1、一个人若想能够控制他人,必然要先能够控制自己。对这个规则,对任何事情都能适用。 If a person want to able to control others, must first to be able to control myself. For this rule,for anything can apply.

2、一直觉得人与人交往,都是每一个规则与规则的碰撞,然而多数人都不愿消磨自己所建立的世界。 Have always felt that man is to man is every rules and the rules of the collision, however, most people are reluctant to spend their established world.

3、不想遵守规则,就去改变规则。 Don't want to follow the rules, go and change the rules.

4、不要盲目服从规则,要学会自己创造规则。 Don't blindly obey the rules, learn to create your own rules.

5、与其抱怨规则,不如利用规则。 Rather than complaining about the rules, using rules.

6、人们不仇视潜规则,人们只仇视对自己不利的潜规则。 People don't hate hidden rules, people only hatred against their rules.

7、人类很大程度上,都是希望别人能够遵守规则,而自己不用遵守规则的。 To a large extent, human beings are all want to be able to follow the rules, and don't have to follow the rules.

8、人都是这样,规则之内的人嫉妒规则之外的人。 People are such, people envy rules within the rules.

9、以规则之名,行规则之事,走规则既定之道路,无所畏惧! In the name of the rules, the rules of the line, walks road of the rule set, fearless!

10、你有你的规则,我有我的选择。 You have your rules, I have my choice.

11、你知道么?如果这件事让我得到了什么教训,那就是我们必须遵守游戏规则。 Do you know? If this matter let me get what lesson, that is what we must abide by the rules of the game.

12、你知道左手牵右手的规则吗?不,你不知道,因为那是潜规则。 Do you know the rules of the left hand holding the right hand? No, you don't know, because it is hidden rules.

13、只有不懂规则的人就会依照着规则走。懂规则的人,他们跳着走。 Only people who do not know the rules will be in accordance with the rules. Know the rules, they jump to walk.

14、只有了解规则,才能更好的利用规则。 Only understand the rules, can better use of the rules.

15、商业模式就是自己制定游戏规则,不要照着别人的游戏规则玩。 Business model is formulated the rules of the game, do not play according to the rules of the game of others.

16、在这个世界上有很多规则,不能打破规则的话,那就利用规则。 In this world there are a lot of rules, can't break the rules, then make use of the rules.

17、在这个巨变的时代,想要活下来,要么变得和他们一样,要么变强规则别人而不被别人规则。 In this era of change, want to survive, or become like them, either stronger rules and not others.

18、如果你所遵循的规则把你带到这里,那么这个规则又有什么用呢? If you follow the rules of what brought you here, so what's the use of this rule?

19、建立规则也同时代表了不*,*伴随着不安,人类用不*换取了建立规则的安心感。 Establish rules also represents not freedom, with anxiety, human with no freedom for the established rules of comfortable feeling.

20、弱者适应规则:智者不受规则:强者创造规则。 To adapt to the rules of the weak: a wise man is not subject to the rules: the strong create rules.

21、强者制定规则,弱者困守规则,勇者破坏规则,智者游戏规则。 Set rules for the strong, the weak bound rules, a brave man rule breaking, the wise rules of the game.

22、所谓的规则,不过是大多数人的认同。世上那有规则,认同的人多了便成了规则。 The so-called rules, but is most people's attention. Many rules that exist, and identity became the rule.

23、每块土地上都有所谓超越规则的强权, Each land are beyond the power of the rules of the so-called rules, existence significance lies in the constraints, the weak.

24、每块土地上都有所谓超越规则的强权,而弱者在规则面前永远是被践踏的那一个。 Has beyond the so-called rules of each land power, and the weak is always in front of the rules that a trampled.

25、比起制定规则的人而言,我更加厌恶那些不带丝毫怀疑就遵守规则的人! Rather than making the rules, I more hate those who follow the rules without a doubt in!

26、游戏本来并没有规则,所有的游戏规则都是王者所设立。 The game had no rules, all the rules of the game is set up by the king.

27、潜规则这个东西,当有利于自己的时候,就是个可爱的规则。 Hidden rules this stuff, when their benefit, is a lovely rules.

28、爱的规则,就是没有规则;创造幸福的画面,没有规则。 The rules of love, is that there is no rule; Create happiness, no rules.

29、被动,是一种礼貌,还是游走规则边缘?To change the rules of the world, must adapt to the rules of the world.


31、规则是一回事,底线是另一回事,规则可以改变一个人,但如果连底线都没有了,就什么都没有了。 Rules is one thing, the bottom line is another matter, rules can change a person, but if doesn't even have the bottom line, is nothing.上一页12下一页 Passive, it is a kind of polite, or travel rules edge?

32、规则是人定的,但规则是用来打破的。 We make the rules, but rules are made to be broken.

33、规则是死的,领悟是活的;规则将成为一种禁锢,领悟将给你无垠的天空。 Rules is dead, and comprehension is alive; Rules will become a kind of im*ment, understanding will give you the infinite sky.

34、规则,是用来让你们学会经验。而经验值则是让你们拿来打破规则的。 Rules, is to let you learn to experience. The experience value is let you to break the rules.

35、质疑这世界上存在的所有规则,才能建立其自己心中的规则,这是成长的一个信号。 Questions that exist in the world all the rules, to set up its own rules of the heart, this is a signal of growth.

36、越简单的东西,越是难于对付,譬如规则极其简单的围棋,就比规则复杂的象棋难下得多。 The more simple, the more difficult to deal with, such as rules, extremely simple go, is more complicated than the rules of chess is much more difficult.

37、这个世界里没有什么规则,就算有,那也是由我创造的。 This world there is no rule, if any, that are created by me.

38、这个世界,从来都是由强者制定游戏规则,如果想要保护自己在乎的人,就只有变得更强。 The world, has always been formulated by the strong rules of the game, if you want to protect their people, will only get stronger.
