1、世界并不是牢房,而是一所虚无的儿童乐园,里面有千百万懵懵懂懂的孩子用积木错误地摆着上帝的名字。——埃·阿·鲁宾逊 The world is not a *, but an empty children's paradise, in which millions of ignorant children mistakenly put the name of God with blocks.

2、人生最大的骄傲,就是在成年时实现童年的梦想。——马佳 The greatest pride of life is to realize the dream of childhood in adulthood.

3、儿童有无抱负,这无关紧要,可成年人则不可胸无大志。——乔·吉·霍兰 It doesn't matter whether a child has ambitions or not, but adults should not be ambitious.

4、儿童的时间应当安排满种种吸引人的活动,做到既能发展他的思维,丰富他的知识和能力,同时又不损害童年时代的兴趣。——苏霍姆林斯基 Children's time should be full of attractive activities, so as to develop their thinking, enrich their knowledge and ability, and do not damage their interests in childhood.

5、即使是最好的儿童,如果生活在组织不好的集体里,也会很快变成一群小野兽。——马卡连柯 Even the best children, if they live in a poorly organized group, quickly become a pack of small beasts.

6、呵,幸福的年代,谁会拒绝再体验一次童年生活。——拜伦 Oh, happy age, who would refuse to experience childhood again.

7、在所有人当中,儿童的想象力最丰富。——麦考莱 Of all, children have the most imagination.

8、如果你不首先培养活泼的儿童,你就绝不能教出聪明的人来。——卢梭 If you don't cultivate lively children first, you can never teach smart people.

9、孩子们从来都不擅长倾听他们的长辈,但他们从未模仿过他们。——詹姆斯鲍德温 Children are never good at listening to their elders, but they never imitate them.

10、家庭是父亲的王国,母亲的世界,儿童的乐园。——爱默生 Family is father's Kingdom, mother's world and children's paradise.

11、成年人只是过时的孩子。——苏斯博士 Adults are just old-fashioned children.

12、我以为就是圣贤豪杰,也不必自惭他的童年,自惭,倒是一个错误。——鲁迅 I think that even a sage and a hero need not be ashamed of his childhood. It is a mistake to be ashamed of himself.

13、我年幼的时候,以为这世界上只住着一种人,那就是我天天看见的家人、同学、老师和我上学路上看到的行人。——三毛 When I was young, I thought there was only one kind of people living in the world, that is, the family members, classmates, teachers and pedestrians I saw on the way to school.

14、每一个决心献身教育的人,应当容忍儿童的弱点。——苏霍姆林斯基 Everyone who is committed to education should tolerate the weakness of children.

15、永远是独一无二不可替代的事物,这是童年的回忆。——杜伽尔 Forever is a unique and irreplaceable thing, which is the memory of childhood.

16、童年似流水一样的过去,时光是不老的,老的是人。走在时间里的人,于纷扰的世间,忙碌着做一些可有可无的事情。混迹于人群中失去自己,再也找不回原来的模样了。百学须先立志。——朱熹 Childhood like water in the past, time is not old, the old is people. Walking in the time of people, in the troubled world, busy to do something dispensable. He lost himself in the crowd and couldn't find his original appearance again. We must learn first.

17、童年是理智的睡眠期。——卢梭 Childhood is the period of rational sleep.

18、童年的一天一天,温暖而迟慢,正像老棉鞋里面,粉红绒里子上晒着的阳光。——张爱玲 Childhood day by day, warm and slow, just like the old cotton shoes, Pink Velvet inside the sun.

19、童年,只有在回忆中显现时才成就了那么完美。——三毛 In childhood, only when the memory is perfect, can it be revealed.

20、能进行客观思考的能力就是理智,以理智为基础的感情是谦恭。我们只有摆脱了童年时代妄图得到全知全能的幻想,才能有客观性和运用自己的理智。——弗洛姆 The ability to think objectively is reason, and emotion based on reason is humility. Only when we get rid of the illusion of omnipotence in childhood, can we have objectivity and use our own reason.

21、要是童年的日子能重新回来,那我一定不再浪费光阴,我要把每分每秒都用来读书!——泰戈尔 If my childhood can come back again, I will not waste my time any more. I will spend every minute reading!

22、轻信是成人的缺点,却是孩子的力量。——兰姆 Credulity is the weakness of adults, but the strength of children.