1、一个简单的情字,葬送了多少人的青春年华。 A simple love, ruined many youth.

2、一直都拖着空空的壳在游走,掩埋了内心深处细小A苦诉。 Always dragging the empty shell in the deep buried, fine affliction.

3、不同于他的对待,你给的温柔犹在。 Unlike his treatment, the tenderness you gave in.

4、不要分开就说对对错错,不要死皮脸皮情绪有多难过。 Don't leave that for right and wrong, don't have much sad mood of dead skin.

5、不要那么相信自己的回忆,里面那个人,不一定同样想念你。 Don't believe in your memory, that person, not necessarily the same miss you.

6、世界那么大,我走的太远了,心太累了。可是却无能为力,我拯救不了自己。 The world is so big, I go too far, the heart is too tired. But I can't save myself.

7、为挚爱的人,在左边心口保留位置,是最幸福的事。 For the love of the people, retain the position on the left chest, is the most happy thing.

8、也许因为太过孤独,就连爱你也是我一意孤行。 Maybe because too lonely, even I also love you persist in wilfully and arbitrarily.

9、人生如同一张纸,纸上谱写人生A只有莪们自己。 Life is like a piece of paper, paper write our own life only.

10、你不用特别漂亮,不用特别温柔,你可以生气,可以无聊,可以发脾气,因为我喜欢。 You don't have to be very beautiful, you can be angry, you can be bored, you can get angry, because I like it.

11、你就像阳光,照进我心里阴霾的地方、刺痛了忧伤。 You are like the sunshine, according to the place of my heart, the pain, the pain.

12、你给我的幸福,我会永远记在心里。 You give me happiness, I will always remember in my heart.

13、你要你的快乐,你选择你的选择,我只是个陪你疯了一场短暂狂欢的过客。 You want your happiness, you choose your choice, I just accompany you crazy a brief Carnival of the passing.

14、你要相信,相信我们会像童话故事里,青蛙和恐龙是结局。 You have to believe, believe that we will be like a fairy tale, the frog and the dinosaur is the end.

15、你骂我傻,然后红了眼眶。 You call me stupid, and then red eyes.

16、偶然向你发个脾气,是想知道我在你心里位置。 You have a bad temper, I want to know where I am in your heart.

17、其实所有人的青春,都差不多吧,梦一场,哭一场。 In fact, all of the youth, are almost the same, a dream, crying.

18、其实酒不醉人,只是在喝的时候想起了那不堪的过去。 In fact, the wine does not intoxicate, just drink it remembered that unbearable past.

19、再也不跟异性玩了,搞不好在别人嘴里成了打情骂俏。 Don't play with the opposite sex, not in others mouth was in love.

20、删了你,还是会查找资料偷看你的信息。 Delete you, or will find information to peek at your information.

21、原来最爱的人,也会在某一天爱上别的人。 The original love, will be in a day to love someone else.

22、只要我的父母健在,兄弟不散,爱人不走,其他都可以去他妈的。 As long as my parents are still alive, the brothers do not come loose, love does not go, the other can go to hell.

23、可不可以有一个人,可以看穿我的逞强,保护我的脆弱。 Can a person that can see through me to be brave, to protect my fragile.

24、吃醋是因为喜欢,生气是因为在乎,发呆是因为想念,伤心是因为不想失去。 Jealous because of love, anger is because I care about, in a daze because miss, sad is because they don't want to lose.

25、因为爱情不会轻易悲伤,所以一切都是幸福的模样。 Because love will not easily sad, so everything is the appearance of happiness.

26、在你心里,是不是有那么一个人你永远不会再提,却永远不会忘。 In your heart, is not a person you will never mention, but will never forget.

27、她是左撇子,我们吃饭都可以手牵手!She is left-handed, we have a meal can hand in hand!

28、好久不见的我们,想问候都觉得尴尬。 Long time no see, we want to greet all feel embarrassed.

29、如果你要问我,我对你的感觉:我在乎你!如果非要在这感觉加上一个形容词,那就是:我只在乎你! If you want to ask me, I feel for you: I care about you! If you have to add an adjective to this feeling, it is: I only care about you!

30、如果有一天你走进我的心,里面全是泪,都是你给的。 If one day you come into my heart, it is full of tears, you give.

31、宁愿做过了后悔,也不要错过了后悔。 Would rather do regret, also don't miss regret.

32、对于你的好,我会忖量。你的不佳,我抉择哑忍。 For you, I will miss. Your poor, I choose to dumb.

33、并不是每个女孩都可以像凡蒂尼的早餐里的赫本,经历那么多欺骗浮夸,回过头,依然有个爱她的人她。 Not every girl can like Fantini's breakfast in Hepburn, experienced so much deception exaggerated, back, still have a person who loved her in her.上一页12下一页 I miss you, but you have to the fatal.

34、幸福其实真的很简单:有人爱;有事做;有所期待。 Happiness is actually very simple: some people love; something to do; to look forward to.

35、当掉的浅色寂语、你开了一家收购店、等来了遗忘的海角天光。 When out of the silence - light, you opened a shop to buy, to forget the cape.

36、很想问你,有没有一首歌、你在唱时,会想起我。 I would like to ask you if there is a song, you sing, will think of me.

37、想你已经养成习惯!爱你已经不能改变!所以我决定和你永远。 Think you have a habit! Love you can not change! So I decided to be with you forever.

38、想知道我的成功秘诀吗?其实很简单,只有八个字——没有搞不定的女人。 Do you want to know the secret of my success? In fact, very simple, only eight words - no one can not make up the woman.

39、我不会挽留任何一个企图离开我的人。 I won't keep any one of the people who tried to leave me.

40、我不想用离开的方式让你懂得什么是珍惜。 I don't want to let you know what is to be cherished by the way you leave.

41、我从不奢望所谓的天长地久,只希望你能陪我手牵手一直走。 I never thought the so-called enduring as the universe, only hope you can accompany me to go hand in hand.

42、我们总在不断的记住忘记我们的人,而被我们忘记的人却也在纪念着我们。 We always remember to forget our people, and the people we forget are also in memory of us.

43、我只是想对你说我有一颗爱你的心,这已足以。 I just want to say to you I have a love your heart, this is enough.

44、我已习惯了寂寞,或者说,我已经习惯了一个人的*。 I have been used to loneliness, or, I have been accustomed to a person's freedom.


46、我想有一天,你在做饭,我在捣乱。 I want to have a day when you're cooking, I'm making trouble.

47、我是你无奈的选择,却不是多么爱的人,只怪他下手太残忍。 I am your helpless choice, but not how to love the people, only blame him to start too cruel.

48、我暗恋的人昨天换了发型,我顿时觉得我变心了。 I crush yesterday for the hair, I suddenly feel that I change.

49、我没有倾城容貌,我没有万贯家财,我有的,只不过是一腔孤勇。 I have no little face, I have no I have, but the vast wealth, is a cavity solitary yong.

50、我爱你,可是我不敢说,我怕说了我会死掉,我不怕死,我怕我死了再也没有人像我一样的爱你。 I love you, but I can not say, I am afraid that I will die, I am not afraid of death, I am afraid I died no one like me love you.

51、或许我是累了,不想再让自己疼痛了。 Maybe I'm tired, I don't want to let my pain.

52、拿出勇气来面对,怕输就别下注,怕被甩就别恋爱。 Take the courage to face, afraid of losing, do not bet, afraid of being thrown on the other not to fall in love.

53、接受现实是克服任何不幸的第一步;唯有面对现实,你才能超越现实。 Accepting the reality is the first step to overcome any adversity; only in the face of reality, you can transcend the reality.

54、旧情复燃的结果只有一个,就是重蹈覆辙。 Love only one result, that is.

55、曾经以为,拥有是不容易的;后来才知道,原来舍弃更难。 Once thought, it is not easy to have it, and later to know that it is more difficult to abandon.

56、有些人很久不联系,却可能比天天都见面的某些人更亲近。 Some people do not contact for a long time, it may be more close to some of the people who meet each day.

57、有时候我可以看得很淡然,有时候我又执着得有些不堪。 Sometimes I can see very indifferent, sometimes I also attached some unbearable.

58、有时候,坚持了你最不想干的事情之后,便可得到你最想要的东西。 Sometimes, when you don't want to do it, you can get what you want.

59、有的时候不给对方或者自己一个开口的机会,最终可能让你们离幸福越来越远。 Sometimes not give each other or the opportunity to open their own, and eventually you may let you get away from happiness.

60、有许多人的陪伴,却都不是我心中的那个人。 There are many people who are not in my heart.

61、有那么一瞬间,我还是愿意相信你是喜欢我的。 For a moment, I still want to believe you like me.

62、沉浸在时间里,记忆也被割摔A一片一片。 Immersed in time, memory was also cut a piece of the fall.

63、温馨提示,请顾好吃自己碗里的饭,别打人家碗里的主意。 Warm tips, please attend to their own bowl of rice, do not hit people's minds.

64、照片里的微笑,你知不知道你对我来说有多么的重要。 Smile in the photo, you know how important you are to me.

65、爱情就像一部影片,影片结束时,所以人都会散去。 Love is like a film, the film is over, so people will be dispersed.

66、爱情是会变的,谁要是不相信这句话,谁就得付出不相信这句话的代价。 Love is who will change, who will not believe this sentence, who would have to pay the price of this sentence.

67、现在的我,就算你站在我身边,也感觉不到我的存在。 Now I, even if you stand by my side, also feel my existence.

68、生活不是单行线,一条路不通,你可以转弯。 Life is not a one-way street, a road is not unreasonable, you can turn.

69、看你的网名一次次改变,就连换个英文的我也要去翻译下。 See your network name change, even for a time in English I also want to go to translation.

70、看着你离去的背影,我只好沉默,我只能选择沉默。 Watching you leave the back, I had no choice but to silence, I can only choose silence.

71、突然发现,除了我,周围的每一个朋友过的都很幸福。 Suddenly found that, except me, every friend around the very happy.

72、第一次听到你对我说“我爱你”,我的世界一瞬间鲜花绽开。 You say "I love you" I heard it for the first time, my world blossoms.

73、绝望,不想让身边的人难过 Despair, do not want to let people around the sad, but it is the end of the injury of all people.

74、被爱是奢侈的幸福,可惜你从来不在乎。 Being loved is a luxury, but you never care.

75、谁又能明白谁的深爱,谁又能理解谁的离开。 Who can understand who's deep love, who can understand who left.

76、这世上什么都是假的,对自己好点。 What is false in this world, good for yourself.

77、都说牛郎和织女是最痛苦的,一年只会一天。我说他们其实是最幸福的!有谁364天都被思念着。 Said the cowboy and the weaver girl is the most painful, only one day a year. I said they were the happiest! Who has been missing for 364 days.

78、金叹的梦想,是让车恩尚成为他的全世界。 Kim sighed dream, is to let the car become his Eun sang all over the world.

79、错的是我们,不要总是把事丢给那可悲的爱情。 Wrong is us, don't always put things to the sad love.

80、除了爱情之外,你自己必须拥有使你坚强站在大地上的东西。 In addition to love, you have to have something that makes you stand on the ground.
