2、不要丢失童真,那是你年轻的资本! Don't lose childlike innocence, is that your young capital! Love is not my reason, but I have no capital emotions.
3、人家说,做梦是年轻人的权利, The somebody else say, dream is a young man's rights, youth is capital, the so-called great oaks grow from little acorns.
4、人材,*是世界上所有宝贵的资本中最宝贵最有决定意义的资本。 The talent, the cadre is the world's most precious of all precious capital decided to capital.
5、今天的坚持,就是明天成功的资本。 Today's insist, is the capital of success tomorrow.
6、*与资本最大的区别就是,资本可以创造财富,而*不创造财富,只掠夺果实。 System and capital is the biggest difference, capital can create wealth, and the system does not create wealth, only plundered the fruit.上一页12下一页
7、你有你的资本威胁我,我也有我的资本踩踏你。 You have your capital threatening me, I also have my capital stamp on you.
8、你能做的,只是努力拥有足够资本支撑自己的未来,可以随心而行。 You can do, just to have enough capital to support their own future, you can.
9、别把我的容忍,当作骄傲的资本! Don't put my tolerance, as the proud capital!
10、别说自己没有资本,我就是你任性的资本。 Don't say you don't have the capital, I am your wayward capital.
11、善良是需要资本的,在没有资本之前,能做的就是让自己强大。 Kindness is need capital, before there is no capital, can do is to make yourself stronger.
12、女人应该有一点清高的资本,这资本源于自己。 Women should have a lofty capital, the capital comes from yourself.
13、学习就是资本,资本可以在找工作的时候插队。 Learning is the capital and capital can jump the queue when looking for a job.
14、市场经济不等于资本主义,*也有市场。 Market economy is not equal to capitalism, socialism market.
15、平行地剥削劳动力,是资本的首要的*。 Parallel to the exploitation of labor, is the capital of the first human rights.
16、年轻就是资本,输也要输得漂亮。 Young is capital, lose will lose beautiful.
17、年轻是一种资本,但是不努力同样没有资本! Young is a kind of capital, but there is no capital don't work hard also!
18、当你要求别人这样那样的时候,想想你有什么资本。 When you ask someone to such and such, think about what is the capital.
19、想要任性,就得有任性的资本,要是没有资本,你拿什么任性! Want to capricious, you have to have a wayward capital, without capital, you take what headstrong!
20、我没有多少资本,可是现在我有青春的资本。 I don't have much capital, but nowI have a capital of youth.
21、我没有靠山,自己就是山!我没有天下,自己打天下!我没有资本,自己赚资本! I don't have a backer, was himself a mountain! I don't have the world, their farmland. I have no capital, make capital of yourself!
22、无论有没有资本狂妄,在这个年代狂妄本身就是一种资本。 With or without capital arrogance, arrogance itself is a kind of capital in the s.
23、时间夺去了我们轻狂的眼神,却给了我们嘴角上扬的资本。 Time taken away our frivolous look in the eyes, but gave us the corners of the capital.
24、每个人都有的资本:干涉自己。每个人都没有的资本:干涩别人。 Everyone has some capital: interference. Everyone no capital: dry and others.
25、没有资本,只能拼尽全力! No capital, do our best!
26、活给别人看,需要资本;活给自己看,这是根本! Live to others look, need capital; Live for yourself, this is the ultimate!
27、演说家的资本就在极端的多情和纯粹的热情之中。 Speaker capital is in the extreme affectionate and pure passion.
28、炫耀,那也是需要资本的,没有资本你凭什么炫耀。 Show off, it is also need capital, no capital you with what to show off.
29、自信需要资本,而自信就是资本。 Confidence needed capital, and confidence is capital.
30、良好的健康状况和由之而来的愉快的情绪是幸福的最好资本。 Good health and by the happy mood is the best capital of happiness.
31、过去有资本什么也不奢望,现在什么都想要却没了资本。 What also don't entertain wild hope, the past have capital now want everything but not the capital.
32、金钱是爱情的基础,也是**的资本。 Money is the foundation of love, is also the capital of the war.
33、除了聪明没有别的财产的人,时间是唯一的资本。 In addition to no other property of the wise, time is the only capital.
34、青春是资本,不过不是你放纵的资本。 Youth is capital, but not your indulgence of capital.