,有你在结尾。 You said, the poem is beautiful, I said, with you at the end.

16、你走,我不送你。你来,无论多大风多大雨,我要去接你。 If you go, I won't see you off. You come, no matter how strong the wind and heavy the rain, I'll pick you up.

17、偷偷告诉我你是不是会魔法让我好喜欢你。 Tell me secretly if you can make me like you.

18、全世界只有一个你,叫我如何不珍惜。 There is only one you in the world, how can I not cherish it.

19、原来,这尘世是有这样一种爱,未开口,便泣不成声。 It turns out that there is such a kind of love in this world. Without opening your mouth, you can't cry.

20、只要能和你在一起,失去一切都不可惜。 As long as I can be with you, it's no pity to lose everything.

21、喜欢你的笑容,喜欢静静的看着你,我的忧愁像云一般一下子就飞去了。 Like your smile, like quietly looking at you, my sadness like clouds all of a sudden fly away.

22、喜欢你跟在我身后,一回头就是阳光笑容。 Like you to follow behind me, a look back is sunshine smile.

23、因为一个人,去慢慢的熟悉一座城;还是因为一个人,如今却逃离了那座城。 Because of a person, to slowly familiar with a city; or because of a person, but now fled the city.

24、在下不才心胸狭窄只能装下你一人。 I'm narrow-minded and can only hold you.

25、夏天你是清风,冬天你是暖阳。我的世界只有春秋和你。 You are the breeze in summer and the warm sun in winter. My world is only spring and autumn and you.

26、当我喜欢你的时候,不好意思我看谁都像情敌。 When I like you, I'm sorry. Everyone looks like a rival.

27、心简单,世界就简单,幸福才会生长。 The heart is simple, the world is simple, happiness will grow.

28、想你成为像呼吸一样的事情,不论时间如何流逝,你已经留在我的心底。 I want you to be something like breathing. No matter how time goes by, you have stayed in my heart.

29、我只求,执一人手,偕老不相弃;我只愿,得一人心,白首不相离。 I only want to hold one hand and never abandon each other when I grow old. I only want to get one heart and never leave each other.

30、我在开过的玩笑里,隐藏了好多好多我爱你。 I played in the joke, hidden a lot of I love you.

31、我对你的爱就像拖拉机上山,轰轰烈烈。 My love for you is just like a tractor going up the mountain.

32、我希望到我满脸褶子的时候、陪在我身边的依旧是你。 I hope that when my face is full of wrinkles, you are still with me.

33、我想要的生活,睡前有你,醒来吻你。 I want to live a life with you before I go to bed and kiss you when I wake up. I like you very much. I like you very much.

34、我感到世界上的一切,全部属于我了,因为你爱上了我。 I feel that everything in the world belongs to me, because you are in love with me.

35、我生命的其余部分只想握住你的手,从天窗到白雪。 The rest of my life just wants to hold your hand, from skylight to snow.

36、我能给的不多,但至少我能给你一个专一的我。 I can not give much, but at least I can give you a single-minded me.

37、我这一生放浪不羁,不曾为谁停留,但自从遇到了你,我愿意用一生来守护你。 I've been Bohemian all my life and never stayed for anyone, but since I met you, I'm willing to guard you all my life.

38、有了很爱很爱的人,就该守己安分,别再奢望更好的人。 When you have someone who loves you very much, you should keep your peace and don't expect better people.

39、有些人,你忘了,输入法却还记得。 Some people, you forget, input method still remember.

40、有的人最害怕生不逢时,而我最害怕的是生未逢你。 Some people are most afraid of not being born at the right time, but I am most afraid of not meeting you.

41、梦想不多,兜里有糖,肚里有墨,手里有活,卡里有钱,心里有你,足矣。 Dream is not much, sugar in the pocket, ink in the belly, life in the hand, money in the card, you in the heart, enough.

42、每个人心里都有一团火,路过的人只看到烟。 There is a fire in everyone's heart. People passing by only see smoke.

43、没有特别喜欢吃的零食,没有特别喜欢听的歌,却有个特别喜欢的你。 There are no special snacks, no special songs, but a special you.

44、爱是初次见面时的怦然心动,天长日久的两不相厌。 Love is the first time to meet the heart, the two are not tired of each other for a long time.

45、相逢太短,等不及茶凉,你若驻足,我陪你走完风霜。 Meet too short, can't wait for tea cool, if you stop, I accompany you through the wind and frost.

46、笑容可以给任何人,但我的心,只给你一个人就好。 Smile can be given to anyone, but my heart, just give you one person.

47、老公我爱你,加班到晚上回家有汤有粥。 Husband, I love you. I have soup and porridge when I go home from work overtime to night.

48、自己的媳妇哄着惯着不丢人,这叫爱。 His daughter-in-law used to coax not to lose face, this is called love.


50、还能笑的时候一定要笑,因为笑是最便宜的药。 Laugh when you can, because laughter is the cheapest medicine.