1、一个人帽子的价值,并不等于他人生的价值。 The value of a man hat, is not equal to the value of his life.

2、一个人成为他自己了,那就是达到了幸福的顶点。 A person as his own, it is reached the peak of happiness.

3、一个人敢于暴露自己的弱点,代表他自信、强大。 A man dare to expose their weakness, self-confidence, strong on his behalf.

4、一个人炫耀什么,说明内心缺少什么。 A man to show off what, what is missing heart.

5、一个人的胸怀能容下多少人,才能赢得多少人。 A person's heart can hold how many people, how many people can win.

6、一个人越在意的地方,就是最令他自卑的地方。 The more one mind place, isthe place where the most to his inferiority.

7、一定要有自信的勇气,才会有工作的勇气。 Must have confidence in the courage, just can have the courage to work.

8、不为模糊不清的未来担忧,只为清清楚楚的现在努力。 No worries about the ambiguous future, just to clear now.

9、不同的信念,决定不同的命运! Different beliefs, decide the fate of the different!

10、不要忘本,任何时候,任何事情。 Don't be ungrateful, at any time, any things.

11、不要试图控制别人,不要要求别人理解你。 Don't try to control other people, don't ask someone to understand you.

12、世上最重要的事,不在于我们在何处,而在于我们朝着什么方向走。 The most important thing in the world, is not where we are, but what we moving in the direction.

13、世上有一种永远亏本的事,那就是发脾气。 In this world there is a always at a loss, that is to lose his temper.

14、世上没有不能快乐的人,只有不肯快乐的心。 No not happy, only not happy heart.

15、世界上只有想不通的人,没有走不通的路。 The world only think impassability, did not go.

16、为成功找方法,不为失败找借口。 To find methods for success, not to find excuses for failure.

17、人最大的困难是认识自己,最容易的也是认识自己。 Who's the most difficult is to know yourself, the most easy also know themselves.

18、人生就像一场舞会,叫你最初舞步的人,却为必能陪你走到散场。 Life is like a party, called you first steps, it will accompany you to go to the wost.

19、人生最大的喜悦是每个人都说你做不到,你却完成它了! The greatest joy of life is everyone says you can't do that, you have done it!

20、人生最精彩的不是实现梦想的一瞬间,而是坚持梦想的过程。 The most wonderful life is not a dream moment, but insists the dream.

21、人的本性就是贪婪,但没有贪婪社会就不会进步。 Human nature is greedy, but not greed society will not progress.

22、付出才会杰出;为别人创造价值,别人才愿意和你交往。 Pay will be outstanding; Create value for others, other people are willing to associate with you.

23、你既然认准一条道路,何必去打听要走多久。 Since you look for a road, why ask to go long.

24、停止奋斗的脚步,江河就会沦为一潭死水。 Stop the struggle, the rivers will become a backwater.

25、再多一点努力,就多一点成功。 A little more effort, just a little more success.

26、凡事不要说“我不会”或“不可能”,因为你根本还没有去做! All things don't say "I can't" or "impossible", because you have not to do!

27、受到再大的打击,只要生命还在,请相信每天的太阳都是新的。 Hit by the again big, as long as life is still there, please believe that the sun is new every day.

28、只会在水泥地上走路的人,永远不会留下深深的脚印。 Can only walk on the concrete person, never left a deep footprint.

29、只要我们能梦想的,我们就能实现。 As long as we can dream, we can do it.

30、只要有斗志,不怕没战场。 As long as there is spirit, not afraid of no battlefield.

31、在真实的生命里,每桩伟业都由信心开始,并由信心跨出第一步。 In real life, each pile great begins with confidence, and the confidence to make the first move.

32、在逆境中要看到生活的美,在希望中别忘记不断奋斗。 In adversity to see the beauty of life, in the hope that don't forget to keep fighting.

33、太美的花朵容易凋谢,太美的爱情容易走远。 Too beautiful flowers fade easily, love of beauty is easy to go away.

34、失去金钱的人损失甚少,失去健康的人损失极多,失去勇气的人损失一切。 He who loses money loss, those who have lost their health loss, loses courage loses all.

35、奋斗者的幸福是从痛苦起步的,享乐者的痛苦是从“幸福”开始的。 Striver happiness start from the pain, the pain of profligate begins with "happiness".

36、如果不想做点事情,就甭想到达这个世界上的任何地方。 If you don't want to do something, you don't think of any place in this world.

37、如果我们都去做自己能力做得到的事,我们真会叫自己大吃一惊。 If we are to do their ability to do it, we would call surprise ourselves.

38、如果认为自己所有的目标都已达成,那只能说明你的目标还不够远大。 If you think you all goal has been reached, just means that your goal is ambitious enough.

39、宁可辛苦一阵子,不要苦一辈子。 Would rather hard for a while, don't be bitter for a lifetime.

40、山涧的泉水经过一路曲折,才唱出一支美妙的歌。 Mountain stream of spring water through all the twists and turns, just sing a wonderful song.

41、强烈的信仰会赢取坚强的人,然后又使他们更坚强。 Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger.

42、当你停止尝试时,就是失败的时候。 When you stop trying, is the time to failure.

43、微笑不用花一分钱,却永远价值连城。 Smile don't have to spend a penny, but always priceless.

44、心灵**不在,就可能被打败。 Passion is not in your heart, even may be defeated.

45、恐惧自己受苦的人,已经因为自己的恐惧在受苦。 Fear the men of his own suffering, already in suffering because of their fear.

46、成功不是凭梦想和希望,而是凭努力和实践。 Success is not by dreams and hopes, but with effort and practice.


48、成功的信念在人脑中的作用就如闹钟,会在你需要时将你唤醒。 Belief in the role of the human brain as alarm clock, when you need to wake you.

49、成功者不是比你聪明,只是在最短的时间采取最大的行动。 A winner is not smarter than you, just the biggest action in the shortest time.

50、成功者怎么做,我就怎么做。 Successful people do, I will do.

51、成功者,做别人不愿意做的事情,别人不敢做的事情,做不到的事情。 Winners do what others don't want to do, others can't do, can't do something.

52、成功这件事,自己才是老板! Success in this matter, is our boss!上一页12下一页

53、成功需要改变,用新的方法改变过去的结果。 Success requires change, with the result of the new way to change the past.

54、成功,往往住在失败的隔壁! Success and failure often live in the next door!

55、把简单弄复杂是找事,把复杂弄简单是本事。 Make the simple complicated is another project, make complex is simple.

56、最困难的时候,就是距离成功不远了。 The most difficult times, is the distance not far from success. Success is to do simple things repeated.

57、最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。 The most important thing is not to go to see the fuzzy distance, but to do what clearly at hand.

58、有些人说不出哪里好,就是谁都替代不了。 Some people say a where good, is anyone can't replace.

59、朋友是风景,是彩虹,一路上的风景赏心悦目,天天都有好心情。 Friend is the scenery, is the rainbow, the scenery along the way feast for the eyes, have a good mood every day.

60、树苗如果因为怕痛而拒绝修剪,那就永远不会成材。 Tree seedlings declined to clip, if for fear of the pain and it will never become useful.

61、每一分私下的努力,都会有倍增的回收,在公众面前被表扬出来。 Every private efforts, have double recycling, praised in public.

62、每天只看目标,别老想障碍。 Only look at target every day, don't want to obstacles.

63、没有一颗珍珠的闪光,是靠别人涂抹上去的。 No spark of a pearl, is to rely on others to apply.

64、没有比人更高的山,没有比心更宽的海,人是世界的主宰。 There is no higher mountain, no more than the heart wide sea, man is the master of the world.

65、海浪宁可在挡路的礁山上撞得粉碎,也不肯后退一步。 Smash the waves would rather get in the way of the reef hill, also not willing to take a step back.

66、现在站在什么地方不重要,重要的是你往什么方向移动? Now standing in what place is not important, the important thing is that you move in what direction?

67、生命不是要超越别人, Life is not to surpass others, but to surpass themselves.

68、生命力的意义在于拼搏,因为世界本身就是一个竞技场。 The meaning of life lies in the struggle, because the world itself is an arena.

69、用心观察成功者,别老是关注失败者。 Observe the successful, don't always focus on the losers.

70、痛苦的记忆是泪水洗不净的,只有汗水才能把它冲掉。 Painful memories are tears wash not clean, can only put the sweat it washed away.

71、相信他说的话,但不要当真。 Believe him, but don't take it seriously.

72、相信就是强大,怀疑只会抑制能力,而信仰就是力量。 Is strong, and doubt that will only stifle ability, and belief is power.

73、眼睛里没有追求的时候,一定是心如死灰的时候。 Eyes did not pursue, must be heart like dying embers.

74、知识给人重量,成就给人光彩,大多数人只是看到了光彩,而不去称量重量。 Weight to the person, knowledge achievement luster to the person, most people just saw the brilliance, and not to weigh weight.

75、经过大海的一番磨砺,卵石才变得更加美丽光滑。 Through the sea of hone, smooth pebble became more beautiful.

76、自信和自靠,是坚强性格的主要依靠。 Confidence and by oneself, it is the mainstay of strong character.

77、花的生命虽然短暂,但它毕竟拥抱过春天。 Spend life although short, but it after all embrace spring.

78、要成功,不要与马赛跑,要骑在马上,马上成功。 To succeed, don't with horses, is riding a horse, and instant success.

79、要跟成功者有同样的结果,就必须采取同样的行动。 To have the same result with winners, you have to take the same action.

80、让我们将事前的忧虑,换为事前的思考和计划吧! Let's concerns, will advance change to advance thinking and planning!

81、请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。 Please be sure to have confidence. You are a scenery, the necessity has not looked up inside others scenery.

82、过去不等于未来,没有失败,只有暂时停止成功。 The past doesn't equal the future, no failure, only temporarily stop success.

83、这个世界最脆弱的是生命,身体健康,很重要。 The world's most vulnerable is life, healthy body, is very important.

84、金钱损失了还能挽回,一旦失去信誉就很难挽回。 Lost can also save money, once lost credibility is hard to recover.

85、阳光总在风雨后,成功总在磨砺后。 Sunshine always after the rain, after success at hone.
