1、上帝赐予我们青春,也赐予我们青春痘。 God gives us youth and gives us acne.
2、不属于自己的东西,紧握在手里,只会弄痛了自己。 Do not belong to your own things, clenched inthe hand, will only hurt yourself.
3、不是因为你,我也不会变成这样一个患得患失的神经病。 Not because of you, I will not be such a worry about personal gains and losses.
4、不能放弃就继续喜欢吧,至少不会空荡不安。 Do not give up and continue to like it, at least not empty.
5、世界那么大,无论爱情还是友情,得攒多少缘分才能在一起。 The world is so big, no matter love or friendship, how many fate you have to save together.
6、为什么爸妈总是不怎么喜欢玩手机,因为最爱的人就在身边。 Why parents don't always like to play with mobile phones, because the most loved ones are around.
7、乐观而灿烂的笑容不仅愉悦自己,也快乐着身边的每一个人。 An optimistic and brilliant smile not only pleasures himself, but also happy with everyone around him.
8、习惯了一个人的生活,就不再喜欢二个人的世界。 When you get used to one's life, you don't like the world of two people.
9、人生没有彩排,每一天都是现场直播。 There is no rehearsal in life, and every day is live.
10、众里寻她千百度,嫣然回首,那人对我不屑一顾。 Hard to find, sweet look back, that person told me a contemptuous disregard.
11、你何必着急放手,等失落攒够我就走。 Why are you anxious to let go, so I went to save lost.
12、你告诉我,承诺是一辈子的,但你做到了你的承诺了么? You told me that the promise was a lifetime, but did you make your promise?
13、你扬唇一笑,转身离去。而我,泣不成声。 You smile on your lips and turn away. And I cry.
14、你的眼睛真美,可我的眼睛更美,因为有你。 Your eyes are beautiful, but my eyes are more beautiful because of you.
15、你说你会永远陪着我,却让我感到更加寂寞。 You say you'll always be with me, but it makes me feel more lonely.
16、其实我一直没变,只不过会带上了伪装。 In fact, I've never changed, but I'm just going to take a disguise.
17、别让憾清去伎配思想、哪洋、咏远只能做一个流泪的废物。 Do not let the regret go to the idea, which ocean, chanting can only be a weeping waste.
18、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,无法预知明天。 Don't say who you love most, life is long, you can't predict tomorrow.
19、制造一切不是巧合的巧合、只为那次擦肩而过。 It is not a coincidence to make all coincidences, only for that time.
20、只有面对陌生的人我才能敞开心扉,因为至少他不认识我。 Only in the face of strangers can I open my heart, for at least he does not know me.
21、在你选择伤害我的那一刻,给你所有特权都就此失效。 The moment you choose to hurt me, all the privileges are lost.
22、在没遇到那个对的人之前,谁都是一个送行者。 No one is a traveler before he meets the right person.
23、在知道你们过得很好时,我为什么还会那样难过。 Why would I be so sorry when I knew you were doing well.
24、在黑夜中你拉不住我的手,何必在天亮了就说爱我。 You can't hold my hand in the night, why love me in the light of the day.
25、夜深后,感触总是特别多,总是特别想你。 After the night, the feelings are always very much, always think of you.
26、如果照镜子要上税,恐怕有些女人会破产。 If the mirror to tax, I am afraid that some women will go bankrupt.
27、将思念放在深处,用笑容把它掩埋,用时光把它磨灭。 Put the missing in the deep, bury it with a smile, and wear it out with time.
28、当努力一次次的落空后,我还拿什么来坚持下去。 When I work hard and again, what will I hold for?
29、心痛第一次是撕心裂肺,第二次是顺其自然。 The first time in heart pain is to tear the heart into the lungs, and the second time is to take its course.
30、怎么一句话都不说,就这样选择把爱埋葬起来。 No words can be said, so we choose to bury love.
31、总在不经意的年生,回首彼岸,纵然发现光景绵长。 Always in the inadvertent year of life, look back the other side, even though the sightis long.
32、情到深处生死相随,爱到恨时难收覆水。 In the depths of love, life and death follow, love to hate hard to cover water.
33、感谢伤害你的人,因为他磨炼了你的心志! Thanks to the person who hurts you, because he has tempered your mind!
34、我们别吵了,没有任何意义,又不可能分手。 We don't fight, no meaning, but could not break up.
35、我只是比好人坏一点,比坏人好一点罢了。 I'm just a bit worse than a good man, better than a bad guy.上一页12下一页
36、我小心翼翼的呵护我们的爱情, I carefully care for our love, but you still leave.
37、我就是这样不善言辞的人,却总是想和你废话连篇。 I was such a talkative person, but always want to talk downright nonsense and you.
38、我弱小的心灵,承受不了你狂风暴雨般的爱。 My weak heart can not bear the love of your storm.
39、我想真爱,是不断的割舍自己,来满足对方的空虚。 I think the true love, is constantly to cut back to meet the other side's emptiness.
40、我用一生幸福做赌注,你怎么舍的让我输。 I use my life happiness as a bet, how do you let me lose.
41、我用尽一生一世的擦肩而过,换来的是你今世的回眸。 I have gone through all my life in exchange for the return of your present age.
42、我要变得多么坚强,才能承受这世态炎凉。 I want to become so strong, it can withstand the fickleness of the world.
43、我见过千万人,像你的发,像你的眼,却不是你的脸。 I have seen thousands of people, like your hair, like your eyes, but not your face.
44、我,不怕路太远找不到终点,就怕两个世界画不成一个圆。 I cannot find the end point, but the two world is a circle.
45、所有的过去都早已随风而逝,青春到底是挽不回的流水。 All the past has long gone with the wind, the youth is in the end is not redeem water.
46、无论做什么,记得为自己而做,那就毫无怨言。 No matter what you do and remember to do it for yourself, there is no complaint.
47、时间可以证明很多、唯独不能证明你爱我。 Time can prove a lot, only can't prove that you love me.
48、明明说要放弃,眼泪和本能却和理智在抗拒。 It is clear to say to give up, tears and instincts are resisted to reason.
49、明知道我们不会有结果,可我就是放不下。 It's clear that we won't have a result, but I just can't let it go.
50、是你的永远都是你的,不是你的永远也不会是你的。 It is yours forever, not yours nor yours forever.
51、最低的程度就是你笑了我也跟着你笑了。 The lowest level is that you laugh and I laugh with you.
52、最深爱的,未必最适合自己,最适合自己的,未必最深爱。 The most love, not the most suitable for themselves, the most suitable for their own, not necessarily the deepest love.
53、有些难以启齿的柔弱,只能自己慢慢把握。 Some of the difficult and weak, can only slowly grasp.
54、本以为那是单纯的爱情,其实背后早有阴谋。 I thought it was simple love, but in fact, there was a conspiracy behind it.
55、梦醒了,我们也该结束这场本不应该存在的爱情。 We wake up, and we should end the love that we shouldn't exist.
56、此时此刻,我不想带着对你感情去开始我的下一段感情。 At this moment, I don't want to start my next relationship with your feelings.
57、注定爱上你,你的心不属于我,是否可以再爱我一次。 Doomed to fall in love with you, your heart does not belong to me, whether you can love me again.
58、烛火借微风,对窗轻摇动。竟夜长开眼,行云空摆弄。 By candlelight breeze, the window light shake. All night long with empty eyes, clouds.
59、爱情不是竞赛,不是考试,尽了力也没有用。 Love is not a competition, it is not a test, it doesn't work as well as it is.
60、爱情就是女从当妈照顾儿子到男当爹惯女儿。 Love is a woman who takes care of her son from being a mother to a male father.
61、爱是一种病,我赶上了;你是我的药,我上瘾了。 Love is a disease, I catch up; you are my medicine, I am addicted.
62、现在用嘴巴说的人多了,用行动证明的人少了。 There are many people who use their mouth now, and there are fewer people who use action to prove them.
63、生活坏到一定程度就会好起来的,因为它无法更坏。 Life is bad to a certain extent, because it can't be worse.
64、生活的舞台,不是每一面都精彩,而是要发现精彩的那一面。 The stage of life, not every side of the wonderful, but to find the wonderful side.
65、用眼泪来征服你会让我自己看不起自己。 To conquer you with tears will let myself look down on myself.
66、白马啊,你死去哪了!是不是你把王子弄丢了不敢来见我了。 White horse, where did you die! Don't you lose the prince and dare not come to see me.
67、简单地活着,其他人可能只是简单地生活。 Living simply, others may just live simply.
68、能得到的安慰,是失恋者得救后很感激忠诚的狗。 The comfort that you can get is the dog who is grateful to the faithful after the lovelorn gets saved.
69、认识自己的无知是认识世界的最可靠的方法。 Knowing your own ignorance is the most reliable way to know the world.
70、谈情时梦话太多不知丑,美梦到最尾觉醒便够。 Talk about something too much not ugly, dream to the tail awakening it is enough.
71、谣言这种事就像狐臭一样,一旦沾上了就没法抹干净。 The rumor is like a fox odor, and once it's stuck, it can't be wiped out.
72、都勇敢这么久了,怕什么,最痛不过亡心。 All brave for so long, fear what, the most painful but dead heart.
73、青春岁月里有太多杂色,没有谁一路走过来还是纯白。 There are too many colors in the years of youth, and no one walks through it or is pure white.
74、靠着别人给的快乐好累,从今以后,自己的快乐要自己给。 Depending on the joy of others, from now on, your own happiness is to be given to yourself.