1、一年两度锦城游,前值东风后值秋。——罗隐 Jincheng twice a year, before the east wind, after autumn.

2、万里桥西一草堂,百花潭水即沧浪。——杜甫 Wanli Bridge West a thatched cottage, Baihuatan water is Canglang.

3、三年遇寒食,尽在洛阳城。——白居易 Three years of cold food, all in Luoyang City.

4、不断的奋斗,就是走上成功之路。——孙中山 Constant struggle is the road to success.

5、不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。——苏轼 I don't know what season it would be in the heavens on this night.

6、不见乡书传雁足,惟见新月吐蛾眉。——王维 Not see the country book pass wild goose foot, only see crescent moon spit moth eyebrow.

7、世事洞明皆学问,人情练达即文章。——曹雪芹 All things are learned in the world, and refined human feelings are articles.

8、东园载酒西园醉,摘尽枇杷一树金。——戴敏 East Garden with wine, West Garden drunk, picking a loquat tree gold.

9、东风有信无人见,露微意、柳际花边。——苏轼 Dongfeng letter no one see, dew Wei Yi, willow lace.

10、九华山路云遮寺,清弋江村柳拂桥。——杜牧 Yunzha temple, Jiuhua Mountain Road, Liufu bridge, Yijiang village, Qing Dynasty.

11、书中自有千钟粟,书中自有颜如玉。——增广贤文 There are thousands of bell millet in the book, and the beauty is like jade in the book.

12、乱云低薄暮,急雪舞回风。——杜甫 The clouds are low and dusk, and the snow dances in the wind.

13、二十四桥,颇有杜书记否。——刘辰翁 The twenty fourth bridge is quite different from Secretary Du.

14、交不忠兮怨长,期不信兮告余以不闲。——屈原 If you are unfaithful, you will complain for a long time. If you don't believe me, you will never be idle.

15、亭亭画舸系春潭,直到行人酒半酣。——郑文宝 Pavilion painting Ge Department spring pool, until the pedestrian wine half drunk.

16、人只有在人们中间才能认识自己。——歌德 Only among people can one know himself.

17、人情已厌南中苦,鸿雁那从北地来。——王勃 People are tired of suffering in the south. The wild geese come from the north.

18、人是寻求意义的动物。——柏拉图 Man is an animal seeking meaning.

19、人有了坚定的信念才是不可战胜的。——贝蒂 People are invincible only when they have firm faith.

20、人生如寄,何事辛苦怨斜晖。——朱熹 Life is like a gift. What's hard to complain about.

21、人的志向通常和他们的能力成正比例。——约翰逊 People's aspirations are usually in direct proportion to their abilities.

22、人若志趣不远,心不在焉,虽学无成。——张载 If people are not far away from their interests and absent-minded, they will not succeed in learning.

23、从错误中比从混乱中易于发现真理。——培根 It is easier to find truth from mistakes than from confusion.

24、以身许国,何时不可为?——岳飞 When can't we make a country by example?

25、企业文化是找寻新工作的标准。——余世维 Corporate culture is the standard for finding new jobs.

26、休言万事转头空。未转头时皆梦。——苏轼 Don't talk. Everything turns to be empty. I dream when I don't turn my head.

27、但使龙城飞将在,不教胡马度阴山。——王昌龄 But the Dragon City Flying general is in, does not teach Hu Ma Du Yin Mountain.

28、你信任人,人才对你忠实。——爱默生 You trust people, people are loyal to you.

29、修竹傍林开,乔松倚岩列。——德隐 The bamboo stands beside the forest, and the trees and pines lean on the rocks.

30、光阴似箭,日月如梭。——增广贤文 Time flies like an arrow.

31、六翮飘u私自怜,一离京洛十余年。——高适 Liuhe Piaoyu, who had been away from Jingluo for more than ten years, felt self pity.

32、凡是过往,皆为序章。——莎士比亚 All the past is a prelude.

33、凤凋碧柳愁眉淡,露染黄花笑靥深。——晏几道 The Phoenix withers, the willow is sad, the dew dye yellow flower dimple is deep.

34、北风夜卷赤亭口,一夜天山雪更厚。——岑参 The north wind rolls up the Red Pavilion at night, and the snow on Tianshan Mountain is thicker overnight.

35、十年饮冰,难凉热血。——梁启超 Drinking ice for ten years is hard to cool blood.

36、千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。——柳宗元 From hill to hill no bird in flight, from path to path no man in sight.

37、半卷红旗临易水,霜重鼓寒声不起。——李贺 Half volume of red flag near easy water, frost heavy drum cold sound can not rise.

38、半天凉月色,一笛酒人心。——袁枚 Half a day cool moon, a flute wine heart.

39、南国有佳人,容华若桃李。——曹植 There are beauties in the south, and their beauty is like peach and plum.

40、南雁归时更寂寥。——纳兰性德 When the South goose returns, it is more lonely.

41、即使今天不发生,明天也要发生。——村上春树 Even if it doesn't happen today, it will happen tomorrow.

42、取酒须勤醉,乡关不可思。——司马光 Wine must be drunk frequently, and the countryside can't think about it.

43、叹息繁华地,兴废两悠悠。——袁去华 Sigh prosperous place, rise and waste two long.

44、君不见管鲍贫时交,此道今人弃如土。——杜甫 If you don't see Guan Bao's poor time, this road has been abandoned as earth.

45、君子不自大其事,不自尚其功。——礼记 A gentleman is not arrogant and does not respect his merits.

46、君子藏器于身,待时而动。——佚名 A gentleman hides his tools in his body and waits for the time to move.

47、君子遇穷困,则德益进,逆益进。——陆九渊 When a gentleman is in poverty, he will benefit from virtue and vice versa.

48、唤我溪边太乙舟,潋滟盛芳醑。——葛立方 Call me Taiyi boat by the stream, and fill the fragrant boat.

49、善作者不必善成,善始者不必善终。——战国策 A good writer does not need to be good at success, and he who is good at beginning does not need to end well.

50、土花曾染湘娥黛,铅泪难消。——纳兰性德 The earth flower once dyed xiang'e-dai, but the lead tears were hard to disappear.

51、坏习惯像饼子,碎了比保存起来好。——英国 Bad habits are like cakes, better broken than preserved.

52、坦白使人心地轻松的妙药。——西塞罗 Confession is a great antidote to relaxation.

53、坦白是诚实与勇敢的产物。——马克·吐温 Frankness is the product of honesty and bravery.

54、壮年何事憔悴,华发改朱颜。——苏舜钦 What's the matter in the middle of life.

55、处朋友,务相下则得,相上则损。——王阳明 When dealing with a friend, you will get something when you are down, and you will lose if you look up to it.

56、大德不官,大道不器,大信不约。——礼记 The great virtue is not official, the road is not utensils, and the great faith is not agreed.

57、天下伤心处,劳劳送客亭。——李白 Where the world is sad, the labor Pavilion.

58、天才由于积累,聪明在于勤奋。——华罗庚 Genius is due to accumulation, and intelligence lies in diligence.

59、宁可睡错千百个,不愿错过那一人。——大王 I'd rather sleep wrong than miss that one.

60、富贵不淫贫贱乐,男儿到此是豪雄。——程颢 Rich and noble do not lust, poor and humble music, men here is a hero.

61、对于年轻人来说,未来是一个仙境。——塞拉 For young people, the future is a fairyland.

62、对自己忠实,才不会对别人欺诈。——莎士比亚 If you are faithful to yourself, you will not cheat others.

63、尊重生命,完全尊重生命。——杜伽尔 Respect for life, full respect for life.

64、尽信书,则不如无书。——孟子 It is better to believe in books than to have no books.

65、山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还。——杜甫 The mountain atmosphere is beautiful day and night, and the birds return to each other.

66、常思奋不顾身,而殉国家之急。——司马迁 Often think of desperate, and die for the country's urgency.

67、归来视幼女,零泪缘缨流。——韦应物 Return to see the young girl, zero tears edge Yingliu.

68、当时明月在,曾照彩云归。——晏几道 At that time, the moon was shining, and the clouds were shining back.

69、往事依稀浑似梦,都随风雨到心头。——巴金 The past is vaguely like a dream, all with the wind and rain to the heart.

70、德行的实现是由行为,不是由文字。——夸美纽斯 Virtue is realized by behavior, not by words.

71、思牵今夜肠应直,雨冷香魂吊书客。——李贺 I think that I should be straight tonight. The rain is cold, and my soul is hanging a bookmaker.

72、思索,譬如穿井不懈,便得清水。——朱熹 Thinking, for example, through the well unremittingly, you will get clear water.

73、惟有年时芳俦在,一例差池双剪。——梁启超 Only in the year when the couple is in, a case of double scissors.

74、想哪天干,那天就是吉日。——佚名 If you want to do it, it will be a good day.

75、成功是靠别人,不是靠自己!——陈安之 Success depends on others, not on yourself!

76、我们一定要自己帮自己。——霍普特曼 We must help ourselves.

77、我唯一的理想就是为人类服务。——戴维 My only ideal is to serve mankind.

78、我必须承认,幸运喜欢照顾勇敢的人。——达尔文 I have to admit that luck likes to take care of brave people.

79、扈跸老臣身万里,天寒来此听江声!——陆游 I'm a long-time official. I'm here to listen to the sound of the river!

80、才智英敏者,宜加浑厚学问。——曾国藩 He who is wise and wise should add great learning.

81、捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去。——陶行知 Hold a heart, don't take half a grass to go.

82、日星隐曜,山岳潜形。——范仲淹 The sun stars are hidden and the mountains are hidden.

83、明月不谙离恨苦。斜光到晓穿朱户。——晏殊 The moon does not know the bitterness of separation. Slant light to dawn wear Zhuhu.

84、春日迟迟春草绿,野棠开尽飘香玉。——李洞 The spring is slow, the grass is green, and the Wild Begonia is full of fragrant jade.

85、春风秋月不相待,倏忽朱颜变白头。——于谦 Spring wind Autumn Moon do not treat each other, suddenly Zhu Yan changed white head.

86、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。——卡莱 A wise man asks for himself, a fool asks for others.

87、机会不但会造出小偷,也会造出伟人。——佚名 Opportunity makes not only thieves, but also great men.

88、杨柳青青江水平,闻郎江上踏歌声。——刘禹锡 Willow Qingqing river level, heard the sound of singing on the Lang River.

89、楼台处处迷芳草,风雨年年怨落花。——曾 The building is full of fragrant grass, and the wind and rain complain of falling flowers every year.

90、欲把西湖比西子,淡妆浓抹总相宜。——苏轼 If you want to compare the West Lake with the West Lake, it's always appropriate to make up a little.

91、母鸡的理想不过是一把糠。——罗马尼亚 The ideal of a hen is nothing but chaff.

92、水仙欲上鲤鱼去,一夜芙蓉红泪多。——李商隐 Narcissus want to go on carp, the night lotus red tears.

93、永怀愁不寐,松月夜窗虚。——孟浩然 I can't sleep with sorrow forever. The window is empty on the night of pine moon.

94、没有真挚朋友的人,是真正孤独的人。——培根 Those who have no sincere friends are truly lonely.

95、泪眼问花花不语,乱红飞过秋千去。——欧阳修 Tears asked flowers do not speak, red flying over the swing.

96、泰山不要欺毫末,颜子无心羡老彭。——白居易 Don't deceive Mount Tai. Yan Zi has no desire to envy Lao Peng.

97、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。——王勃 There is a bosom friend in the sea.

98、渔舟逐水爱山春,两岸桃花夹古津。——王维 The fishing boat pursues the water, loves the mountain spring, both sides peach blossom clip ancient Tianjin.

99、漱冰濯雪,眇视万里一毫端。——张孝祥 Wash the ice for a moment.

100、瀚海百重波,阴山千里雪。——李世民 The vast sea is full of waves, and the mountains are covered with snow.

101、烈火试真金,逆境试强者。——塞内加 Fire tries gold, adversity tries strength.

102、爱情没有规则,也不应该有条件。——黎里 Love has no rules and conditions.

103、爱是自然流溢出来的奉献。——今道友信 Love is a natural overflow of dedication.

104、玉惨花愁出凤城,莲花楼下柳青青。——聂胜琼 Yu miserable flower sorrow out of Fengcheng, lotus downstairs Liu Qingqing.

105、玉门山嶂几千重,山北山南总是烽。——王昌龄 Yumen mountain is thousands of heavy mountains, North and South are always beacon.

106、玉骨那愁瘴雾,冰姿自有仙风。——苏轼 Jade bone that worry miasma fog, ice posture has its own fairy wind.

107、理国要道,在于公平正直。——吴兢 The essence of governing the country lies in fairness and integrity.

108、田园寥落干戈后,骨肉流离道路中。——白居易 The countryside is few, after fighting, the flesh and blood flows away from the road.

109、白日依山尽,黄河人海流。——王之涣 In the daytime, the mountains are exhausted, and the Yellow River is full of people.

110、相信自己的力量吧,我们是青年!——臧克家 Believe in your power, we are young people!

111、秋阴时晴渐向暝,变一庭凄冷。——周邦彦 Autumn overcast, sunny gradually to the dusk, a court of desolation.

112、稻根科斗行如块,田水今年一尺宽。——范成大 The rice root family is as big as a block, and the field water is one foot wide this year.

113、系我一生心,负你千行泪。——柳永 It's my whole life's heart. I'll bear you a thousand tears.

114、绿杨芳草长亭路。年少抛人容易去。——晏殊 Green poplar grass Changting road. It's easy to leave someone young.

115、绿竹含新粉,红莲落故衣。——王维 Green bamboo with new powder, red lotus off old clothes.

116、罪莫大于多欲,祸莫大于不知足。——韩婴 No sin is greater than lust, and misfortune is greater than discontent.

117、肠断春江欲尽头,杖藜徐步立芳洲。——杜甫 Heartbroken Spring River to the end, stick Chenopodium Xu Bu Li Fang Zhou.

118、自信和希望是青年的特权。——大仲马 Confidence and hope are the prerogative of youth.

119、良言一句三冬暖,恶语伤人六月寒。——增广贤文 A good word is warm in the winter, and the vicious words hurt people in June.

120、色侵书帙晚,阴过酒樽凉。——杜甫 The color invades the book late, Yin passes the wine bottle cool.

121、若得山花插满头,莫问奴归处。——严蕊 If the mountain flowers are full of flowers, don't ask where the slaves go.

122、苦雨思白日,浮云何由卷。——李白 Bitter rain thinking of the day, floating clouds from the volume.

123、草木摇杀气,星辰无光彩。——李白 Grass and trees shake the air, the stars have no luster.

124、草满池塘水满陂,山衔落日浸寒漪。——雷震 The grass is full of pond and water is full of water, and the mountain is covered with sunset and cold ripples.

125、莫惊鸥鹭,四桥尽是,老子经行处。——苏轼 Don't startle gulls and herons. There are four bridges, where Laozi goes.

126、莫骂酉时妻,一夜受孤凄。——增广贤文 Don't scold your wife at that time, and be lonely all night.

127、落花不是无情物,化作春泥更护花。——龚自珍 Falling flowers are not heartless things, but turn into spring mud to protect flowers more.

128、薄衾小枕凉天气,乍觉别离滋味。——柳永 In the cold weather, I feel parting.

129、行到水穷处,坐看云起时。——王维 Go to the poor water, sit and watch the clouds rise.

130、要向大目标走去,就得从小目标开始。——列宁 To go to big goals, you have to start with small ones.

131、要相信高贵的品质,而不要相信誓言。——梭伦 Believe in noble qualities, not oaths.

132、试上吴门窥郡郭,清明几处有新烟。——张继 Try the Wu gate, see the county Guo, Qingming several new smoke.

133、说是人生无常,却也是人生之常。——余光中 It is the impermanence of life, but it is also the constant of life.

134、读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。——郭沫若 If you don't read five drums at three o'clock, you'll only be afraid to expose yourself to the cold.

135、谁知万里客,怀古正踌蹰。——陈子昂 Who knows that thousands of miles, nostalgia is hesitating.

136、走马西来欲到天,辞家见月两回圆。——岑参 Go horse West to heaven, leave home to see the moon two round.

137、轻红流烟湿艳姿,行云飞去明星稀。——孟郊 Light red smoke wet gorgeous posture, clouds fly away, stars rare.

138、过去属于死神,未来属于你自己。——雪莱 The past belongs to death, and the future belongs to you.

139、过春社了,度帘幕中间,去年尘冷。——史达祖 Spring Club, degrees in the middle of the curtain, dust cold last year.

140、逆境中,人靠希望得救。——拜伦 In adversity, man is saved by hope.

141、那作商人妇,愁水复愁风。——李白 The merchant's wife worries about water and wind.

142、钟山抱金陵,霸气昔腾发。——李白 Zhongshan embraces Jinling, and its domineering spirit once flourished.

143、阴生古苔绿,色染秋烟碧。——李白 The ancient moss is green and the color is blue in autumn.

144、雪暗凋旗画,风多杂鼓声。——杨炯 The snow is dark, the flag is painted, and the wind is full of drums.

145、雪里已知春信至。寒梅点缀琼枝腻。——李清照 It is known in the snow that spring is coming. Cold plum embellishment qiongzhi greasy.

146、霜风渐欲作重阳,熠熠溪边野菊香。——苏轼 The frost wind gradually wants to be the double sun, shining the fragrance of wild chrysanthemum by the stream.

147、风急天高猿啸哀,渚清沙白鸟飞回。——杜甫 When the wind blows, the ape howls and mourns, and the white sand birds fly back.

148、风蒲猎猎小池塘。过雨荷花满院香。——李重元 A small pond for hunting. After the rain, the lotus is full of fragrance.

149、食为人天,农为正本。——李世民 Food is man and nature, agriculture is the original.

150、马萧萧,人去去,陇云愁。——孙光宪 Ma Xiaoxiao, people go, Longyun sorrow.