1、一个人除非自己有信心,否则带给别人信心。 A person unless their confidence, otherwise bring confidence to others。

2、一切伟大的行动和思想,都有一个微不足道的开始。 All great actions and thoughts, all have a insignificant beginning。


4、世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。 There is no desperate situation, only people with a slough of despond。

5、人生舞台的大幕随时都可能拉开,关键是你愿意表演,还是选择躲避。 Stage of the life should be open at any moment, the key is you willing to performance, still choose to avoid。

6、伟人之所以伟大,是因为他与别人共处逆境时,别人失去了信心,他却下决心实现自己的目标。 Great men are great, because he adversity coexistence with others, others lost confidence, he was determined to achieve their goals。上一页12下一页 Don't wait for opportunity, but to create opportunities。

7、你努力不一定会成功,但你不努力一定会失败。 Your efforts will not necessarily succeed, but you don't work hard will fail。

8、你可以选择这样的“三心二意”:信心、恒心、决心;创意、乐意。 You can choose how "half-hearted" : confidence, perseverance, determination; Originality, love to。

9、做决定之前仔细考虑,一旦作了决定就要勇往直前、坚持到底。 Consider carefully before you make a decision, once made the decision to go forward, stick to it。

10、努力就是光,成功就是影。没有光哪儿来影? Effort is light, success is the shadow。 Where no light shadow?

11、勤奋是你生命的密码,能译出你一部壮丽的史诗。 Diligence is the password of your life, can translate you a magnificent epic。

12、勤奋的含义是今天的热血,而不是明天的决心,后天的保证。 Diligence means that today's blood, ratherthan resolve tomorrow, the day after tomorrow。

13、即使道路坎坷不平,车轮也要前进;即使江河波涛汹涌,船只也航行。 Even if the bumpy road, the wheels also advance; Even choppy rivers, the ships navigation。

14、只有不断找寻机会的人才会及时把握机会。 Only by constantly look for opportunities will timely grasp the opportunity。

15、在劳力上劳心,是一切发明之母。事事在劳力上劳心,变可得事物之真理。 I come on labor, is the mother of all invention。 Everything come on labor, getting to the truth of things。

16、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。 In real life, each pile great begins with confidence, and the confidence to make the first move。

17、坚韧是成功的一大要素,只要在门上敲得够久、够大声,终会把人唤醒的。 Tenacity is a key factors to success, as long as you knock on the door long enough and loud enough, someone will answer it。

18、奋斗的双脚在踏碎自己的温床时,却开拓了一条创造之路。 A hotbed of struggling legs crushed on her, has opened up a road to create。

19、奋斗者在汗水汇集的江河里, Striver in sweat river, will cause the boat sailed to the other side of the ideal。

20、如果圆规的两只脚都动,永远也画不出一个圆。 If the compass feet are still, forever also could not draw a circle。

21、山不辞土,故能成其高;海不辞水,故能成其深! High mountain to soil, so it; Sea water care, deep because it!

22、山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。 Mountain stream of spring water through all the twists and turns, just sing a wonderful song。

23、山路不象坦途那样匍匐在人们足下。 Mountain is not people like royal road creeping in the first step。

24、山路曲折盘旋,但毕竟朝着顶峰延伸。 Mountain roadtwists and turns, but after all, extending toward the summit。

25、忙于采集的蜜蜂,无暇在人前高谈阔论。 Bees are busy collecting, too busy to talk in front of people。

26、成功的人是跟别人学习经验,失败的人只跟自己学习经验。 Successful people are learning experiences with other people, people with their own learning experience failure。

27、成功的法则极为简单,但简单并不代表容易。 The law of success is very simple, but simple doesn't mean easy。

28、拥有梦想只是一种智力,实现梦想才是一种能力。 Dream is a kind of intelligence, realize the dream is a kind of ability。

29、挫折其实就是迈向成功所应缴的学费。 Frustration is success should pay tuition fees。

30、撒进奋斗的沃土,一滴汗珠就是一颗孕育希望的良种。 Into fertile ground for struggle, sweat is a prospective seeds。

31、攀登山顶的脚力,生于“欲穷千里目”的壮心和“不到长城非好汉”的意志。 Climb the top of the mountain foot stronger, was born in hero "wants poor li mu" and will "not a true man unless he comes to the Great Wall"。

32、智者一切求自己,愚者一切求他人。 All the wise for himself, a fool all for others。

33、有压力,但不会被压垮;迷茫,但永不绝望。 Have pressure, but will not be overwhelmed; Lost, but never despair。

34、有志者自有千计万计,无志者只感千难万难。 Aspirants have thousands thousands, no minds only feeling extremely difficult。

35、根儿向纵深处延伸一寸,小树被狂风推倒的危险就减弱了一分。 Ribs extending an inch deep to find, young trees by the wind down the more dangerous the weakened。

36、桂冠上的飘带,不是用天才纤维捻制而成的,而是用痛苦,磨难的丝缕纺织出来的。 The ribbon on the crown, not with a genius as fiber twist, but with pain and suffering of silk textile strands。

37、每一个成功者都有一个开始。勇于开始,才能找到成功的路。 Every successful person has a start。 Start bravely to find a successful way。

38、每一发奋努力的背后,必有加倍的赏赐。 Behind each strenuously, there will be a double reward。

39、沙漠里的脚印很快就消逝了。一支支奋进歌却在跋涉者的心中长久激荡。 The footprints of the desert soon gone。 The individual endeavour song but in the heart of wayfarers agitate for a long time。

40、没有一种不通过蔑视、忍受和奋斗就可以征服的命运。 No one without contempt, endurance and struggle to conquer fate。

41、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。 No spark of a pearl, is to rely on others to apply。

42、没有激流就称不上勇进,没有山峰则谈不上攀登。 No approaching in the torrent is not, no peaks are not climb。

43、没有风浪,便没有勇敢的弄潮儿;没有荆棘,也没有不屈的开拓者。 No wind, no brave wet; No thorns, no surrender of Portland。

44、理想是指路明灯。没有理想,就没有坚定的方向,而没有方向,就没有生活。 Ideal is the beacon。 Without ideal, there is no secure direction, without direction, there is no life。

45、盆景秀木正因为被人溺爱,才破灭了成为栋梁之材的梦。 Bonsai show wood because of being spoiled, shattered become useful to our dream。

46、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。 Cause a positive life, positive thinking negative thoughts lead negative life。

47、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 Through the sea of hone, smooth pebble became more beautiful。

48、美丽的蓝图,落在懒汉手里,也不过是一页废纸。 Beautiful blueprint, fall at the hand of idlers, but also is a sheet of paper。

49、耕耘者最信和过自己的汗水,每一滴都孕育着一颗希望的种子。 The ploughman's faith and their own sweat, every drop of gestates a seed of hope。

50、能把在面前行走的机会抓住的人,十有八九都会成功。 To walk in front of the opportunity to grasp, nine times out of ten will be successful。

51、莫找借口失败,只找理由成功。 Don't find excuses for failure, only to find grounds for success。

52、蝴蝶如要在百花园里得到飞舞的欢乐,那首先得忍受与蛹决裂的痛苦。 The joy of the butterflies fly to in the garden, it had to endure the pain of the pupa break first。

53、行动是成功的阶梯,行动越多,登得越高。 Action is the ladder of success, the more, the higher the。

54、跑昨越快,遇到风的阻力越大。阻力与成就相伴随。 The faster the run yesterday, in the greater the wind resistance。 Consistent with achievement resistance。

55、路灯经过一夜的努力,才无愧地领受第一缕晨光的抚慰。 Street light through the efforts of the night, only clear conscience to receive the comfort of the first morning light。

56、运气永远不可能持续一辈子,能帮助你持续一辈子的东西只有你个人的能力。 Luck cannot last forever, forever will help you only your personal ability to last a lifetime。

57、遇到困难不低头,要迎难而上。 Difficulties do not bow, to reload。

58、驾驭命运的舵是奋斗。不抱有一丝幻想,不放弃一点机会,不停止一日努力。 Control the fate of the rudder is a struggle。 Don't have a fantasy, not giving up a chance, don't stop the day efforts。

59、骄傲,是断了引线的风筝,稍纵即逝;自卑,是剪了双翼的飞鸟,难上青天。这两者都是成才的大忌。 Proud, be broken kite lead, fleeting; Inferiority, is cut the wings of birds, hard to move on。 Both are the big fear of success。
