1、一想到你呀,心就会跳个没完。 The thought of you makes my heart beat.

2、万事沉浮,你是人间归途。 Everything is ups and downs, you are the way home.

3、习惯了什么都无所谓,但并不是什么都不在乎。 It doesn't matter what you get used to, but it doesn't matter what you don't care about.

4、人有三六九等,只你,是上上等。 There are three, six, nine, only you, is superior.

5、今天我爱你,比昨天多,但不如明天。 Today I love you more than yesterday, but not as good as tomorrow.

6、你怕生人吗?不怕的话,那以后我们多生几个好不好。 Are you afraid of strangers? If we're not afraid, we'll have more children after that.

7、你所在之处,是我不得不思念的天涯海角。 Where you are, I have to miss the ends of the earth.

8、你是别人的甲乙丙丁,却是我的春夏秋冬。 You are someone else's, but my spring, summer, autumn and winter.

9、你是十八岁的喜欢,你是八十岁的最爱。 You are 18-year-old favorite, you are 80 year old favorite.

10、你是我心中的暖洋,即使你不在我身旁。 You are the warm ocean in my heart, even if you are not by my side.

11、你是方便面,我是白开水,今生今世我泡定你了! You are instant noodles, I am boiled water, this life I soak you!

12、你的眉眼里有世俗和繁华,而我的眉眼里只有你。 There are secular and prosperous in your eyes, but only you are in my eyes.

13、你眼里有春和秋,胜过我见过的一切山川河流。 You have spring and autumn in your eyes, more than all the mountains and rivers I have ever seen.

14、入目无别人,四下皆是你。 No one else in sight, you are everywhere.

15、初逢不知人如玉,再逢已是意中人。 I don't know who I am when I first meet, but I am the one I want to meet again.

16、十年之后你身边还是我,百年之后我坟里也葬你。 Ten years later, you will still be with me. After a hundred years, I will bury you in my grave.

17、即便是十几岁的爱情,我也想和你过一生。 Even if it's teenage love, I want to spend my life with you.

18、原来喜欢不能伪装,原来过去只能原谅。 The original like can not disguise, the past can only be forgiven.

19、喜欢你,就是见不得你与别人交谈甚欢。 Like you, just can't see you talking with others.

20、在遇到你之后,结婚这事我没有想过别人。 After meeting you, I didn't think about getting married.

21、如果喜欢什么人,就要去找她,别在原地等哦。 If you like someone, you should go to her. Don't wait in the same place.

22、就算我是一个平庸的人,但我给你的爱却是最耀眼的。 Even if I am a mediocre person, but I give you the love is the most dazzling.

23、幸福!只存在你我相聚时刻。 Happiness! It's only when you and I get together.

24、弱水三千只取一瓢饮,世间千万只娶你一人。 Weak water 3000 only take a ladle of water, the world will marry you only one person.

25、当时把你下载到我心里,而现在,它告诉我“此文件已无法删除”。 At that time, it downloaded you to my heart, and now it tells me "this file can't be deleted.".

26、总有一天可以过上,过上翻身就能亲到你的日子。 One day I can live a life when I can kiss you.

27、想你在心头,彩虹微笑开了口,星星也眨了眼。 Miss you in the heart, rainbow smile open mouth, stars also blink.

28、想你时你在天边,想你是你在眼前,想你在我心上。 Miss you when you are in the sky, miss you are in front of you, miss you in my heart.

29、想做个简单的人,想拥有简单的生活,更想有个简单的你。 Want to be a simple person, want to have a simple life, but also want to have a simple you.

30、想邂逅在每个冬天,钻进你的怀抱说好喜欢你。 Want to meet in every winter, into your arms, said like you.

31、懂得知足常乐,每天就会有满口袋的幸福。 If you know how to be content, you will have a full pocket of happiness every day.

32、我多么庆幸在即将完结的疏雨微光里,等来一场迟到太久的遇见。 How lucky I am to be in the end of the drizzle in the twilight, waiting for a too long late to meet.

33、我想成为你难过时,第一个想起的人。 I want to be the first person you think of when you are sad.

34、我有咳嗽了,是你想我了吗? I have a cough. Do you miss me?

35、我每天只想你一次,却持续了24小时。 I miss you once a day, but it lasts 24 hours.

36、我爱你,一生一世陪着你。 I love you and accompany you all my life.

37、我爱你,在一起吧,从现在开始。 I love you, together, from now on.

38、我生怕睁开了眼,就会从梦中醒来。我闭上眼睛,就见到你! I'm afraid that if I open my eyes, I'll wake up from my dream. I close my eyes and see you!

39、我用以为只要我爱你,其他的都不是问题,可其实不是。 I used to think that as long as I love you, everything else is not a problem, but it is not.

40、我离不开你,我真的很爱你。 I can't leave you. I really love you.

41、我见众生皆草木,为你是青山。 I see that all living beings are plants, for you are green hills.

42、我还是很喜欢你,像凹凸忍俊绊住滂沱大雨,入渠几许。 I still like you very much, like concave and convex endure Jun trip torrential rain, enter canal several Xu.

43、我还是很喜欢你,像执笔泼墨一序,阅览天地,浩然正气。 I still like you very much, like writing a preface of ink splashing, reading the world, Haoran Zhengqi.

44、我还是拉着你的手吧,我怕我走丢了。 I'd better hold your hand. I'm afraid I'll be lost.

45、把我的名字写到你家的户口本上,几天能到货? Write my name on your household register. How many days can it arrive?

46、晚是世界的晚,安是给你的安。 Night is the night of the world, Ann is for you.

47、有一份思念送了很久,今天终于可以麻烦你签收一下了。 There is a miss sent for a long time, today I can finally trouble you to sign for it.

48、有了你,我每天都是欢声笑语。 With you, I laugh and laugh every day.

49、期望余生,目光所至,满眼是你。 Looking forward to the rest of your life, you are everywhere.

50、每个单身的人背后至少藏着一个让人心碎的秘密。 There is at least one heartbreaking secret hidden behind every single person.

51、每个女孩都可以是波妞,但遇到的不一定是宗介。 Every girl can be Bo Niu, but not necessarily Zongjie.

52、没什么遗憾,反正脑子可以陪你过一生。 No regrets, anyway, the brain can accompany you for a lifetime.

53、生活把我们磨圆,是为了让我们滚得更远。 Life round us, is to let us roll further.

54、真正属于我的故事不多,只有一个,想讲给你。 There are not many stories that really belong to me. There is only one story that I want to tell you.

55、真正爱你的人不会说许多爱你的话,但会做许多爱你的事。 The person who really loves you won't say a lot of words, but will do a lot of things.

56、突然很喜欢如约而至这个词,等的很苦,但不辜负。 Suddenly, I like the word as promised, but I didn't live up to it.

57、给你一束玫瑰,携手浪漫前行。 Give you a bunch of roses, hand in hand romantic forward.

58、认识你才知道有一种心情叫做依恋,有一种感觉叫你。 Know you to know that there is a mood called attachment, there is a feeling called you.

59、请允许我生生世世,深情地望着你,手拉着手到处走走。 Please allow me to look at you affectionately from generation to generation and walk around hand in hand.

60、飘尽万水千山,情意亦不变。 As far as the mountains and rivers are concerned, the feelings remain unchanged.