1、**中没有*可言,只有绝对的*,要使用武力达到目的。 There is no democracy in war, only absolute *, the use of force to achieve the purpose of.

2、**也许是用武器打的,但是是由人来取胜的。是领导和跟随的人的精神取得了胜利。 The war may be fought with weapons, but by men. It is the spirit of the people who lead and follow.

3、**是人类最壮观的竞赛!战斗中强者胜,弱者亡。 War is the most spectacular race of human beings! In the battle, the strong and the weak die.

4、**是我的全部所需。 War is all I need.

5、**是执行一种简单的**,体现在书面上是极为苍白和毫无**的。 War is the execution of a simple violence, written in the form of a very pale and devoid of passion.

6、**是简单,干脆,无情的,因此需要一个既简单有无情的人把**进行到底。 The war is simple, simple, ruthless, and therefore requires a simple and ruthless person to carry out the war in the end.

7、**是门艺术,这并不是由固定公式推出的受感情支配的解释。 War is an art, and it is not an emotional interpretation of a fixed formula.

8、一品脱的汗水可以挽救一加仑的鲜血。 A pint of sweat can save a gallon of blood.

9、不对上一级的军官发号施令,以为自以为是的参谋官向以为师长鼓吹他的观点的场面是最令人恶心的。 Not on the level of the officers thought the staff officer opinionated issue orders left and right, to think teachers advocate his view of the scene is the most disgusting.

10、不能以本色示人的人成不了大器。 A man who can not show his true colors can not become a big man.

11、不让敌人进攻你的办法就是你去进攻他,不停的向他进攻。 The only way to keep the enemy from attacking you is to attack him.

12、不让敌人进攻你的方法就是去进攻他,不停地向他去进攻。 The only way to keep the enemy from attacking you is to attack him and keep attacking him.

13、人生若无值得牺牲之事,犹如白活一场。 If life is not worth the sacrifice, as if the white live.

14、什么是战略?战略就是让你手下的一个狗娘养的,要他去夺取一个地方。如果他做不到,就把它撤掉! What is strategy? The strategy is to let a son you have raised, asked him to take a place. If he can't do it, just take it out!

15、从没有人成功守住任何东西,只有进攻,进攻再进攻 No one has ever succeeded in holding anything, only attack, attack and attack

16、伟人之所以伟大,最突出的特点就是效忠于他们的下属。 The greatest characteristic of great men istheir allegiance to their subordinates.

17、伟人之所以伟大,最突出的特点是他们效忠于他们的下属。 The greatest characteristic of great men is their loyalty to their subordinates.

18、作为一个热爱军人生活的人,要说这些话可能听起来有点愚蠢,但我的确认为军队不司军人应该待的地方。 It might sound silly to be a soldier of life, but I'm sure it's a place where the army doesn't deserve to be.

19、你想要具有某种特殊才能的热切愿望取决于你的性格与抱负。 Your desire for a special talent depends on your character and ambition.

20、假如每一个人的想法都一样,那么就必定有人没有想。 If everyone has the same idea, then there must be some people do not want to.

21、军人与战斗是不可分的,作为一名军人,我为自己所从事的这项事业饿而自豪。 The soldiers and the fighting are not divided, as a soldier, I am engaged in the cause of the hungry and proud.

22、军人也是一个公民,实际上公民的最高义务和权利就是拿起武器保卫祖国。 The military is also a citizen, in fact, the ultimate obligation and rights of citizens is to take up arms to defend the motherland.

23、勇敢的人只要尚存一线希望就不会被击垮。 A brave man will not be crushed as long as there is a glimmer of hope.

24、勇气是一种智慧,也是**能够取胜的重要因素。 Courage is a kind of wisdom, is also an important factor in the victory of the war.

25、只有在国家利益高于个人利益的年代里,人类才能进步,个人英雄主义是一种腐败论。 Only in the national interest above personal interests in the human to progress, personal heroism is a kind of corruption.

26、只要有老兵做酵母,就可以发出一个师的面娃娃来。 As long as there are veterans to do yeast, you can send a division of the doll face.

27、可能有人认为我是个梦想家,但我相信,我不是。 Some people may think that I'm a dreamer, but I believe that I am not.

28、在军队中服过役的人是堂堂正正的人。 Served in the armed forces of the people is a dignified and imposing man.

29、在这周围,似乎只有我才是真正享受这该死的**的乐趣的人。 It seems like I'm the only one who really enjoys the damn war.上一页12下一页

30、士兵,作为公民,有义务为过效力,无论他得到的回报是什么,那都是一份纯洁的礼物。 A soldier, as a citizen, has a duty to be a force, and whatever the reward he receives, it is a pure gift.

31、如果没有仗可打,那么无论我从事何种职业都无关紧要了,以为除了做一名军人,我什么也不会。 If there is no fight, then no matter what career I do not matter, that in addition to being a soldier, I will not.

32、就是因为军队中缺少受过训练的专家 It is because of the lack of trained specialists in the army that the blood of the soldiers, the tears of our people, is lost.

33、当下激烈地执行的好决策,胜过下周的一个完美决策。 A good decision to execute now is better than a perfect decision next week.

34、成功的士兵有两种。一种人出人头地是因为恭顺,另一种人是因为个性,我属于后者。 There are two successful soldiers. One is because the rise head and shoulders above others another person is humble, because I belong to the latter character.

35、成功的士兵有两种,一种出人头地是以为恭顺,而另一种人是以为个性,我属于后者。 The soldiers have two kinds, one is that the humble and rise head and shoulders above others, another is that personality, I belong to the latter.

36、成功的将军常常是让自己的计划适应环境,而不是让环境适应自己的计划。 Successful generals often adapt their plans to the environment, not the environment.

37、我不想享乐,只想成功。我宁愿辛勤工作一百年去赢得一场**,也不愿碌碌无为地活一千年。 I don't want to be happy. I just want to be successful. I prefer working hard for one hundred years to win a war, rather than something to live for one thousand years.

38、我从来就不在乎是否和别人一样。 I don't care if I'm like anyone else.

39、我们不关心**的起因,这是**家们的事,而且理由总是正当的。 We don't care about the cause of the war, it's the politicians, and the reason is always right.

40、我们正规军是本着冒险的精神和真正的愿望为国效力的,对他们来说津贴是次要的。 Our regular army is based on the spirit of adventure and the true desire to serve the country.

41、我们的教育把死亡说成极其**的事情是不对的。死亡没什么大不了,是很容易把握的。 It is wrong for our education to say that death is a terrible thing. Death is no big deal, it's easy to grasp.

42、我宁愿当一名荣获优异服务十字勋章的少尉,也不愿当一个没有优异服务十字勋章的将军。 I would rather be a won the Distinguished Service Cross Second Lieutenant, rather than when a distinguished service cross general.

43、我对为了赢得**而去到处乞求总是深感恼怒。 I'm always angry about begging for the war.

44、我最大的遗憾是没有在**结束的那一刹那被干掉,这让我觉得很不爽。否则,我在你们眼中将更完美了! My biggest regret is that I didn't get killed at the end of the war. Otherwise, I will be more perfect in your eyes!

45、我热爱**,工作和振奋人心的事。和平对我来说,是一座地狱。 I love war, work and exciting things. Peace is a hell for me.

46、我经常受命于危难之际,但是通过我的迅雷不及掩耳的手段和铁血作风,尝尝化险为夷,踏荆棘如坦途。 I often was in danger, but through my lightning means and the style, taste like smooth foot thorns change danger into safety.

47、没有一种机器能够比操纵机器的人更伟大。 No machine can be more powerful than a machine.

48、没有哪个杂种会因为誓死卫国赢得一场**。他通过让别的可怜的傻杂种为国捐躯来获胜。 No bastard because of the death of Wei won a war. He is by making the other poor silly bastard die to win.

49、没经历过**的人没有资格评价** Those who have not experienced the war are not eligible for the war

50、珍惜传统、喜欢刺激和渴望荣誉。如果你拿走了这三种东西,生活还有什么意义呢? Cherish tradition, love excitement and desire for honor. If you take these three things, what is the meaning of life?

51、经历过流血,流汗,痛苦,为国家效力的人才会真正的感到他是国家的一部分,他是爱国的。 The man who has suffered through bloodshed, sweating, pain, and the power of his country will truly feel that he is a part of the country.

52、美国人对失败者从不宽恕。美国人蔑视懦夫。美国人既然参赛,就要赢。我对那种输了还笑的人嗤之以鼻。 Americans never forgive losers. Americans despise cowards. Since Americans compete, they have to win. I win people to sniff at that.

53、胜利不是仅凭自己愿意牺牲就能赢得的,更重要的是怎样让敌人为自己的祖国牺牲。 Victory is not earned only by the sacrifice of its own, but more importantly, by the enemy's sacrifice for his country.

54、要么跟随我,要么引领我,不然就给我滚 Either follow me or lead me, or you'll get me

55、要记住,敌人也和你们一样害怕,可能比你们更害怕。 Remember, the enemy is just as scared as you are, perhaps more afraid than you.

56、让自己的国家永存,哪怕牺牲生命。 Let your country live forever, even if it's life.

57、许多人失败的原因不在于为人所知而在于默默无闻。 The reason why many people fail is not known but in obscurity.

58、赢得**的方法就是打败敌人。 The way to win the war is to defeat the enemy.

59、这里有太多的嫉妒,仇恨,恶毒和所有的无情,让他们都见鬼去吧,他们有同伙,我自有我的命。 There's too much jealousy, hatred, evil, and all the evil, let them all go to hell, they have friends, I have my life.

60、高喊人人平等的人不是*就是骗子。 Shouting equality is not a fool is a liar.
