1、“将来”属于那些勤勉的人。——孟德斯鸠 The future belongs to those who are diligent.

2、一枝潇洒,黄昏斜照水。——周邦彦 A natural and unrestrained branch shines on the water at dusk.

3、一破夫差国,千秋竟不还。——李白 Once the country of Fu Chai was broken, it would never be returned.

4、三更灯火五更鸡,正是男儿读书时。——颜真卿 The lights on the third watch and the chickens at the fifth watch are just when the boys are reading.

5、世界未有比真诚人更为可贵的。——西塞罗 Nothing in the world is more valuable than sincere people.

6、习惯形成性格,性格决定命运。——约·凯恩斯 Habit forms character, character decides destiny.

7、人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。——卓别林 People have to believe in themselves. This is the secret of success.

8、人生一世,草木一秋。——冯梦龙 Life is a lifetime, vegetation is autumn.

9、人类最不道德订户,是不诚实与懦弱。——高尔基 Humanity's most immoral subscribers are dishonesty and cowardice.

10、人若把一生的光阴虚度,便是抛下黄金未买一物。——萨迪 If a man idles away his whole life, he leaves behind gold and does not buy anything.

11、人若有志,万事可为。——斯迈尔斯 If a man has a will, everything can be done.

12、今天的事不要拖到明天。——富兰克林 Don't put off today until tomorrow.

13、任何理论都不如现实具体。——沈从文 No theory is as specific as reality.

14、做人不可有傲态,不可无傲骨。——陆陇其 You can't be arrogant and arrogant.

15、光景不待人,须叟发成丝。——李白 Time waits for no one, but old men's hair turns into silk.

16、光阴似箭催人老,日月如移越少年。——高明 Time flies, the sun and the moon move over the youth.

17、却有一峰忽然长,方知不动是真山。——杨万里 But a peak suddenly grows, only then knows not to move is the real mountain.

18、只有在苦难中,才能认识自我。——希尔蒂 Only in suffering can we know ourselves.

19、只有自己去做,才可能知道能否成功。——林肯 Only if you do it yourself can you know if you can succeed.

20、向一切成功者和失败者学习思想方法。——何祚庥 Learn ways of thinking from all winners and losers.

21、在青年时期,我们给自己披上彩虹。——爱默生 When we were young, we covered ourselves with rainbows.

22、大胆产生勇气,多疑却产生恐惧。——康拉德 Boldness produces courage, but doubt produces fear.

23、大豆不挤出油,时间不挤白会溜。——佚名 Soybean does not squeeze oil, time does not squeeze white will slip.

24、天才就是无止境刻苦勤奋的能力。——卡莱尔 Genius is the ability to work hard endlessly.

25、天赋如同自然花木,要用学习来修剪。——培根 Talent is like natural flowers and trees, which should be pruned by learning.

26、如烟往事俱忘却,心底无私天地宽。——陶铸 Like smoke, the past is forgotten, the bottom of my heart is selfless, the world is wide.

27、它山之石,可以攻玉。——《诗经·小雅》 The stone of the mountain can be used to attack jade.

28、对坐读书终卷后,自披衣被扫僧房。——王建 After reading the final volume of sitting opposite to each other, he dressed himself and was swept away from the monk's room.

29、形胜三分国,波流万世功。——潘大临 The shape is superior to the Three Kingdoms, and the wave and current work for all ages.

30、志在顶峰的人,不会在半坡退却。——无名氏 Those who aspire to the summit will not retreat at the Banpo.

31、成功是魄力之学。——迪斯罗里 Success is the school of courage.

32、我们唯一不会改正的缺点是软弱。——拉罗什福科 The only weakness we will not correct is weakness.

33、我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。——林肯 I walk slowly, but I never walk backwards.

34、无法评估,就无法管理。——琼·玛格丽塔 If you can't evaluate, you can't manage it.

35、最困难的职业就是怎样为人。——荷塞·马蒂 The most difficult job is how to be a person.

36、朋友越老越好,美酒越老越香。——约翰·雷 The older the friend, the better; the older the wine, the better.

37、梦境总是现实的反面。——伟格利 Dreams are always the opposite of reality.

38、欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。——王之涣 You can enjoy a grander sight by climbing to a greater height.

39、江东子弟多才俊,卷土重来未可知。——杜牧 Jiangdong's children are so talented and talented that they will make a comeback.

40、没有大胆的猜测就作不出伟大的发现。——牛顿 No great discovery can be made without a bold guess.

41、活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。——培根 To live is to learn, not to live.

42、点点滴滴的藏,集成了一大仓。——德国谚语 Little by little, a large warehouse has been integrated.

43、狩猎才能得禽兽,勤劳才能有收入。——鄂伦春族 Only by hunting can we get animals and animals. Only by working hard can we have income.

44、理想的书籍,是智慧的钥匙。——列夫·托尔斯泰 The ideal book is the key to wisdom.

45、百日莫空过,青春不再来。——拜伦 One hundred days do not empty, youth no longer come.

46、真诚是处世行事的最好方法。——怀特利 Sincerity is the best way to do things.

47、真诚的人,不会恨人。——拿破仑 Honest people don't hate people.

48、短时期的挫折比短时刻的成功好。——毕达哥拉斯 Short term setbacks are better than short-term successes.

49、胜利就在真理之中。——爱默生 Victory is in truth.

50、莫嫌举世无知己,未有庸人不忌才。——查慎行 Don't be afraid that there is no confidant in the whole world, and no mediocre person is not afraid of talents.

51、落日无边江不尽,此身此日更须忙。——陈师道 The setting sun is boundless and the river is endless. This body needs to be more busy this day.

52、读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。——郭沫若 If you don't read five drums at three o'clock, you'll only be afraid to expose yourself to the cold.

53、谁自重,谁就会得到尊重。——巴尔扎克 Those who respect themselves will be respected.

54、连上帝也会去帮助诚实而勇敢的人。——米南德 Even God will help the honest and brave.

55、退笔如山未足珍,读书万卷始通神。——苏轼 Back pen is like a mountain, not enough treasure, read thousands of volumes before God.

56、逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。——《论语·子罕》 As time goes by, day and night go by.

57、青年时鲁莽,老年时悔恨。——富兰克林 Youth is rash, old age repents.

58、青春是惟一值得拥有的东西。——王尔德 Youth is the only thing worth having.

59、非读书,不明理。要知事,须读史。——李光庭 No reading, no understanding. To be a magistrate, one must read history.

60、顽强能引导人们走向幸福。——土耳其 Tenacity can lead people to happiness.