1、三个忘记:忘记年龄,忘记过去,忘记恩怨。 Three forget: forget age, forget past, forget.

2、事业上得寸进尺,生活中不论短长,何愁事业无成。 Career, no matter in life already, why should I worry about Internet access.

3、享受人文的课堂,享受动感的课堂,享受智慧的课堂。 Enjoy the humanities class, enjoy a dynamic class, enjoy the wisdom of classroom.

4、人后说你好话的人,那是真好;背后帮你的人,那是真帮。 After say something nice about you, that is good; Behind to help you, that is really help.

5、任何业绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。 Any qualitative transformation of outstanding achievements comes from quantitative accumulation.

6、任何的限制,都是从自己的内心开始的。 Any restrictions, all begins with his own heart.

7、原谅别人,就是给自己心中留下空间,以便回旋。 Forgive others, is to leave a space in my heart, in order to maneuver.

8、唯独**家,无论他生或死,都能给大家以幸福。 Only revolutionary, no matter his life or death, can give you happiness.

9、如果你不能在我跌倒时拉我,你又凭什么和我分享我重拾的荣耀。 If you can't pull me when Ifall, you with what I regain the glory to share with me.

10、如果你不能在我跌倒时拉我,你又凭什么和我分享我重拾荣耀。 If you can't pull me when I fell, and with what you and I share my glory again.

11、如果你曾经把失败当成清醒剂,就千万别让成功变成迷魂汤。 If you ever take failure as a wake-up call, you must not let success into a magic potion.

12、如果我们想要更多的玫瑰花, If we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses tree.

13、宁愿选择跌跌撞撞过一辈子、也不平平凡凡混一辈子。 Would rather choose stumbled over a lifetime, simple mix for a lifetime.

14、并不是说抱着一腔热忱就可以抵抗漫漫时光的侵蚀。 Is not to say that holding a chamber enthusiasm can resist the erosion of the long time.

15、应该多行善事,为了做一个幸福的人。Should have more good works, in order to do a happy person.

16、当我们给别人送花,闻到花香的首先是自己! When we give others flowers, smell the fragrance of first is yourself!

17、待人退一步,爱人宽一寸,人生自然活得很快乐。 To be a step back, love one inch wide, natural live very happy life.

18、得到智慧的惟一办法,就是用青春去买。 Get wisdom, the only way is to use the youth to buy.

19、懂得生命真谛的人,可以使督促的生命延长。 A man who knows life true meaning, can make urged life extension.

20、我们缺少的不是机会,而是在机会面前将自己重新归零的勇气。 We do not lack opportunity, but in front of the opportunity to zero courage again.

21、把不忙不闲的工作做得出色,把不咸不淡的生活过得精彩。 Do not busy not idle work well, not salty not light have a wonderful life.

22、教师对学生来说是一个引路人似的朋友,是心灵、智慧的双重引路人。 Teachers for students is a lead the friend, is the mind, the wisdom of dual lead.

23、无论男人给女人讲多么多么浪漫的童话故事,里面终不过围绕一个字:床! No matter how much a man to tell a woman how romantic fairy tale, eventually but around inside a word: bed!上一页12下一页 Stand up, dry the sweat. Go on, life goes on.

24、最重要的就是不要去看远方模糊的,而要做手边清楚的事。 The most important thing is not to go to see the fuzzy distance, but to do what clearly at hand.

25、没人给你台阶下,还是自己搬把椅子吧。 No one give you the steps, or moving the chair yourself.

26、没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。 No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry.

27、没有人永远活着,没有东西可以经久。 None lives forever, nothing can be prolonged.

28、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义。 What is the taste without youth love? What's the meaning of the youth without love.

29、生,我所欲也;义,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍生而取义者也。 I want; Righteousness, also I desire also. But if I cannot get both, give birth and take righteous one also.

30、用自己的双手去创造生活,用辛勤的汗水实现人生的梦想。 With their own hands to create life, with hard work of achieve the dream of life.


32、精神饱满,嘴角上翘。将痛苦、忧愁与失望藏于微笑后面。 In high spirit, become warped on the mouth.Will your pains, worries and disappointments under a smile.

33、能力和智慧如果掺杂了傲慢,就会让人很不舒服。 If the ability and wisdom with pride, can let a person very uncomfortable.

34、能帮助别人的,尽量帮忙。不能帮的,别勉强自己。 To help others, to help as much as possible. Can't help, don't force yourself.

35、若不去追逐你所渴求,那么你将永远不会拥有,老来只是空叹息。 If don't go after what you want, you will never have, old to just empty sigh.

36、获致幸福的不二法门是珍视你所拥有的、遗忘你所没有的。 The key to gain happiness is to cherish what you have, forget what you don't have.

37、诚信是人最美丽的外套,是心灵最圣洁的鲜花! Honesty is the most beautiful coat, is the most holy soul of flowers!

38、请一定要有自信。你就是一道风景,没必要在别人风景里面仰视。 Please be sure to have confidence. You are a scenery, the necessity has not looked up inside others scenery.

39、这个事实的真-相,你要看破,你从此以后,这一切恩恩怨怨要把它舍弃。 It really - phase, to he who sees through you and you from then on, it describe to abandon it.

40、错一步没关系,一错再错就是自作孽。 It doesn't matter, wrong step repeat one's mistakes is the frankensteins.

41、青春是美妙的,挥霍青春就是犯罪。 Youth is wonderful, squander youth is a crime.

42、首先要活出自己的最高能量,才能孝出爸爸妈妈的性。 First of all to live out their own highest energy to filial piety out of mom and dad.

43、高尚的目标用卑鄙的手段来实现,同样不是高尚的行为。 Noble goal with a despicable means to do this, also is not a noble act.
