1、As long as sports exist forever, time is sure will not disappear. 时间到了,我们各走各的路,是活在这个世上好还是死了好,只有神知道答案。

2、Because god is in the hands of the time and eternity, this two things are people cannot grasp. 没有时间教育儿子,就意味着没有时间做人。

3、Can create more joy to fill time, which can be alive bound with a happy time to accompany. 真正的敏捷是一件很有价值的事。因为时间是衡量事业的标准,如金钱是衡量货物的标准。

4、Hands empty hands, however, has been continuously falling a part of you: time. 人们总说时间会改变一切,但是实际上你需要自己努力去改变。

5、I have no time to education son, means that there is no time to be. 两手空空,然而,手中还是不断地掉落你的一部分:时间。

6、Life is a time for the unit, wasting other people's time is equal to murder; Wasting your time, equal to chronic suicide. 时间并不可怕,可怕的是不知道何时是个尽头。

7、Life the most long not live most time. 回忆是时间洒下的灰,化作一滴琼浆,烙印在脑中挥之不去。

8、Love makes people forget time, time makes people forget love. 用一朵花开的时间相遇,在我最美好的年华里,用我最美好的姿态,遇见你。

9、Memory is the time to sprinkle ash, into a drop of nectar, brand in mind now. 生命是以时间为单位的,浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命;浪费自己的时间,等于慢性**。

10、People always say that time can change everything, but in fact you need their own efforts to change. 你因成功而内心充满喜悦的时候,就没有时间颓废。

11、The real agile is a valuable thing. Because time is a measure of business, such as money is a measure of the goods. 因为上帝掌握着时间和永恒,这两样东西是人掌握不了的。

12、Time is not terrible, terrible is don't know when is a end. 只要运动永远存在,时间是一定不会消失的。

13、To prolong the time of day, the most wonderful way is setting from the night to steal in a few hours! 尽可多创造快乐去填满时间,哪可活活缚着时间来陪着快乐。

14、We are on our different paths when the time came, is to live in this in this world good or death, only god knows the answer. 一切节省,归根到底都是时间的节省。

15、Who can walk to the front of the time, help me to see the pictures on the future. 生命最长久的人并不是活得时间最多的人。

16、With a flower of time meet, in my most beautiful years, with my best good posture, meet you. 谁能走到时间的前面,帮我看看未来的画面。

17、Your heart with joy, with success, there is no time to decadent. 爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。

18、“现在”是刚过去的时间上的一个“点”。 "Now" is just a "point" in the past time.

19、一个人愈知道时间的价值,愈感觉失时的痛苦呀。 The more the more a man knows the value of time, feeling the pain of the lost.

20、一个快乐的人总是满足于当下,而不太浪费时间去想未来的事。 A happy person is always satisfied with the present, not is a waste of time to think about the future.

21、一切节约,归根到底都是时间的节约。 All savings, in the final analysis is to save time.

22、与一生中美丽盛放的时间遇见你,遇见一场华丽的爱情。 Time to meet you and beautiful in my life, met a love.

23、与其花时间去向如何跟朋友和好,还不如直接去向朋友道歉。 Rather than take the time to go to with friends andgood, it is better to directly to friends.

24、人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的。 The value of life, not with the time, but with depth to measure.

25、人生的时间,由大大小小的悲喜堆叠而成过去,由错错对对的选择建构而成未来。 The time of life, composed of large and small feeling stack in the past, made from a wrong wrong construction on the choice of the future.

26、人类所有的力量,只是耐心加上时间的混合。所谓强者既有意义,又有等待时机。 All human power, is just the mixture of patience and time. The so-called strong, both meaning and wait.


28、勤学的人,总是感到时间过得太快;懒惰的人,却总是埋怨时间跑得太慢。 Diligent person, always feel time passed so fast; The lazy man, but always blame time runs too slowly.

29、又过一年,又是一季,变的只是时间,不变的是守候。 One year, another season, just time, constant is waiting for you.

30、只要紧紧地地跟着时间的步伐,幸运之神就会永远跟着你。 As long as closely follow the pace of time, luck will always follow you.

31、在对的时间遇见对的人,那是童话。在错的时间遇见对的人,这才是青春。 At the right time to meet the right person, it is a fairy tale. At the wrong time meet the right person, this is the youth.

32、在时间和现实的夹缝里,青春和美丽一样,脆弱如风干的纸。 In the time and reality of cracks, youth and beauty, as fragile as dry paper.

33、在时间的轨道上,人们想象有一条线,超脱了这条线,当前的痛苦便不复存在。 In the track of time, people think there's a line, devoid of the line, the current pain ceased to exist.

34、大多时间都在匆忙追赶,其实仅差一个转身回眸而已。 Most of the time in the rush, actually just a turn and look back.

35、好笑的是,时间一天天过,好像什么也没改变,但当你回头看,每件事都变了。 Funny is that the time from day to day, as if nothing changes, but when you look back, everything changed.

36、如果一个人真的爱你的话,他总会找到时间给你的,没有借口。 If a man really loves you, he will always find time for you. No excuses.

37、对于最不幸的事情说来, For the most unfortunate thing, time is the great doctor and he will heal wounds.

38、就让我忙到疯了,忙到累了,连哭的时间都没有。 Let me busy to crazy, busy and tired, there was no time to cry.

39、就让时间改变我们,我们都太傻,时间会让我们冷静,冷静到我们都不见了踪影。 Let the time change us, we are too stupid, time will let us calm, calm to we all disappeared.

40、当一个人能够直接阅读上帝的时候,那时间太宝贵了,不能够浪费在别人阅读后的抄本上。 When a person can directly read god's time, the time is too precious, can't waste in someone else after reading the manuscript.

41、总是报怨你没时间陪我,可还是没注意,你一直都在我身后。 Always complain that you don't have enough time to accompany me, but still didn't pay attention to, you are always behind me.

42、我不想孤单的坐在回忆里逞强,时间回不到最开始的地方。 I don't want to lonely sitting in memory try to be brave, time back to the first place.

43、我们总是在错误的时间,错误的地点,懵懵然就爱上那个人,然后,不得不用尽一生,遗忘。 We are always at the wrong time, wrong place, meng meng however is in love with that person, then, had to run out life, forgotten.

44、我原有的勇敢被时间抽空,剩下的只是你给我无望的恐惧。 The rest of my original brave time by time, is you give me with no hope of fear.

45、我就担心丧失机会。不抓呀,看到的机会就丢掉了,时间一晃就过去了。 I'm worried about the loss of opportunity. Don't scratch ah, see opportunity is lost, the time went quickly in the past.

46、我愿意手拿帽子站在街角,请过路人把他们用不完的时间投在里面。 I will hand hat standing on a corner, please passers-by time to burn them into the inside.

47、我觉得我对我自己的国家了解得还不够,把我的时间花在中国会更有益处。 I think I know enough about my own country, spend my time in China will be more helpful.上一页12下一页 Human life, cannot be measured in length, filled with love, the moment is eternal.

48、把时间用在思考上是最能节省时间的事情。 The time in thinking is the most can save time.

49、无数人事的变化孕育在时间的胚胎里。 Numerous personnel changes in the time of the embryo.

50、日久不一定生情,但必定见人心。有时候也怕,时间会说出真话。 Time does not necessarily living feeling, but must see the heart. Sometimes also fear, time will tell the truth.

51、时间不能增添一个人的生命,然而珍惜光阴却可使生命变得更有价值。 Time can't add a person's life, cherish the time, however, can make the life become more valuable.

52、时间侵蚀了我的容颜,却改变不了我的心。 Time erodes my appearance, but can not change my heart.

53、时间像风一样从指间滑过,想要抓住它,而它又调皮的绕过,展开手,剩下的只是回忆。 Wind slip through your fingers by living in the time want to grab it, and it is naughty bypass, a hand and the rest is just memory.

54、时间几乎会愈合所有的事情。请给时间一点时间。 Time heals almost everything. Give time time.

55、时间可真是个杀手,能抹杀一切愉快和不愉快。 Time is a killer, to kill all the happy and unhappy.

56、时间就像一张网,你撒在哪里,你的收获就在哪里。 Time is like a net, where are you now, where you will gain.

57、时间就像一条河流,它给我们带来轻的和膨胀了的东西,但是那些重而坚固的东西都沉没下去了。 Time is like a river, it gives us light and expansion, but those of heavy and hard things sank down.

58、时间就是速度,时间就是力量。 Time is speed, time means strength.

59、时间待人是平等的,而时间在每个人手里的价值却不同。 Time to treat people is equal, and time in every man's hand value is different.

60、时间总会过去的,让时间流走你的烦恼吧! Time is always the past, let the time bring you trouble!

61、时间是一笔贷款,即便再守信用的借贷者也还不起。 Time is a loan, even if again honest borrowers also still can't afford to.

62、时间是人能消费的最有价值的东西。 Time is the most valuable thing one can consumption.

63、时间没有现在,永恒没有未来,也没有过去。 Time no now, forever have no future, no past.

64、时间没有等我,是你忘了带我走,我左手过目不忘的的萤火,右手里是十年一个漫长的打坐。 Time didn't wait for me, is you forget to take me away, I left hand you'll never forget the firefly, right hand is ten years a long meditation.

65、时间留给我的,只有你带来的美好,是我太容易忘记你的不好,还是我慢慢老去已经糊涂? Time for me, only bring you the good, is I was too easy to forget you is not good, or I slowly old have confused?

66、时间的沙漏沉淀着无法逃离的过往,记忆的双手,总是拾起那些明媚的忧伤。 The time of the hourglass is precipitating cannot escape from the past, memory hands, always picked up the beautiful grief.

67、时间顺着秋天的痕迹漫上脚背,潮水翻涌高涨,所谓的青春就这样又被淹没了一厘米。 The trace of time down the autumn flood on the instep, the tide surge up high, the so-called youth submerged another cm, just like that.

68、曾经的偏执,终于可以一笑而之,世界上本来就没有天长地久,即使时间是毒药。 Once the paranoia, finally can laugh but, originally in the world, there is no everlasting, even if the time is a poison.

69、最好将你期望的遥遥无期的事越早做掉越好,因为时间一长,恐怕连最初的期望也没了。 Will you expect the best sight the sooner you do, the better, because a long time, I'm afraid even the initial expectations.

70、有些人是可以被时间轻易抹去的。犹如尘土。 Some people can be easily erased by time. Like dust.

71、有些爱不怕时间太漫长,已经生长在心里;有一些等待不能太漫长,已经枯萎在心底。 Some love is not afraid of time too long, have grow in their heart; There are some waiting too long, has withered in the bottom of my heart.

72、有时候,我们等的不是什么人、什么事,我们等的是时间,等时间,让自己改变。 Sometimes, we is not what people, what matter, we such as time, such as time, let oneself change.

73、有时间对过去叹息,不如用来向未来微笑。 Have time to sigh in the past, it is better to smile in the future.

74、正当地利用你的时间!你要理解什么,不要舍近求远。 Proper use of your time! What do you want to understand, not to further.

75、每个人都会累,没人能为你承担所有伤悲,人总有一段时间要学会自己长大。 Everyone tired, no one for you bear all shangbei, people always have a period of time to learn oneself grow up.

76、爱情可以忘记时间,时间也可以忘记爱情。 Love can forget time, time also can forget love.

77、爱情最让人无法掌握的地方,就是不知道时间什么时候会带来什么样的改变。 Where the love is the most let a person cannot master, I don't know what time to what time will bring change.

78、珍惜时间的秘诀:少说空话,多做工作。 Cherish the time: the secret of less empty talk and more hard work.

79、生命是短暂的,空余时间很少,因此我们不应把一刻空余时间耗费在阅读价值不大的书籍上。 Life is short, spare time very few, so we should not take a moment to spare time spent in reading books of little value.

80、用一千年的时间去爱你,再用一万年的时间去忘记。 In one thousand years time to love you, with ten thousand years time to forget.

81、相爱真的没有那么容易,需要双方都能抵挡时间的危害。 Love really is not so easy, need both sides can withstand time.

82、真相和误解,有时不能被自己呈现和突破。要等待时间消逝,做出审定。 The truth and misunderstanding, sometimes cannot be present and breakthrough myself. Waiting for time passing, make examination and approval.

83、笑着面对,不去埋怨,悠然,随性,随缘,注定让一生改变的,只在百年后,那一朵花开的时间。 Smiling face, not to complain, carefree, along with the gender, fate, doomed to let life change, only in one hundred, after the flower bloom time.

84、给时间一点时间,让过去的过去,让开始的开始。 Give time a little time, let the past in the past, let began to start.

85、给时间一点点时间,让过去过去,让开始开始。 要延长白天的时间,最妙的办法莫如从黑夜偷用几个钟头!

86、要学习的时间是有的,问题是我们善于不善于挤,愿不愿意钻。 There is time to learn, the problem is that we are not good at crowded, willing to drill.

87、让自己忙一点,忙到没有时间去思考无关紧要的事,很多事就这样悄悄地淡忘了。 Let yourself busy, busy to no time to think about unimportant things, a lot of things so quietly forgotten.

88、那个星球上的人认为宇宙是一系列思维过程,不在空间展开,而在时间中延续。 The planet's people think that the universe is a series of thinking process, not in space, and in time.

89、青春让时间钻了漏洞,而苍老决堤而下,世故奔流。 Youth, let time to drill the holes, and the old burst its Banks andsophisticated.
