1、不付出劳动就不会有收获。 There is no gain without labor.
2、不劳而获的珍宝,不如劳动得来的羊羔。 A lamb is better than a treasure for nothing.
3、不是靠天吃饭,全靠两手动弹。 It's not about eating from the sky. It's all about two hands.
4、临渊羡鱼不如退而结网。 It is better to retreat and form a net than to admire fish.
5、人在自己的劳动中创造自己并理解劳动的美。 Man creates himself in his work and understands the beauty of it.
6、人生的意志和劳动将创造奇迹般的奇迹。 The will and labor of life will create miracles.
7、人生的最大快乐,是自己的劳动得到了成果。 The greatest happiness in life is that one's work has been fruitful.
8、人类的劳动是惟一真正的财富。 Human labor is the only real wealth.
9、任何一项劳动都是崇高的,崇高的事业只有劳动。 Any kind of labor is noble, and the only noble cause is labor.
10、使人愉快的劳动,能医治心灵的创伤。 Pleasant labor can heal the wounds of the soul.
11、别人给的饭能饱一天,自己劳动得来的能饱一年。 Others can feed for a day, and those who work for themselves can feed for a year.
12、劳动使人建立对自己理智力量的信心。 Labor builds confidence in one's intellectual strength.
13、劳动使人建立对自己的理智力量的信心。 Labor builds confidence in one's intellectual power.
14、劳动使人忘忧。 Labor makes people forget their worries.
15、劳动可以使平时变为节日。 Labor can turn peacetime into a festival.
16、劳动和人,人和劳动,这是所有真理的父母亲。 Labor and people, people and labor, these are the parents of all truths.
17、劳动和科学是世界上最伟大的两种力量。 Labor and science are the two greatest forces in the world.
18、劳动好,生活才会幸福;水草好,牛羊才会肥壮。 Work well, life will be happy; water and grass well, cattle and sheep will be fat.
19、劳动才能给人以安乐。 Only labor can give people happiness.
20、劳动教养了身体,学习教养了心灵。 Through labor, the body and the mind are cultivated.
21、劳动是一切商品交换价值的真实尺度。 Labor is the true measure of the exchange value of all goods.
22、劳动是一切知识的源泉。 Labor is the source of all knowledge.
23、劳动是人类的命运。 Labor is the fate of mankind.
24、劳动是幸福之父。 Labor is the father of happiness.
25、劳动是快活的根源。 Labor is the root of happiness.
26、劳动是惟一导向知识的道路。 Labor is the only way to guide knowledge.
27、劳动是最可靠的财富。 Labor is the most reliable wealth.
28、劳动是生命的法则,也是它最美的果实。 Labor is the law of life and the most beautiful fruit.
29、劳动是社会中每个人不可避免的义务。 Labor is an inevitable obligation of everyone in the society.
30、劳动是财富之父,土地是财富之母。 Labor is the father of wealth, and land is the mother of wealth.
31、劳动是长命百岁的艺术的必要条件之一。 Labor is one of the necessary conditions for a long life art.
32、劳动本身就是一种享乐。 Labor itself is a pleasure.
33、劳动的后面跟着幸福。 Happiness follows labor.
34、劳动的成果是所有果实中最甜美的。 The fruit of labor is the sweetest of all fruits.
35、劳动能唤起人的创造力。 Labor can arouse people's creativity.
36、劳动能将戈壁滩变成绿洲,懒惰能将绿洲变成废墟。 Labor can turn the Gobi desert into an oasis, and laziness can turn the oasis into ruins.
37、勤为无价宝,慎为护身术。 Diligence is priceless, and prudence is the art of body protection.
38、医治一切病痛最好的最宝贵的药品,就是劳动。 The best and most precious medicine for all ailments is labor.
39、只有人的劳动才是神圣的。 Only human labor is sacred.
40、培养青年要尊重劳动者和劳动人民的感情。 To cultivate young people, we should respect the feelings of workers and working people.
41、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。 Learning is labor, which is full of thoughts.
42、对于富有才华和热爱劳动的人来说,不存在任何障碍。 There are no obstacles for talented and labor loving people.
43、平时不劳动的人,一生没有节日过。 People who do not work at ordinary times have no festivals in their lives.
44、幸福只会给予不怕劳动的人,多年忘我劳动的人。 Happiness can only be given to those who are not afraid of work, and those who have worked selflessly for many years.
45、幸福存在于生活之中,而生活存在于劳动之中。 Happiness exists in life, while life exists in labor.
46、应该记住,我们的事业,需要的是手,而不是嘴。 It should be remembered that our business needs hands, not mouth.
47、所有现存的好东西都是创造的果实。 All the good things that exist are the fruits of creation.
48、持续不断地劳动是人生的铁律,也是艺术的铁律。 Continuous labor is the iron law of life and art.
49、文化越高,劳动越受重视。 The higher the culture is, the more attention is paid to labor.
50、既然思想存在于劳动之中,人就要靠劳动而生存。 Since thought exists in labor, people depend on labor to survive.
51、沉思就是劳动,思考就是行动。 Meditation is labor, thinking is action.
52、清洁是健康的基础,劳动是财富的基础。 Cleanliness is the foundation of health, and labor is the foundation of wealth.
53、灵感,是由于顽强的劳动而获得的奖赏。 Inspiration is a reward for hard work.
54、知识从劳动中来,才能从斗争中来。 Only when knowledge comes from labor can it come from struggle.
55、科学不是可以不劳而获的。 Science is not something you can get for nothing.
56、科学是到处为家的。 Science is all about home.
57、红糖甜,白糖甜,不如劳动果实甜。 Brown sugar is sweet, white sugar is sweet, not as sweet as fruit of labor.
58、自己的手就是大自然的统治者。 His hand is the ruler of nature.
59、花开满树红,劳动最光荣。 Flowers are red, and labor is glorious.
60、要工作,要勤劳:劳作是最可靠的财富。 To work, to be industrious: work is the surest wealth.