1、一个人如果控制不了自巳的脾气,脾气将控制你。 If a person can't control your temper, will control your temper.

2、不管任何环境下 Regardless of any circumstances, to hold the truth and the greatest commandment of Jesus's Salvation -- love as yourself.

3、人一旦确立了自己的目标,就不应该再动摇为之奋斗的决心。 Once a man set his own aim, he should not waver in his determination to fight for it.

4、人的一生应该象压路机一样,每走一步都能留下深深的脚印。 One's life should be like a road roller, every step can leave deep footprints.

5、企图光以迫切祷告祈求上帝的祝福,来取代自己所该付出的努力,是一种不诚实的行为,是出于人性的懦弱。 It is an act of dishonesty, an cowardice of the human nature, to try to pray for God's blessings in light of an urgent prayer.

6、你若想获得知识,你该下苦功;你若想获得食物,你该下苦功;你若想得到快乐,你也该下苦功,因为辛苦是获得一切的定律。 If you want to get knowledge, you should work hard; if you want to get food, you should work hard; if you want to get happiness, you should work hard, because of all the hard work is obtained.

7、你该将名誉作为你最高人格的标志。 You should regard fameas the mark of your highest personality.

8、在我望远镜的末端,我曾看见上帝经过。 At the end of my telescope I saw God pass by.

9、大学里绝不会教你如何生存;同样道理,大学教授也和我们一样,简直对这事一无所知。 University will never teach you how to survive; similarly, university professors, like us, simply know nothing about it.

10、天才就是长期劳动的结果。 Genius is the result of long work.

11、如果说我对世界有些微贡献的话,那不是由于别的,而是由于我的辛勤耐久的思索所致。 If I have made a little contribution to the world, it is not because of anything else, but because of my hard, persistent thinking.

12、如果说我所看的比笛卡尔更远一点,那是因为站在巨人肩上的缘故。 If I had seen Be De Karl a little farther, it was for standing on the shoulders of giants.

13、如果说我比别人看得略为远些,那是因为我是站在巨人们的肩膀上的缘故。 If I look slightly farther than others, it is because I stand on the shoulders of giants.

14、应当把荣誉当作你最高的人格的标志。 Honor should be regarded as your highest personality symbol.

15、心里总是装着研究的问题,等待那最初的一线希望渐渐变成普照一切的光明。 The heart is always filled with research questions, waiting for the first glimmer of hope gradually become shining all the light.

16、思索,继续不断的思索,以待天曙,渐近乃见光明。 Think, continue to think, for the day is asymptotically Shu, see light.

17、愉快的生活是由愉快的思想造成的。 Happy life is caused by pleasant thoughts.

18、我始终把思考的主题像一幅画般摆在面前,再一点一线的去勾勒,直到整幅画慢慢的凸显出来。这需要长期的安静与不断的默想。 I always put on topics like a painting like before, again to draw line, until the entire picture comes out slowly. This need long-term peaceful and continuous meditation.

19、我并无特别过人的智慧,有的只是坚持不懈的思索精力而已。 I have no extraordinary wisdom, some just persistent thinking energy.

20、我并没有什么方法,只是对于一件事情很长时间很热心地去考虑罢了。 I do not have any method, just for a thing for a long time very enthusiastic to consider.上一页12下一页 The truth of the sea, let not found everything lying in front of me, let me go out.

21、我的心经常是认真与安静,不陷入忧郁。 My heart is often serious and quiet, not into depression.

22、我的成就,当归功于精微的思索。 I think success owes to the subtle.

23、我能计算出天体运行的轨迹,却无法预料到人们的疯狂。 I can calculate the trajectory of heavenly bodies, but not the madness of men.

24、把简单的事情考虑得很复杂,可以发现新领域;把复杂的现象看得很简单,可以发现新定律。 Simple things to consider very complex, you can find new areas; the complex phenomenon is very simple, you can find the new law.


26、无神论是无知的。我观看太阳系,看见地球与太阳保持一定的距离,得到适当的热能和光线。这绝不可能是机缘巧合。 The atheist is ignorant. I watch the solar system, see the earth and the sun to maintain a certain distance, get the appropriate heat and light. This is no chance coincidence.

27、无论做什么事情,只要肯努力奋斗,是没有不成功的。 No matter what to do, as long as willing to work hard, is not unsuccessful.

28、有时候,爱情就像是树上的一只苹果,当你无意中散步到树下的时候,它可能一下子就掉下来砸在你的头上! Sometimes love is like an apple in a tree. When you accidentally walk under a tree, it falls down on your head!

29、每一个目标,我都要它停留在我眼前,从第一线曙光初现开始,一直保留,慢慢展开,直到整个大地一片光明为止。 Each goal, I all want it to stay in front of me, from the early start, the first light has been retained, start slowly, until entire earth light.

30、没有大胆的猜测就作不出伟大的发现。 No bold guesses can't make great discoveries.

31、没有大胆的猜测就没有伟大的发现。 No bold guesses, no great discoveries.

32、用钱谨慎将是基督生活的基本学习。 Prudent use of money will be the basic learning of Christ's life.

33、真理的大海,让未发现的一切事物躺卧在我的眼前,任我去探寻。 Zeal without knowledge is like expedition in the dark.

34、聪明人之所以不会成功,是由于他们缺乏坚韧的毅力。 The reason why smart people do not succeed is because they lack the tenacity of perseverance.

35、胜利者往往是从坚持最后五分钟的时间中得来成功。 Winners often succeed in the last five minutes.

36、若无任何其他证据证明上帝的存在,单单大拇指这一项就可说服我相信。 If there is no other evidence to prove the existence of God, the thumb alone can convince me.

37、谦虚对于优点犹如图画中的阴影,会使之更加有力,更加突出。 Modesty is like a shadow in a picture, it makes it stronger and more outstanding.

38、跌倒了,爬起来,便会成功。 Fall, get up, will succeed.

39、辛苦是获得一切的定律。 Hard is the law of getting everything.
