1、"我们是可笑的疯狂的玩偶,在宽广的舞台上跳舞. "What sick ridiculous puppets we are,what a gross little stage we dance on.


3、一宗罪,你说他背井弃家动离殇,判他三生烟火情断肠。 二宗罪,你说他轻负佳人沉暗香,判他一世隔岸遥对望。 三宗罪,你说他忘却红尘天涯浪,判他悔恨千年却不忘。 四宗罪,你说他征战沙场苦思乡,判他征魂归家把酒唱。 五宗罪,你说他为君描眉却凄凉,判他冷心无情人痴狂。 六宗罪,你说他温文笑颜扶心伤,判他永安极乐骨成双。 七宗罪,你说他留念过往言虚妄,判他轮回奈何行匆忙。


5、七宗罪:傲慢、妒忌、暴怒、懒惰、贪婪、贪食、色欲。 Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony, lust.

6、人们可不想要冠军 他们只想吃芝士汉堡. People don't want a champion. They want to eat cheeseburgers.


8、他给我们留的第一条信息:"逃离地狱之路,长而艰难,离开之后,迎来光明"。 his first words to us."Long is the way, and hard, that out of hell,leads up to light."

9、你应该先解决这颗小小的眼屎,在这边眼角,超级警察. Yeah, well, you might want to get rid of this little,crusty, this eye, Serpico.

10、冷漠也是一种解决之道。沉溺于毒品要比面对人生艰辛容易,偷窃比赚钱容易,打小孩比养小孩容易,爱很费心成本昂贵。 Indifference is also a solution. Addicted to drugs easier than facing the hardships of life, theft easier than making money, playing kids easier than raising kids, love it bother expensive.

11、在他之后,我选中了一个律师,我知道你们俩都会暗中感谢我这个选择。这个人想的只是钱,为了挣钱他使出吃奶的劲说谎,然后把那些谋杀犯和强奸犯留在大街上! After him, I selected a lawyer, I know you guys will secretly thank me this choice. This man thought only of money, he resorted to earn money every effort to lie, and then put those murderers and rapists remain in the street!

12、在女性强奸防护课程中第一点就是不要喊救命而要大叫:着火了! The first thing they teach women in rape prevention,is never cry for help.Always yell, "fire!".

13、如果你现在用手电照他的眼睛,他马上就会被吓死,在我见过的病人里他遭到了最剧烈的痛苦和折磨,而地狱还在前面等着他。 He'd die of shock right now,if you shone a flashlight in his eyes.He's experience about as much pain and suffering,as anyone I've encountered, give or take and he still has hell to look forward to.

14、我只是为了满足自己的好奇心. This is just to satisfy my curiosity.

15、我的意思是比起应付生活的困苦,沉迷于药物要容易得多,就像去偷比去赚要容易得多一样,就像打孩子要比养育孩子容易得多 。 I mean,it's easier to lose yourself in drugs,than it is to cope with life.It's easier to steal what you want than to earn it.It's easier to beat a child than to raise it.

16、把一切都工整地归类并进行整理有朝一日会在法庭上用到的 Putting everything into neat piles and filing it away,on the off chance it'll be needed in the courtroom.

17、最有眉目的线索通常指向另一条线索。 Even the most promising clues usually only lead to others.

18、根本就没有任何争端,声称有争端是不负责任的 There is no conflict whatsoever,and any claim there could be is irresponsible.


20、爱要付出,需要努力,坚持才行。 Love costs. It takes effort, work.


22、赎罪是忏悔你的罪行,但却不是因为你热爱上帝. Attrition's when you regret your sins,but not because you love god.

23、这世界是美好的,值得我们为之奋斗。 This world is beautiful, worth fighting for.
