1、一个人的世界里,有太多无奈和牵挂,承受着爱飘落的雪花。 In a person's world, there are too many helplessness and concern, bearing the snow falling from love.

2、一个女人的优雅在于,即使沉默也有笑意嫣然。 The grace of a woman is that she has a smile even when she is silent.

3、下一世的情歌、把词交由你填、看看你仍旧是谁高高在上的王。 Next life's love song, leave the words to you, see who you are still the king.

4、不得簪花满头雪,唯愿平生布衣情。 No hairpin blossom with snow, only life clothes.

5、不是我不懂,我只是想把自己当小丑一样,笑的那么无所谓。 It's not that I don't understand. I just want to be a clown and laugh like that.

6、不是我不爱你了,只是因为我发现你不需要我了。 It's not that I don't love you anymore, just because I find you don't need me anymore.

7、人虽然不是个东西,可人活着也就是买东西吃东西。 Man is not a thing, but to live is to buy and eat.

8、付出多少,得到多少,这是一个众所周知的因果法则。 It is a well-known rule of cause and effect that how much we pay and howmuch we get.

9、你的伤口太多,我欠你太多,对不起,从前是我忽略了你。 You have too many wounds, I owe you too much. Sorry, I neglected you in the past.

10、你追我赶拼搏争先,流血流汗不留遗憾。 You chase me and strive for the first place, sweating and bleeding without regret.

11、兄弟难当,一辈子的兄弟情比天还要长! Brothers are hard to deal with. Brothers love for a lifetime is longer than days.

12、华灯可以这样美。我也只好扮成傀儡。 Huadeng can be so beautiful. I had to dress up as a puppet.

13、原来我拥有过的只是习惯,而不是爱情。 I used to have habits, not love.

14、哭不是我的强项,笑才是我的本性。 Crying is not my strength, laughing is my nature.

15、复杂的事情不能搞简单,简单的事情何必搞复杂。 Complex things can not be simple, simple things need not be complicated.

16、好像没过多久,我就感到寂寞的滋味。 It didn't seem long before I felt lonely.

17、好想再像以前一样,每天叫你起床。 I want to wake you up every day as before.

18、如果有人问起,就说忘了。不解释,不悲伤。 If someone asks, say forget. No explanation, no sadness.

19、将错就错,或者将计就计了,反正将就了。 If you make a mistake, you will make a mistake, or if you make a plan, you will do it anyway.

20、小贝贝,用我一生尝尽你给的喜悲。 Beibei, use my life to taste all the joys and sorrows you have given me.

21、弄砸一件事情,就想办法把它做好。 If you screw up a thing, try to do it well.

22、当你做对了,没人记得住。当你做错了,没人忘得了。 When you do it right, nobody remembers. When you make a mistake, nobody can forget it.

23、当爱情已褪色,始终无法恢复原来的色彩! When love has faded, the original color can never be restored!

24、总吵着要恋爱,真的有人来要和你恋爱时,又犹豫了。 Always clamoring for love, when someone really wants to fall in love with you, they hesitate again.

25、患难困苦,是磨炼人格之最高学校。 Adversity and hardship is the highest school to hone one's personality.

26、想不付出任何代价而得到幸福,那是神话。 It is a myth to want happiness without paying any price.

27、想你的时候,我不是卑微的。因为我深深的爱过。 When I miss you, I am not mean. Because I loved deeply.上一页12下一页 No matter how many grievances you suffer, you can only hold it in your heart.

28、我也曾以为,这个世界美得不像话。 I used to think that the world was too beautiful to be true.

29、我们曾经一起的几年,单人的旅途漫漫,只是在圈养一种爱。 We used to be together for a few years, a long journey alone, just in captivity of a kind of love.

30、我会将我们的过去埋好,如你所愿。 I will bury our past as you wish.

31、文字这么深刻的表现、却又那么无力的诉说。 Writing is so profound expression, but so powerless to say.

32、无力的哀伤,谁能懂的我心中所想。 Who can understand what I think in my heart?


34、既然做什么都是徒劳、还不如做梦。 Since it's futile to do anything, it's better to dream.

35、是我咎由自取的把所有人都推开,还埋怨你们不能陪我久。 I blame myself for pushing everyone away and complaining that you can't stay with me for a long time.

36、有那么一瞬间,就像自己蜷缩在角落里,自己抱着自己,嚎啕大哭。 For a moment, it's like crouching in a corner, holding yourself in your arms and crying loudly.

37、没有人永远十七岁,但永远有人十七岁。 No one is always seventeen years old, but there are always seventeen years old.

38、没有礁石,就没有美丽的浪花;没有挫折,就没有壮丽的人生。 Without reefs,there would be no beautiful spray; without setbacks, there would be no magnificent life.

39、滴水穿石,不是力量大,而是功夫深。 Dripping through stone is not strength, but kungfu.

40、烟花再绚丽,终究也逃不过灰飞烟灭的下场。 No matter how brilliant the fireworks are, they can't escape the end of the smoke.

41、爱情很奇怪、什么都介意、最后什么都可以原谅。 Love is strange, everything cares, and finally everything can be forgiven.

42、独立的好处便是爱情消失的时候,你也能以潇洒的心情消失。 The advantage of independence is that when love disappears, you can also disappear in a chic mood.

43、用理想去成就人生,不要蹉跎了岁月。 Use your ideal to achieve life, don't waste time.

44、男人戒烟就跟女人减肥一样,永远都有明天。 Men quit smoking just like women lose weight. There will always be tomorrow.

45、看迩的脸色过日子,俄恨自己没有用。 Looking at your face, it's useless for me to hate myself.

46、矫情的话要尽量憋在心里,天亮了你就会庆幸没说出口。 Keep your affectations in mind as much as possible, and you'll be glad you didn't say them at dawn.

47、美女未抱身先走,常使色狼泪满襟! Beauty does not embrace the body to go first, often make the wolf full of tears!

48、被误会没关系,我有做坏人的勇气。 It's okay to be misunderstood. I have the courage to be a bad person.

49、装作无所谓的态度,告诉每个人,我不在意,我很好。 Pretend to be indifferent and tell everyone that I don't care. I'm fine.

50、该孤单时候孤单,该寂寞时候寂寞。 The lonely time is lonely, the lonely time is lonely.

51、谁苍白了我的等待,讽刺了我的执着。 Who paled my waiting, satirized my persistence.

52、那个男孩,教会我成长,那个女孩,教会我爱。 That boy, teach me to grow up, that girl, teach me to love.

53、那些曾经的记忆,不愿意提及,只是想让它轻轻地抛在昨天。 Those memories, unwilling to mention, just want to let it slightly thrown in yesterday.
