1、l在做着lA梦,究竟是没故禽把希望埋葬。 Who is doing whose dream, is you or I buried hope.

2、一个云淡风轻,一个念念不忘,便是最遥远的距离。 A light cloud and light breeze, a lingering memory, is the farthest distance.

3、三个人的友情,终究还是会很累。 Three people's friendship, after all, will be very tired.

4、亲爱的,我们演绎了一场没有爱情的爱情悲剧。 Honey, we played a love tragedy without love.

5、亲爱的,我们究竟怎么了,疲倦了,就想放手了。 Honey, what's wrong with us? We're tired and want to let go.

6、何必向人证明什么,生活得更好,乃是为你自己。 Why prove to others that you can live a better life for yourself.

7、你是不是太久没动过情了,人家哄你一下你便原谅了。 Have you not been in love for a long time? You will be forgiven if you are coaxed.

8、你的世界呈现出怎样的面貌,全由你自己决定。 It's up to you to decide what your world will look like.

9、别对我忽冷忽热,这样你累,我也反胃。 Don't be tired. I'm cold.

10、只要是大晴天,我的悲伤就不会在阳光下,蔓延。 As long as it is sunny, my sadness will not spread in the sun.

11、可不可以跟世界请个假,我想暂时离开一下。 Can I ask the world for a leave? I want to leave for a while.

12、后来我终于忘了你,连提起都只剩下笑意。 Later, I finally forget you, even mention are left with a smile.

13、在我怀里,你不用害怕失眠。 In my arms, you don't have to be afraid of insomnia.

14、多么悲哀,我永远也不能把握你的方向。 How sad, I can never grasp your direction.

15、失望积累太多,渐渐形成绝望。 Disappointment accumulates too much and grows into despair.

16、如果我不在你身边,你被别人拐走了怎么办? What if I'm not with you and you've been abducted?

17、如果时间可以倒流,我选择一开始就放弃。 If time can be reversed, I choose to give up at the beginning.

18、当你喜欢上一个人时,总就是会觉得自己哪里都不好。 When you like someone, you always feel that you are not good anywhere.

19、心情不好的时候,连周围的笑声都觉得讨厌。 When I'm in a bad mood, I even hate the laughter around me.

20、悲伤,就像仙人掌外表的坚强,内心的柔软。 Sadness, like cactus appearance of strong, soft heart.

21、感情不是轰轰烈烈的誓言,而是经得起平淡的流年。 Love is not a vigorous oath, but can withstand the plain fleeting time.

22、我不难过,我不会让看我笑话的坏人得逞。 I'm not sad. I won't let the bad guys who watch my jokes succeed.

23、我们总在最不懂爱情的年代,遇见最美好的爱情。 We always meet the best love when we don't understand love.

24、我在梦里失去你,却真的感到痛。 I lost you in my dream, but I really feel pain.

25、我怕冷却爱上了雪,我怕痛却爱上了你。 I am afraid of cooling in love with snow, I am afraid of pain but fall in love with you.

26、我早已当过无数人的路人,多你一个也没有关系。 I've been a passer-by for a long time. It doesn't matter if you are more than one.

27、我是有多不好啊,掏心掏肺都抵不上她一个微笑。 I am how bad ah, out of the heart and lung are not worth her smile.

28、我真的很累,却装作没疲惫。 I'm really tired, but I don't pretend to be tired.

29、所有的爱都可以生生掐掉,只要你足够绝望。 All love can be pinched out as long as you are desperate enough.

30、时间总会过去的,让时间流走你的烦恼吧! Time will always pass, let time flow away your troubles!

31、最痛苦的真相,也好过最甜蜜的谎言。 The most painful truth is better than the sweetest lie.

32、每个人的心里都藏着一个,不属于自我的人。 In everyone's heart there is a person who does not belong to himself.

33、沉默不是不说话,只是不想说话。 Silence is not silence, just don't want to talk.

34、没有人能够感同身受,即使你描述的多么动人。 No one can feel it, even if you describe it so moving.

35、流年诉说不尽我们的悲伤,我们的故事,终成遗憾。 Fleeting time can not tell us our sorrow, our story, finally become regret.

36、灿烂晴空和阴霾岁月的混沌年少,我也拥有过。 I have also had the chaotic youth of sunny days and haze years.

37、现在的我终于明白,成长是需要付出代价的。 Now I finally understand that growth needs to pay a price.

38、疲乏了以后,可能连眼泪都干涩,连情话都痛彻。 Tired, may even tears are dry, even love words are painful.

39、看我不爽的人,给您心里添堵,我真是舒坦。 It's really comfortable to see people who are not happy with me and give you a lot of trouble.

40、突然很想回忆,记忆中已有的别离。 Suddenly want to recall, the memory of parting.

41、童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。 The fairy tale is over, forgetting is happiness.

42、笑到终于哭出来,哭到终于笑出来。 Laugh until you finally cry, cry until you finally laugh.

43、等待一个人的转身,因为,他给我带来的是整片天空。 Waiting for a person to turn around, because he brought me the whole sky.

44、记忆如果成了碎片,那是因为里面全部都摆满了心痛。 If memory becomes a fragment, it is because it is full of heartache.

45、说不离开的是你,后来一声不吭调头走的也是你。 It's you who say you can't leave, and then you turn around without saying a word.

46、走过的路,追过的风,你是我再没可能完成的梦。 Through the road, after the wind, you are my dream that I can never complete.

47、这世间,本就是寒来暑往,日出日落,人聚了又散。 This world, this is the cold and summer, sunrise and sunset, people gathered and scattered.

48、这个世界,看你笑话的人,永远比在乎你的多。 In this world, people who see your jokes are always more than those who care about you.

49、错的就是我们,不要总就是把事丢给那可悲的爱情。 Wrong is us, do not always throw things to that sad love.

50、风吹散了故事,大雨封了路,远方的人忘了归途。 The wind dispersed the story, the heavy rain blocked the road, people from afar forgot the way back.