1、一个人知道自己为了什么活着,他就能忍受任何一种生活。 A man knows what he is living for, and he can endure any kind of life.

2、一个人知道自己为什么而活,就可以忍受任何一种生活。 A person who knows why he lives can endure any kind of life.

3、一切美好的事物都是曲折地接近自己的目标,一切笔直都是骗人的。 All good things are twists and turns close to their goals, all straight are deceptive.

4、一棵树要长得更高,接受更多的光明,那么它的根就必须更深入黑暗。 If a tree wants to grow higher and accept more light, its roots must go deeper into the dark.

5、一段不幸的婚姻不是缺乏爱,而是缺乏友谊。 An unfortunate marriage is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship.

6、不相信自己的人总是在说谎。 People who don't believe in themselves are always lying.

7、与恶龙缠斗过久,自身亦成为恶龙。凝视深渊过久,深渊将回以凝视。 He has been fighting with the dragon for a long time, and he becomes a dragon himself. Gaze into the abyss for too long, and the abyss will gaze back.

8、习惯使我们双手机巧,使头脑笨拙。 Habit makes us skillful in our hands and clumsy in our minds.

9、人之所以伟大乃是因他是一个桥梁,而不是一个目标。 Man is great because he is a bridge, not a goal.

10、人之所以伟大,是因为他是一座桥梁,而非目的。 Man is great because he is a bridge, not an end.

11、人可以控制行为,却不能约束感情,因为感情是变化无常的。 People can control their behavior, but they can't control their emotions, because emotions are changeable.

12、人是一根绳索,驾于超人与禽兽之间。 Man is a rope, driving between Superman and beast.

13、人是必须要被超越的东西。 Man is something that must be transcended.

14、人生是一面镜子,我们梦寐以求的第一件事情就是,从中辨认出自己。 Life is a mirror, the first thing we dream of is to recognize ourselves.

15、人稍许成熟之后,便开始热爱真正的东西与真理的意味深长之处。 After a little mature, people begin to love the real things and the meaning of truth.

16、人类的生命不能以时间长短来衡量,心中充满爱时,刹那即为永恒。 Human life can not be measured by the length of time. When the heart is full of love, it is eternal in a moment.

17、他们把水搅混,以使其看上去更深。 They mix the water to make it look deeper.

18、伟人对我毫无意义,我只欣赏自己理想中的明星。 Great people are meaningless to me. I only appreciate my ideal stars.

19、假使有神,我怎能忍受我不是那神,所以没有神! If there is a God, how can I bear that I am not that God, so there is no God!

20、克服一种感情的意志,最终只是另一种感情或另外若干种感情的意志。 The will to overcome one emotion is ultimately the will of another emotion or several other feelings.

21、其他人的虚荣心只有在和我们的虚荣心相反时,才会令我们反感。 Other people's vanity only makes us disgusted when they are opposite to our vanity.

22、其实人跟树一样,越是往高处走,它的根就越要伸向黑暗的地底。 In fact, the more people go up the height like trees, the more its roots will reach the dark ground.

23、别理会!让他们去唏嘘!夺取吧!我请你只管夺取! Don't mind! Let them go and sigh! Take it! I ask you to take it!

24、只有极少数人能保持独立:保持独立是强者的特权。 Only a few can remain independent: it is the privilege of the strong.

25、在认识一切事物之后,人才能认识自己,因为事物仅仅是人的界限。 After knowing everything, people can know themselves, because things are only the boundaries of human beings.

26、女人忘记如何妩媚动人的速度越快,学会憎恨他人的速度也就越快。 The faster a woman forgets how to be charming, the faster she learns to hate others.

27、如果我未能引燃自己、发出光热,又如何能掩没炙阳留下的痕迹? If I can't ignite myself and emit light and heat, how can I hide the traces left by the sun?

28、如果没有音乐,生活就是一个错误。 Without music, life is a mistake.

29、婚姻不幸福,不是因为缺乏爱,而是因为缺乏友谊。 Marriage is not happy, not because of the lack of love, but because of the lack of friendship.

30、存在的内心如果不是站在人的立场,便不向人类说话。 If the inner being is not in the position of human beings, it will not speak to human beings.

31、对别人从不索取,始终给予;习惯这样的人就体现出无意的高贵。 Never ask for others, always give; People who are used to it show their own nobility.

32、对真理而言,信服比流言更危险。 To truth, faith is more dangerous than gossip.

33、希望是万恶之首,它不断延长着人们的痛苦。 Hope is the first of all evils, it continues to prolong people's suffering.

34、当你凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。 When you gaze at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you.

35、当你开始埋怨自己,憎恨他人的时候,这是提醒你休息的信号。 When you start to blame yourself and hate others, it's a signal to rest.

36、当你远远凝视深渊时,深渊也在凝视你。 When you gaze far into the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

37、当心!他一沉思,就立即准备好了一个谎言。 watch out! As soon as he pondered, he immediately prepared a lie.

38、当灵魂缺乏施与之心时,那就是退化的开始。 When the soul lacks the heart of giving, it is the beginning of degradation.

39、必须学会出淤泥而不染,万不得已时用污水洗净自己。 We must learn how to get rid of the mud and wash ourselves with sewage as a last resort.

40、思想是我们感情的影子总是更黑暗,更空虚,也更单调。 Thought is that the shadow of our feelings is always darker, emptier and monotonous.

41、成熟不过是个性被磨去了棱角,变得世故而圆滑了。 Maturity is just that personality is polished away from the corner, and becomes sophisticated and smooth.

42、我们走得太快,是该停下来等等自己的灵魂了。 We're going too fast. It's time to stop and wait for our souls.

43、我们飞的越高,我们在那些不能飞的人眼中的形象就越渺小。 The higher we fly, the smaller our image in the eyes of those who cannot fly.

44、我感到难过,不是因为你欺骗了我,而是因为我再也不能相信你了。 I feel sad, not because you deceived me, but because I can no longer believe you.

45、我是太阳,因为我只想给予,不想获得,所以我有无限的能量。 I am the sun, because I just want to give, not to get, so I have unlimited energy.

46、我生活在一个不属于我的时代里,所以我是悲伤的。 I live in an era that doesn't belong to me, so I am sad.

47、我钟爱肯定未来而救赎过去的人,因为他愿为眼前的人效劳。 I love those who affirm the future and redeem the past, because they are willing to serve the people in front of them.

48、所有的不朽,不过是个比喻而已!不过是诗人们的花言巧语。 All immortality is just a metaphor! It's just the rhetoric of poets.

49、最好的作者,是那羞于成为作家的人。 The best author is the one who is ashamed to be a writer.

50、最好让你身上的恶魔长大!那于你也未尝不是一条通达伟大的道路。 Better let the devil grow up in you! It's a great way for you.

51、每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是对生命的辜负。 Every day without dancing is a disappointment to life.

52、没有哪个胜利者信仰机遇。 No winner believes in opportunity.

53、生命没有了音乐,就如同是一场错误。 Life without music is like a mistake.

54、白昼之光,岂知夜色之深。 The light of day knows the depth of night.

55、眼睛太靠近,我看不清自己。 My eyes are so close that I can't see myself clearly.

56、自从我厌倦了寻找,便学会了找到。 I've learned to find since I'm tired of looking.

57、*的保证是什么?是对自己不再感到羞耻。 What is the guarantee of freedom? It's about not being ashamed of yourself anymore.

58、表面看起来是合理的有长处的东西,弄清其根源很重要。 It seems reasonable to have something of merit on the surface, and it is important to understand the root cause.

59、迟到的青春是持久的青春。 Late youth is a lasting youth.

60、那些不能杀死我的,将会使我更强。 Those who can't kill me will make me stronger.