1、一个人的世界里有太多无奈和牵挂。 There is too much frustration in a person's world.

2、一恍惚,物是人非,当初的已改变。 In a trance, the material is not, the original has changed.

3、上线是一种期待,隐身是一种等待。 Go online is a kind of anticipation, invisibility is a kind of waiting.

4、不就任何人满意,只求对得起自己。 If you are not satisfied with anyone, just look up to yourself.

5、不识货,半世苦;不识人,一世苦。 Unlearned, half-life; He that knows no man, is bitter.

6、与其留恋过去,不如尝试新的生活。 Instead of dwelling on the past, try a new life.

7、为了他,我丢了曾经,也丢了现在。 For him, I lost and lost.

8、人家的墙倒了,不推也是一种善良。 Other people's wall is inverted, not push also is a kind of kindness.

9、人生到处知何似?应似飞鸿踏雪泥。 What do you know about life? It should be like a flying chum.

10、人生处处是伏笔,难免爱过一傻逼。 Life is full of foreshadowing, inevitably love a fool.

11、人苦;苦在心里。人累;累在心上。 Bitter; Pain in the heart. People tired; I'm tired.上一页12下一页

12、你到底是哪里好,让我这般忘不掉。 What is it that you are so good that I can't forget.

13、你绝情,我断义,从此直线永平行。 You are desperate, I am broken, the line is always parallel.

14、你说爱我不会变,我眼角湿成一片。 You say love I won't change, my eyes are wet.

15、俄以孤独的姿态在时光里放逐自己。 Russia banishment itself in time alone.

16、倒转了沙漏,不见得可以改写春秋。 It is not possible to rewrite the spring and autumn period by reversing the hourglass.

17、别感动我,然后头也不回的离开我。 Don't touch me, then leave me without my head.

18、到底欠了你什么,做梦都让我难过。 What I owe you, dreaming makes me sad.

19、千金难买早知道,万金难买后悔药。 A thousand gold is never bought, but a repenting is hard to buy.

20、单曲循环,其实听的是自己的心情。 The single cycle, in fact, listen to your own mood.

21、取次花丛懒回顾,半缘修道半缘君。 Take the flower bush lazy review, half of the road half of the road.

22、只是小伤口、我还可以装作无所谓。 Just a small cut, I can pretend that it doesn't matter.

23、同样都是自来水,装你妈的纯净啊! The same is the tap water, the purity of your mother!

24、善与爱增进情感,恶与憎产生仇恨。 Good and love increase emotion, hate and hate.

25、因为爱你,所以我愿意用命来陪你。 Because I love you, I will be willing to accompany you.

26、多想走着走着,你就牵起了我的手。 If you want to walk, you will take my hand.

27、奉献使心灵富有,创造让人生美丽。 Dedication makes the heart rich and creates the beauty of life.

28、女人真正的幸福,爱情购物回娘家。 A woman's true happiness, love shopping back home.

29、如果有来生,我依然选择与你相遇。 If there is a future life, I still choose to meet you.

30、如果要别人诚信,首先要自己诚信。 If you want others to be honest, first you have to be honest.

31、姐妹,有你,是我此生最大的荣幸! Sister, have you, is the greatest honor of my life!

32、存在就是合理,合理的也都要存在。 Existence is reasonable and reasonable.

33、宝、今生就要在一起。不要下辈子。 Treasure, this life will be together. Don't live your life.

34、将生命承担不起的难过,放手给我! Life can't afford the sad, let me go!

35、屋漏偏逢连夜雨,迟到总遇大堵车。 The room missed the rain, and was always stuck in traffic.

36、带上你虚伪的面具,滚出我的世界。 Take your mask of hypocrisy, get out of my world.

37、幸福越与人共享,它的价值越增加。 Happiness is Shared with others, and its value increases.

38、引人进步的是,让人毁灭的是贪欲。 What is making progress is that what is destroying is greed.

39、当你停止尝试时,就是失败的时候。 When you stop trying, you fail.

40、心脏不好心眼好,气色不行气质行。 The heart is not good, the air is not good.

41、心若没有了归宿,到哪里都是流浪。 If the heart doesn't have a home, it's a stray.

42、总是有种错觉1种我爱上你的错觉。 There's always an illusion that I'm in love with you.

43、想要的东西自己买,别指望别人送。 If you want something you want, don't expect it.

44、我不打你,你就不知道我文武双全。 If I don't beat you, you won't know I'm a warrior.

45、我们之间的爱,不到天荒就到地老。 The love between us is not until the end of the day.

46、我努力,我坚持,我就一定能成功。 I try, I insist, I will succeed.

47、我听说,一次原谅会换来两次背叛。 I've heard that forgiveness is a double betrayal.

48、我愿用整个世界,只换你一个拥抱。 I would like to use the whole world, just for you a hug.

49、我是如此想你,甚至想到无法呼吸。 I miss you so much, I even think I can't breathe. Youth to small wine table, drunk to sleep is to drink.

50、我是*的,那就是我迷失的原因。 I am free, and that is why I am lost.

51、我的不主动联系,弄丢了许多的人。 I didn't actively contact and lost a lot of people.

52、我的世界很小, My world issmall and you can't get lost anywhere.

53、我的心情,是文字无法意会的伤痕。 My mood, is the letter can not feel the scar.

54、把最坏的一面,留给了最亲戚的人。 Leave the worst side to the most relatives.

55、拼凑不全的过去,风花雪月的未来。 Cobbled together the past, the future of wind and snow.

56、摸摸自己的心脏,告诉它不要勉强。 Touch your heart and tell it not to force it.

57、无法理喻的爱情,没有结局的你我。 Unreasonable love, you who have no ending.

58、是狼练好你的牙,是狗练好你的嘴。 It is the Wolf who practices your teeth. It is the dog that practices your mouth.

59、最后,你是你,我是我,回到终点。 Finally, you are you, I am me, back to the end.

60、最爱你的方式、就是让你找到所爱。 The way to love you is to find your love.

61、没有人可以让你输,除非你不想赢。 No one can make you lose unless you don't want to win.

62、热恋的人是*,失恋的人是诗人。 The man who is in love is a fool, the lovelorn man is a poet.

63、爱上内心萌动时,偏在擦身而过后。 Fall in love with the stirs of the heart.

64、爱到竭尽全力,剩下的就一无所有。 Love makes the best of everything, the rest has nothing.

65、爱的最高境界是经得起平淡的流年。 The highest state of love is a flowing year.

66、生活并不完美,但并不代表它不美。 Life isn't perfect, but it doesn't mean it's not beautiful.

67、睁开眼我看不到你,闭上眼全是你。 Open your eyes I can't see you, close your eyes are you.

68、社会没有遮天树,只有一物降一物。 Society has no shade trees, only one thing.

69、窗外寂寞的小雨,屋内感性的人儿。 The lonely little rain outside the window, the sensual people inside.

70、给不起我永远的人,就算是我不好。 You can't give me forever, even if I'm not good.

71、给你倾城的温柔,恋我半世的流离。 Give you the gentleness of the city, love my half-life displacement.

72、聪明反被聪明误,人生难得糊涂哦。 Wisdom is the wrong thing, but life is hard.

73、自卑心最伤害自己,是最大的障碍。 The greatest obstacle is the self-inferiority.

74、良人怎奈变凉人,旧城之下念旧人。 The good man is a cold man, but the old city is old.

75、该孤单时候孤单,该寂寞时候寂寞。 It's time to be alone and lonely.

76、请在我爱上你之前,离开我的世界。 Please leave my world before I fall in love with you.

77、谢谢你的好心敷衍,让我累累伤痕。 Thank you for your kind perfunctory, let me bruise.

78、贫而懒惰乃真穷,贱而无志乃真贱。 Poverty and laziness are poor, and cheap and unambitious.


80、非亲友谊须当敬,是亲不亲少动情。 Non - friendly friendship should be respected, it is kiss not to love less.
