1、一切都被颠倒了,仿佛那里才是真实的世界,这里才是梦。 Everything has been reversed, as if there is the real world, here is the dream.

2、人一生中出人头地的机会不多,一旦有了一定要抓住机会! There are not many opportunities to get ahead in one's life. Once you have them, you must seize them!

3、人一辈子,有时就靠一次疯狂的举动扭转乾坤。 In one's life, sometimes one crazy move can turn the world around.

4、人这一辈子,有时就得靠一次疯狂的举动才能扭转乾坤! People in this life, sometimes have to rely on a crazy move to turn things around!

5、什么都比不上这种老掉牙的训话,能令人安心。 Nothing can compare with this kind of old-fashioned admonition, which can make people feel at ease.

6、他不过是个使用假身的魔鬼,他不能活着。 He's just a devil with a fake. He can't live.

7、他死了,我知道,这对所有人带来了不便。 He's dead, I know, and it's inconvenient for everyone.

8、你们两个别闹了,把这里搞得跟托儿所似的。 Stop it, you two. It's like a nursery.

9、你就像个婴儿,只会乱叫,不知所措。 You're like a baby. You just scream and don't know what to do.

10、你就待在飞机旁吧,有一个拿着枪的白痴就够了。 You just stay by the plane. It's enough to have an idiot with a gun.

11、你看,你看,他们就是这样戏弄我们,甚至不加一点掩饰。 You see, you see, that's how they tease us, even without any cover up.

12、你要是接受过训练就不会问这种问题了。 If you had been trained, you wouldn't have asked such questions.

13、她是个好猎手,可我已经选好了,但那个姑娘也得选择我。 She's a good hunter, but I've chosen, but the girl has to choose me, too.

14、她说能量就如同某种连结网路,万物都是息息相关的。 She said that energy is like some kind of Internet, everything is closely related.

15、好吧,对不起,我对我的行为感到抱歉。 Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for my behavior.

16、好漂亮的大脑,非常活跃,真没想到。 What a beautiful brain. It's very active. I didn't expect it.

17、如果你想幸存,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度。 If you want to survive, you need to develop a strong mental attitude.

18、如果你想活着,你需要培养一种坚强的精神态度。 If you want to live, you need to develop a strong mental attitude.

19、它只是在宣示它的地盘,千万别跑,否则他会冲上来的。 It's just declaring its territory. Don't run, or he will rush up.

20、弱肉强食,事实就是这样,而且没人会在意。 The law of the jungle, that's what it is, and nobody cares.

21、总有一天,生命将回到最原始的起点。 One day, life will return to the original starting point.

22、我一直都希望能有孩子回到这里,再读读它们。 I've always wanted kids to come back here and read them.

23、我们今天只能到此为止了,上校有命令不许夜间飞行的。 We can only stop here today. The captain has orders not to fly at night.

24、我们要让他们知道,他们并不能得到所有。 We need to let them know that they don't get everything.

25、我的脚变得越来越强壮,我一天跑得比一天远。 My feet are getting stronger and stronger. I run farther and farther every day.

26、我试着用心体会这种微妙的关系,人和森林的心灵感应。 I try to experience this subtle relationship with my heart, the telepathy between man and the forest.

27、所有活的东西是由他们的女神创造的。 All living things are created by their goddesses.

28、放轻松,让大脑保持困难。这对你来说应该不算困难。 Take it easy and keep the brain hard. It shouldn't be difficult for you.

29、杰克,它皮太厚,子弹打不穿,相信我。 Jack, it's too thick for a bullet. Trust me.

30、虽然大部分孩子都被我带走了,但他们再也没有来了。 Although most of the children were taken away by me, they never came again.

31、要是我像个孩子,那么,那或许你该教教我。 If I'm like a child, maybe you should teach me.

32、该死,不用道谢,杀戮不需要道谢。 Damn, no thanks. No thanks for killing.

33、这些家伙就像是一只公牛,但又带有些温柔。 These guys are like bulls, but with a little gentleness.

34、这些是你们学不来的,外星人无法领悟。 These are things you can't learn. Aliens can't understand.

35、这将会是一个新的开始,在一个新的世界,你会改头换面。 It's going to be a new beginning, in a new world, you're going to change.

36、这都是你的错,它们本来不应该死的。 It's all your fault. They shouldn't have died.

37、这里曾经是我们建的学校,现在这里只是一个贮藏库了。 This used to be our school, but now it's just a repository.

38、这里有一个原生的种族,我们称其为“纳威人”。 There is a native race here, which we call "Neville.".

39、那里有一些很有趣的生物现象,我很想冒死去取点样本。 There are some interesting biological phenomena. I would like to risk my life to get some samples.