1、一直亮着手机屏只为等一个回复。 The screen is always on just waiting for a reply.
2、不贞,是破坏家庭,破坏感情中最大的力量。 Infidelity is the greatest force in destroying families and feelings.
3、世上没有重来,你是我夜半睡醒时分的一根烟。 There is no comeback in the world, you are a cigarette when I wake up in the middle of the night.
4、享受孤独,是一种人生境界。 Enjoying solitude is a realm of life.
5、人会变,梦会醒,心会碎。 People will change, dreams will wake up, heart will break.
6、人生如画,有了微笑的画卷便添了亮丽的色彩。 Life is picturesque, with a smile on the scroll will add a bright color.
7、人的好不是用眼睛看,而是用心去看。 People's good is not to see with eyes, but to see with heart.
8、你对我来说,不愿提起,又怕忘记。 You for me, do not want to mention, and afraid to forget.
9、你都有新欢了,我还有什么理由和你天荒地老。 You have a new love, I have no reason to live with you forever.
10、别总是无限放大坏情绪,自己难为自己。 Don't always magnify bad emotions, you can't help yourself.
11、别骗我,你知道你说的即使是谎话我也会信。 Don't lie to me. You know I'll believe what you say even if it's a lie.
12、听着欢快的音乐,但心里还是很痛,很痛。 Listening to cheerful music, but my heart is still very painful, very painful.
13、喜欢如果这么容易说得清原因,就不叫喜欢。 Like if it's so easy to explain why, it's not like.
14、嘴在逞强,心却投降,其实我们都在装。 The mouth is trying to be brave, but the heart is surrendering. In fact, we are all pretending.
15、夜亦如此颓废,思念不放手让我睡。 Night is also so decadent, miss not let go, let me sleep.
16、好几天没吃饭了,看谁都像烙饼。 I haven't eaten for several days. Everyone looks like a pancake.
17、如果我变成回忆,我希望做你的独家记忆。 If I become a memory, I hope to be your exclusive memory.
18、孤独的人就是矫情,听什么歌都像自己。 Lonely people are hypocritical, listening to any song is like yourself.
19、宁可孤独,也不违心,宁可抱憾,也不将就。 It's better to be lonely than against your heart. It's better to regret than to make do with it.
20、宁静的夜,给添增了一份孤独,一份寂寞! Quiet night, to add a lonely, a lonely!
21、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.
22、当我流下泪时,我已经努力了。 When I shed tears, I have tried.
23、往往,心中最爱的那个人,最后却离自己最远。 Often, the person you love most in your heart is the farthest away from you in the end.
24、心里很烦躁,但是不知道如何做是好。 I'm very upset, but I don't know how to do it.
25、愿有岁月可回首,且以深情共白头。 May there be years to look back on, and a total of white head with deep love.
26、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开。 We meet at the wrong time, but separate at the right time.
27、我们都有一个,想回却回不了的过去。 We all have a past that we can't go back to.
28、我对你已经失望,我不再对你报有什么奢求了。 I have been disappointed in you, I no longer have any extravagant demands on you.
29、我本不应该拥抱太过炽热的梦,比如数学比如你。 I shouldn't have embraced too hot dreams, like math, like you.
30、扮演你的配角,背叛我的骄傲。 Play your supporting role and betray my pride.
31、撒娇,有时候是一种高层次的耍赖。 Coquetry is sometimes a kind of high-level trick.
32、既然已经习惯了孤单,又怎么能够害怕孤独。 Since we are used to loneliness, how can we be afraid of loneliness.
33、时间会替我告诉你,我爱你,都是真的。 Time will tell you for me, I love you, it's true.
34、最痛的距离,是你不在我身边,却在我心里。 The most painful distance is that you are not by my side, but in my heart.
35、没有人败给了爱情,却是一次次地败给了自己。 No one lost to love, but lost to himself again and again.
36、没有无聊的人生,只有无聊的人生态度。 There is no boring life, only boring attitude towards life.
37、治疗孤单,只要去寻找现实生活中的快乐。 To treat loneliness, we just need to find happiness in real life.
38、流着泪的时候,身边总是没有一个人。 With tears, there is no one around.
39、清醒一点吧,世上没有未完的事,只有未死的心。 Sober up a little bit, there is no unfinished business in the world, only the undead heart.
40、牵着我的手,闭着眼睛走你也不会迷路。 Take my hand and walk with your eyes closed, you won't get lost.
41、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion.
42、等你音讯全无,我再去爱这世间万物。 When I hear from you, I will love all things in the world.
43、*是独立,不依附,不恐惧。 Freedom is independence, no attachment, no fear.
44、薄情总是被记住,深情反而被辜负。 Love is always remembered, but love is betrayed.
45、要分手通知我一下好么,把我删了算怎么回事。 Let me know if you want to break up. What's the matter if you delete me.
46、认识你不后悔,后悔的一切都是我自己自作多情。 Know you do not regret, regret everything is my own amorous.
47、记住、这一秒不失望,下一秒就会有希望。 Remember, this second is not disappointed, the next second will have hope.
48、跟自己说声对不起,因为总是莫名的忧伤。 Say sorry to oneself, because always inexplicable sadness.
49、青春是场无悔的冒险,爱与伤害都在所难免。 Youth is a regretless adventure, love and injury are inevitable.
50、风一样的活着,没有归宿,却一样很酷。 Live like the wind, no home, but as cool.