1、A 0-for-9 vote means you're beaten by yourself.

2、不管你的梦想是什么,你们一定要坚持梦想,从成功的前人身上汲取经验。 No matter what your dream is, you must stick to it and learn from the successful predecessors.

3、不能上场参加比赛,在家里看电视真是太让我难受了! I can't play and watch TV at home. It's really hard for me!

4、什么时候也别忘了给自己一个微笑和剪刀手,因为那是最好的自己。 Never forget to give yourself a smile and scissors hand, because that's the best of yourself.

5、他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的人就只会令我更坚强! They can't beat me unless they kill me, and anyone who can't just make me stronger!

6、低头不是认输,是要看清自己的路。仰头不是骄傲,是看见自己的天空。 To bow is not to admit defeat, but to see your own way. Looking up is not pride, but to see your own sky.

7、低头不是认输,是要看清自己的路;仰头不是骄傲,是要看见自己的天空。 To bow is not to admit defeat, but to see your way; to look up is not to be proud, but to see your sky.

8、你不能和我说话,在和我说话之前,你需要取得更多的荣誉和成就。 You can't talk to me. Before you talk to me, you need to get more honor and achievement.

9、八小时的训练,痛的只是身体,但如果输球,你痛的是心。 Eight hours of training, the pain is only the body, but if you lose, your pain is the heart.

10、八小时训练,痛的只是身体,但如果输球,痛的是心。 Eight hours of training, the pain is only the body, but if you lose, the pain is the heart.

11、即使是全明星赛,我也会全力争取胜利,因为我不想成为失败的一方! Even if it's an all star game, I'll try my best to win because I don't want to be the loser!

12、即使是耶稣,也会有人对他怀恨在心,我不需要解释什么。 Even Jesus, there will be people who hate him. I don't need to explain anything.

13、即使是耶稣,也会有人对他怀恨在心,我不需要解释什么! Even Jesus will be hated by others. I don't need to explain anything!

14、即使是耶酥,也会有人对他怀恨在心,所以,我不需要解释什么。 Even Jesus will be hated, so I don't need to explain anything.

15、压力、挑战,这一切消极的东西都是我能够取得成功的催化剂。 Pressure, challenges, all these negative things are the catalyst for my success.

16、发挥最好的实力和状态去对待他,那是对强者最好的尊重。 It is the best respect for the strong to treat him with the best strength and state.

17、只有站在那条路的终点,才会在回首时感到自己的付出都是值得的! Only standing at the end of that road, will you feel that your efforts are worth it when looking back!

18、只有站在那条路的终点,才会在回首的时候感到所有的付出都是值得的。 Only standing at the end of that road, will I feel that all the efforts are worth when I look back.

19、只要你的心够绝,你可以做任何你想做的事,只要你的心够绝! As long as your heart is enough, you can do anything you want, as long as your heart is enough!

20、在你想要放弃的时候,想想是什么让你当初坚持走到了这里。 When you want to give up, think about what made you come here.

21、如果不能全身心认真投入,我就不是科比。24号是我的最佳诠释。 I'm not Kobe if I can't put my heart and soul into it. 24 is my best interpretation.

22、如果二十年后,篮球依然是我这一生最大的成就,那么无疑我是失败的! If 20 years later, basketball is still the biggest achievement of my life, then I will undoubtedly fail!

23、如果创造历史轻而易举的话,那又何苦为此而费尽心力呢? If it's easy to make history, why bother to work hard for it?

24、如果我感觉一些东西不对,我会呆在那不停地训练,直到我做到对为止。 If I feel something is wrong, I'll stay there and train until I get it right.

25、如果湖人现在是泰坦尼克号,我也会和他一起沉下去。 If the Lakers were Titanic now, I would sink with him.

26、就算全世界抛弃我,我还有篮球。因为这是信仰,是朋友。 Even if the world abandons me, I still have basketball. Because it's faith, it's friends.

27、当我退役的时候,我希望回头看我走过的路,每一天,我都付出了我的全部。 When I retire, I hope to look back on the way I have gone, every day, I have paid all of my money.

28、恨我,因为我渴望你伟大,而伟大,需要不惜一切代价。 Hate me, because I long for you to be great, and great, need at all costs.

29、我不想做下一个迈克尔-乔丹,我只想做科比-布莱恩特。 I don't want to be the next Michael Jordan, I just want to be Kobe Bryant.

30、我不知道多久才能取得辉煌,我只想尽我所能去做最出色的。 I don't know how long it will take me to be brilliant. I just want to do the best I can.

31、我专注于一件事,而且只有这件事,那就是尽我所能地赢到越多冠军。 I'm focused on one thing, and that's the only thing, and that's the more titles I can win.

32、我也不愿意那么做,但是我不能坐着,看着一场大*在我面前发生。 I don't want to do that either, but I can't sit and watch a * happen in front of me.

33、我从来没有看见过隧道的尽头,我只看到我自己在尽全力奔跑。 I've never seen the end of the tunnel, I've only seen myself running as hard as I could.

34、我们不后退,我们不退缩,我们不逃跑,我们坚持,然后征服对手。 We don't retreat, we don't retreat, we don't escape, we insist, and then conquer our opponents.

35、我只专注于一件事,那就是尽我所能地赢到更多的冠军。 I only focus on one thing, which is to win as many championships as I can.

36、我只专注于一件事,那就是尽我所能地赢得更多的冠军。 I only focus on one thing, and that is to win as many championships as I can.

37、我可以没有空气,但是不能没有篮球,因为我是靠篮球来呼吸的! I can have no air, but I can't have no basketball, because I rely on basketball to breathe!

38、我向你承诺,我会继承你的荣光!请从天堂赐予我力量,见证我吧! I promise you, I will inherit your glory! Please give me strength from heaven and witness me!

39、我宁愿30投0中,也不愿9投0中。9投0中意味着你被自己击败了。 I'd rather be 0 for 30 than 0 for

40、我打算成为史上最伟大球员的那一刻,篮球就是我的一切。 The moment I'm going to be the greatest player in history, basketball is everything to me.

41、我是联盟最好的后卫。也许我不是最好的球员,但我认为没有人比我更出色。 I'm the best defender in the league. Maybe I'm not the best player, but I don't think anyone is better than me.

42、我根本不是一个会憎恨嫉妒的人,你有才能,我就喜爱你! I'm not a hater of jealousy at all. If you have talent, I love you!

43、我没法和懒人相处,我们讲的不是同一种语言,我不了解懒人,也不想去了解。 I can't get along with lazy people. We don't speak the same language. I don't know lazy people and I don't want to know them.

44、无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力的为它奋斗。 Don't give up anyway. Always believe that your dream can be realized and strive for it.

45、朋友来来往往,总冠军的旗帜却一直在那里,随风飘荡。 Friends come and go, but the flag of the champion is always there, floating in the wind.

46、每件负面的事,比如压力、挑战,都是让我提升的机会。 Every negative thing, such as pressure and challenge, is an opportunity for me to improve.

47、球场上请用实力说话,一切与比赛无关的都给我退避三舍! On the court, please use your strength to talk. Anything irrelevant to the game will give me back!

48、要抓住一切机会,向所有人证明你自己,证明你能够迎接挑战。 Take every opportunity to prove yourself to everyone and that you can meet the challenge.

49、谁想要防得我崩溃,我就会在我崩溃之前让他崩溃。 Who wants to prevent me from collapsing, I will let him collapse before I collapse.

50、输球就是输球,没有什么遗憾告负。赢得冠军或者两手空空,就这么简单。 To lose is to lose. There is no regret. It's easy to win a championship or to be empty handed.

51、重要的是,你的队友必须知道你是站在他们这边的,你是真心希望他们成功的。 It's important that your teammates know that you are on their side and that you really want them to succeed.