1、一天吃一头猪,不如床上打呼噜。 It's better to snore in bed than to eat a pig a day.
2、一日三枣,长生不老。 Three jujubes a day are immortal.
3、一生只要健康在,幸福快乐皆安祥。 Life as long as health, happiness are peaceful.
4、一辈子不长,把心放宽,健康第一。 Life is not long, relax the heart, health first.
5、三天吃一只羊,不如洗脚再上床。 If you eat a sheep in three days, you'd better wash your feet and go to bed.
6、不乱补,就不生病。 If you don't mend, you won't get sick.
7、不性急,就不生病。 If you are not impatient, you will not get sick.
8、不愁虑,就不生病。 If you don't worry, you won't get sick.
9、不熬夜,就不生病。 If you don't stay up late, you won't get sick.
10、不生气,就不生病。 If you don't get angry, you won't get sick.
11、不贪吃,就不生病。 If you don't eat too much, you won't get sick.
12、不闲着,就不生病。 If you don't idle, you won't get sick.
13、不随意,就不生病。 If you don't, you won't get sick.
14、人活一世,健康最重要! People live a lifetime, health is the most important!
15、人活一辈子,健康最重要! People live a lifetime, health is the most important!
16、人生一世,平安重要。 Safety is important in life.
17、人生在世,快乐是目的,健康才是第一。 In this world, happiness is the goal and health is the first.
18、人生实不易,健康乃唯一。 Life is not easy, health is the only one.
19、人老足先衰,脚寒百病生。 People's feet are old and their feet are cold.
20、人这一辈子,健康最重要。 Health is the most important thing in one's life.
21、人这一辈子,健康最重要! In this life, health is the most important!
22、健康就是幸福,活着就是幸运。 Health is happiness, living is luck.
23、健康就是金子一样的东西。 Health is like gold.
24、健康是成功的命脉,是成功的本钱。 Health is the lifeblood of success and the capital of success.
25、健康的人,未来的路更平坦宽敞。 Healthy people, the future road is more flat and spacious.
26、健康身体幸福源,饮食并非越清淡。 The source of health and happiness is not the lighter the diet.
27、健康这份礼物的价值,真的是无比贵重。 The value of the gift of health is really invaluable.
28、健康靠清醒,明白,自律,自我管理。 Health depends on soberness, understanding, self-discipline and self-management.
29、健康,是最大的财富。 Health is the greatest wealth.
30、养生在勤,养心在静。 Health is in diligence and mind is in tranquility.
31、冬吃萝卜夏吃姜,不用医生开药方。 If you eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, you don't need a prescription.
32、别管人生有多长,人生重要是健康。 Regardless of the length of life, life is important to health.
33、合理肉食营养添,防止衰老除隐患。 Reasonable meat nutrition, prevent aging, eliminate hidden dangers.
34、善待自己,健康第一。 Treat yourself well, health first.
35、夜卧不蒙首,晚饭少数口。 The night sleeps not to cover the head, the supper few mouth.
36、头对风,暖烘烘;脚对风,请郎中。 Head to the wind, warm; feet to the wind, please doctor.
37、头要凉,脚要暖,肚子要不满。 Head to cool, feet to warm, stomach to dissatisfaction.
38、好好锻炼身体,让自己健康地活着。 Exercise well and live healthily.
39、对待健康,偏见比无知更可怕! To health, prejudice is more terrible than ignorance!
40、常搓手,可健脑,防止冻疮和感冒。 Often rub hands, can strengthen the brain, prevent frostbite and cold.
41、整天赴宴的人,没有一顿饭能吃得香。 No one who goes to dinner all day can enjoy a good meal.
42、早不酒,晚不茶。 No wine, no tea.
43、有了健康,才有好的生活。 Only with health can we have a good life.
44、每天外出一次门,楼下走走多锻炼。 Go out once a day, walk downstairs and do more exercise.
45、没有健康,拥有再多其他的,都是零。 No health, no matter how much else you have, it's zero.
46、活在当下,快活重要。 Living in the present, happiness is important.
47、活着,健康最重要。 To live, health is the most important thing.
48、生命岁月里,唯健康最重要。 Health is the most important thing in life.
49、生命诚可贵,且活且珍惜。 Life is precious, and live and cherish.
50、白天多动,夜里少梦。 More activity in the day, less dream at night.
51、百病由气生,气好百病消。 All diseases come from Qi, and Qi is good and all diseases are eliminated.
52、睡前洗脚,胜吃补药。 Washing feet before bed is better than tonic.
53、睡觉不点灯,早起头不晕。 If you don't light the light when you sleep, you don't feel dizzy when you get up early.
54、睡觉莫睡巷,最毒穿堂风。 Sleep not in the lane, the most poisonous.
55、神欢体自轻,意欲凌风翔。 Shen Huan is light in body, and wants to fly in the wind.
56、若要小儿安,三分饥和寒。 If you want children's safety, three points of hunger and cold.
57、要想睡得人轻松,切莫脚朝西来头朝东。 If you want to sleep easily, don't look west and head east.
58、身体健康胜过一切,如今深有所感。 Health is better than everything. I feel it now.
59、身体健康,才是最大的*! Health is the greatest freedom!
60、透过生死,才会明白健康的重要。 Only through life and death can we understand the importance of health.
61、顺应四季:春生、夏长、秋收、冬藏。 Comply with the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn harvest, winter storage.