1、一个没有童年的人,我不知道应该是去可怜她,还是羡慕她! A man without a childhood, I don't know should be to have mercy on her, or envy her!

2、人生最大的骄傲,就是在成年时实现童年的梦想。 The greatest pride in life is when adults realize his childhood dream.

3、儿童是进入天堂的钥匙。 Children is the key to heaven.

4、儿童的天真和老人的理智是两个季节所结的果实。 The innocent of the children and the reason is two seasons of the fruit.

5、呵,幸福的年代,谁会拒绝再体验一次童年生活。 Ah, happy s, who will be refused to a childhood experience.

6、岁月如歌,童年为曲;人生如画,童年为色;青春如梦,童年为景。 Time like songs, childhood bent; Life picturesque, and childhood for color; The youth like dream, childhood for the scene.

7、左边我们的童年,右边我们的青春! Our childhood left and right of our youth!

8、当你回味童年时光,请抱抱我。 When you recall my childhood, please hug me.

9、恋爱的感觉,无非是两句话:重温童年的美好,修正童年的错误。 The feeling of love, is just two words: relive childhood fine, correct the childhood.

10、我一直想挥别童年,成为大人,童年却紧贴着我的皮肉,钻入这具对我而言太挤太小的身躯。 Childhood, I always wanted to say farewell to become an adult, his childhood was cling to my flesh, into this for me is too crowded too small body.上一页12下一页

11、我以为就是圣贤豪杰,也不必自惭他的童年,自惭,倒是一个错误。 I thought that is sage hero, don't shame his childhood, shame, is a mistake.

12、我们的童年,值得回忆,小时候我们放眼将来,长大后我们回忆童年,珍惜童年吧! Our childhood, it is worth remembering, we look to the future, as a child to grow up our childhood memories, cherish childhood!

13、我想弥补你逝去的童年,却忽略了你现在已不是童年。 I want to make up for your lost childhood, but ignores you now have not childhood.

14、我的脸上若有从童年带来的红色,它的来源是那座花园。 If my face have brought from childhood red, it is the source of the garden.

15、每个人都有童年,但现在,童年不返,童心已失! Everyone has a childhood, but now, does not return childhood, a lost child!


17、童年像糖果一样甜美;童年像百合一样纯洁;童年像花园一样美丽。 Childhood is like candy, sweet; Childhood like a lily pure; Childhood is like a garden beautiful.

18、童年就像一场梦,童年是一串串珍珠,也是我们的脚印。 Childhood is like a dream, childhood is a string of pearls, is also our footprints.

19、童年是梦,梦出外婆的桥;童年是桥, Childhood is a dream, the dream out grandmother bridge; Childhood is a bridge, and then the way for the future; Childhood is way to make us from childhood.

20、童年是永恒的天堂,即使只有一线阳光。 Childhood is a paradise of eternal, even if only a ray of sunshine.

21、童年是没有生老病死的国度。 Childhood is the kingdom of physical.

22、童年是金色的田野,青青的小河,五彩斑斓的卵石滩。 Childhood is the golden field, the green river, colorful pebble beach.

23、童年的一天一天,温暖而迟慢,正像老棉鞋里面,粉红绒里子上晒着的阳光。 Childhood day by day, warm and tardiness, just as the old cotton shoes, pink velvet lining on the bask in the sunshine.

24、童年的一天一天,温暖而迟缓,正像老棉鞋里面,粉红绒里子上晒着的阳光。 Childhood day by day, warm and slow, just as the old cotton shoes, pink velvet lining on the bask in the sunshine.

25、童年的朋友,像童年的衣服,长大就穿不上了。 Childhood friends, like the clothes of childhood, had grown up. Is always unique irreplaceable things: this is my childhood memories.

26、童年的那些他们做什么事都不专心,唯独对玩这件事却是有恒心的专心。 The childhood that they do not concentrate on anything, only to play concentration of the matter is perseverance.

27、童年,只有在回忆中显现时才成就了那么完美。 Childhood, only appeared in the memories are so perfect.

28、那些时光,静谧安和,扬去我的童年时光的。 Those time, quiet and Ann, Yang to my childhood.
