1、一个人总是仰望和羡慕别人的幸福,一回头发现自己也被别人羡慕和仰望。 A person always look up to and envy other people's happiness, a look back to find themselves and others envy and look at.

2、一个人的寂寞俩个人的错,有错是有错,就看谁能先承认错。 A person's loneliness is a person's fault, it is wrong to see who can first admit the wrong.

3、一个人,永远只是一个人,还有影子陪着自己。 A person, always just a person, with the shadow to accompany with oneself.

4、一句对不起,让我们的爱败给了时间,输给了距离。 Sorry, let our love lost time, lost to the distance.

5、一段感情能给你带来多大痛苦,就曾给你带来过多大快乐。 A feeling can bring you much pain, you have to bring too much happiness.

6、一辈子就像一场戏,太快乐,太悲伤,都是因为活得太入戏。 Life is like a play, too happy, too sad, because live too into play.

7、不想去到永远那么远,只想呆在你附近这么近。 Don't want to go to forever so far, just want to stay near you so near.

8、不要为了负责而去结婚。要知道,不爱对方却和对方结婚是最不负责的。即使当时让对方很伤心,但是总比让他几年甚至一辈子伤心强。 Don't get married in order to be in charge. Want to know, do not love each other but and the other is the most not responsible for marriage. Even when the other very sad, but the total than to let him a few years or even a lifetime sad.

9、不要将我扯入你的生命里,又把我遍体鳞伤的扔出来。 Don't pulled me into your life, then I covered all over with cuts and bruises thrown out.

10、不要说自己交友的条件有多高,缘分到了,你想逃也逃不了。 Do not say that the conditions of their friends are much higher, the fate of the, you want to escape can not escape.

11、不要跟我说对不起,因为我们没关系。 Don't say sorry to me, because we have no relationship.

12、不见得我有多爱你,我只是厌倦了寻觅。 Not necessarily how much I love you, I'm just tired of looking for.

13、为爱情而吵架,常以欢乐的谐音而结束。 Fight for love, often with joyful homophonic end.

14、从不曾想过有一天,我会变得如此淡然,不再疯狂。 Never thought that one day, I will become so indifferent, not crazy.

15、你怎如此狠心,让我对你充满恨。 How are you so cruel, let me full of hate for you.

16、你有没有那么一瞬间,心疼过我的执着。 Do you have such a moment, love my dedication.

17、你若能给我一生不变的爱恋,我定能给你不离不弃的陪伴。 If you can give me love forever, I will give you never abandon.

18、其实最好的日子,无非是你在闹他在笑,如此温暖过一生。 In fact, the best days, nothing more than you make him in a smile, so warm life.

19、凡世的喧嚣和明亮,世俗的快乐和幸福,如同清亮的溪涧,在风里,在我眼前,汨汨而过,温暖如同泉水一样涌出来,我没有奢望,我只要你快乐,不要哀伤。 All the noise and bright, worldly pleasure and happiness, like a clear stream, in the wind, in my eyes, Mimi and over, as warm as spring water pouring out, I did not expect, I want you to be happy, not sad.上一页12下一页

20、单身不可怕,可怕的是连喜欢的人都没有,甚至是去喜欢人的心气儿都没有。 The single is not terrible, terrible is even love people who are not, even to love people without heart.

21、合适的鞋,只有脚知道,合适的人,只有心知道,走千条路,只一条适合,遇万般人,得一人足够。 The right shoes, only the feet know the right people, only the heart knows, walk thousands of road, only a suitable case, all people, a man enough.

22、在大家面前,即使是自己错了,也只能硬着脸皮,笑下去。 In front of everyone, even if they are wrong, only hard face, smile.

23、在我的生命中,我需要的是有人让我觉得被爱着,而不是被利用了。 In my life, I need someone to make me feel loved, not to be used.

24、女生随便的一句没事,殊不知背后隐藏着多少的无奈和辛酸。 Girls casual a nothing, but hidden behind the number of helpless and bitter.

25、如无法笑着遗忘,请允许自己哭着怀念。 If you can't smile, let yourself cry.

26、宁愿假装洒脱,也不愿卑微的苛求。 Would rather pretend easy, rather than humble demanding.

27、小心眼,嫉妒心,仇恨,报复,女人的伎俩不过如此,你要施展没关系,关系的是你别被人发现。 Take care, jealousy, hatred, revenge, revenge, women's tactics, but so, you have to display no relationship, the relationship is that you don't be found.

28、就算你一身污秽如刺猬亦有我伸手拥抱无忌违,就算你一世诋毁如废铁亦有我陪伴守护无忌违。 Even if you have a dirty as I reach out and embrace the hedgehog Mowgli against, even if your life as I have to accompany the slander scrap Mowgli against the guardian.

29、往往幸福的爱情,常常需要第三者的证明。 Often happy love, often need to prove that the third.

30、很多事情就是这样,只要它存在,就永远都避不去。 A lot of things are just like this, so long as it exists, it will never go away.

31、总有一天,你会发现,我不是谁都能替代的,无论是友情还是爱情。 One day, you will find that I am not a substitute for, whether it is friendship or love.

32、想我的时候,我就会出现在你左胸第四根肋骨往里一寸的地方。 When you think of me, I will appear in your left chest fourth ribs to one inch of place.

33、感觉寂寞,只是因为你无所关注,无处付出。 Feel lonely, just because you do not pay attention, no place to pay.

34、我不喜欢主动联系别人,但绝不是不在乎。 I don't like to take the initiative to contact others, but not to care.

35、我们经历磨难,是为了更好地安慰他人。 We have experienced hardships in order to better comfort others.

36、我应该过一些精致的生活,毕竟骨子里还是一个喜欢浪漫的姑娘。 I should have some exquisite life, after all, bones or a romantic love girl.

37、我想牵着你的手,一直走,逃离这颗星球。 I want to hold your hand, always go, to escape from this planet.

38、我深爱的少年,我把我的梦我最纯粹的感情,都拿去爱了你。 I love the young, I put my dream my most pure feelings, they take love you.

39、我的语录是人是铁,饭是钢,一顿不吃饿得慌。 My quotation is the person is iron, rice is a steel, do not eat a meal hungry.

40、我说我爱你,那是一种深入骨髓的习惯。 I said I love you, it is a well ingrained habit.

41、所有爱着的人,爱过的人,都做着同一件事,犯贱。 All love, loved the people, are doing the same thing.

42、把我们的故事刻在被风化的山墙上、路人看到的时候哭了。 When we see the story carved in the weathered Gables, passers-by cry.

43、抬头,只是不想眼泪流下低头,只是温柔的突显。 Look up, just do not want to tear down the flow of the lower, just a gentle highlight.

44、放弃也是一种幸福,因为知道自己真正的爱过一场,哭过几次,最后把自己弄的伤痕累累,然后在潇洒的放弃。 Give up is also a kind of happiness, because I know that I really loved one, cried a few times, and finally get the scars, and then give up.

45、时间比死亡更加**。热恋比分手更加痛苦。 Time is more horrible than death. Love is more painful than breaking up.

46、明明喜欢的是你,却还要装作无关痛痒的开你和别人的玩笑。 I love you, but also pretending to open to you and others of no importance.

47、是否我放你走,你就幸福了。 If I let you go, you will be happy.

48、有些话,我一说出来就后悔了 Some words, I said it will regret, but can not recover.

49、有时候心灵有些空洞,有点点心疼的时候。 Sometimes the heart is a bit empty, a little bit of love.

50、有没有那么一个人,肯为我而活? Is there such a person, willing to live for me?

51、每一次量体重,轻了就对自己说:瘦了。重了就对自己说:胸部大了。 Each time the amount of weight, light said to himself: thin. Weight on their own, said: big chest.

52、每个人心底最柔软的地方都深藏着一个人,那个曾经情到深处,却终究没得到的人。 Each person in the bottom of my heart the most soft place is hidden a person, that once the feeling to the deep, but after all the people who didn't get.

53、每时每分每秒,相依偎到海枯石烂;每年每月每天,牵起手到天荒地老。 Every minute of every hour, close to the end; each day of the year, holding hands until the end of time.

54、没有丢过东西的人,永远不会了解失去的感觉。 Never lose the feeling of losing the person who has never lost.

55、没有星星的夜空,一切就好像轮回般朦胧。 There is no star in the night sky, everything is like a reincarnation of the dim.

56、洞庭湖的水,绿油油,咱两的爱情才开头,你是我的心,你是我的肝,你是我心中的四分之三! The water in Dongting Lake, green, I love it at the beginning of two, you are my heart, you are my liver, you are in my heart 3/4!

57、流星雨划过天空的时候,有谁想过那是天使的眼泪。 Meteor shower across the sky, who thought it was the angel's tears.

58、爱你不行,不爱你也不行,还是爱你。 Love you not, do not love you can not do, or love you.

59、爱就是当你告诉一个男孩你喜欢他的衬衫,他就每天都穿着它。 Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, he wears it everyday.

60、爱就要允许,她胡作非为一起闹。 Love is to allow, she play the gangster together.

61、爱情从来只有两种结局,不是殊途,便是同归。 Love is never only two outcomes, not the way, is the same.

62、爱情是从告白开始的,告白是从感觉开始的,感觉是从第一眼看到你开始的。 Love is from the beginning of the confession, the confession is from the beginning of the feeling, the feeling is from the first sight of you begin.

63、爱情枯萎了,无论怎样保存也会枯萎。 Love has died, no matter how to save it will wither.

64、爱是恒久忍耐,加以恩赐。 Love is patient.

65、男人一生中最诚实的一刻,是签结婚证书时。 The man's life in the most honest moment, is the time to sign a marriage certificate.

66、盲目的崇拜别人,不如骄傲的欣赏自己。 Blind worship of others, as proud of their own.

67、看着你甜美的笑容,我情不自禁的笑了。 Looking at your sweet smile, I can't help laughing.

68、真爱情是不能用言语表达的,行为才是忠心的最好说明。 True love can not be expressed in words, behavior is the best explanation.

69、真的,异地恋连一个拥抱都是奢侈的。 Really, the distance is a hug, a hug is luxurious.

70、离开你,我一样坚强,甚至铁石心肠。 Leave you, I like the strong, even the heart of stone.

71、突然发现,曾经的陌生人,一下子成为了我的整个世界。 Suddenly discovered that once the stranger, suddenly become my whole world.

72、笑着面对生活,始终不抱怨。悠然,随心,随性,随缘。 Smile in the face of life, always do not complain. Leisurely, heart, casual, revel.

73、累了就回头看一看,你会发现我一直都在你身后。 Tired to look back, you will find that I have been behind you.

74、能力就像一张支票,除非把它兑成现金,否则毫无价值! Ability is like a check, unless it is in cash, otherwise it will be worthless!

75、谢谢你的一句玩笑,摧跨了我所有的骄傲。 Thank you for a joke, destroying all my pride.

76、谢谢你让我长大,只是方式有点不同。 Thank you for having me grow up, it's just a little different.

77、越是试图忘记,越是记得深刻。 The more you try to forget, the more you remember.

78、退一步,让一步,来成全别人。 Step back, let a step, to help others.

79、那些女孩,教会我成长;那些男孩,教会我爱。 Those girls, who taught me to grow, the boys, the church I love.

80、都是你,占据了我的心海,不留一丝空隙。 Are you occupied my heart, without leaving a gap.
