1、为了明日的成就,在今天奉献一切! Give everything to the achievement of tomorrow, today!

2、人当活在真理和自我奉献里。 When he live in the truth and give themselves.

3、从我粗糙的一生中,榨取出所有的温柔来,悉数奉献给你。 From my rough life, squeeze out all of the tender, all dedicated to you.

4、从粗砺的一生中榨尽所有温柔,悉数奉献于你,我仍觉不够。 From the rough to squeeze in a gritty life all tenderness, all dedicated to you, I still feel not enough.

5、你是这个世界的贡献者,既使垃圾,也是奉献! You are the world's contributors, both make the garbage, and dedication!

6、你牛一样劳动,像土地一样奉献。 You cows that labor, like land, dedication.

7、你要记得,永远要愉快地多给别人,少从别人那里拿取。 You remember, always happily give others more, take less from another.

8、只有为别人而活的生命才是值得的。 Only a life lived for others is worth it.

9、只要能培一朵花,就不妨做做会朽的腐草。 As long as you can from a flower, you might as well do will rot rotten straw.

10、奉献一切是情,放弃生命是爱。 Devotion is affection, to give up life is love.

11、奉献你的心,不是紧握住对方的心不放。 Giving your heart, not to hold each other's heart.


13、如果血液不沸腾,血管里流的就是水;青春美好有何用,如不能奉献给祖国! If you don't boiling blood, veins is water flow; Youth beautiful good, such as dedicated to the motherland!上一页12下一页 Dedication is a virtue, content will be happy.

14、孤单久了,需要陪伴;爱的深了,需要无私奉献;不管怎样都会很难。 Alone for a long time, need to accompany; The deep of love, selfless dedication; Anyway it is very difficult.

15、对人来说,最大的欢乐,最大的幸福是把自己的精神力量奉献给他人。 For people, the greatest joy, the greatest happiness is to put his spirit power to others.

16、对值得我们爱的人无私的奉献,即使得不到任何回应,也会觉得无悔。 To the person worthy of love by our selfless dedication, even can not get any response, will feel regret.

17、幸福在于为别人生活。 Happiness lies in the life for others.

18、心洁白!一克奉献的心,永远的归处就是天堂。 White heart! Where a dedicated heart, forever is heaven.

19、我不是自闭,只是不想把自己奉献在别人的热闹里。 I am not a autistic, just don't want to dedicate themselves in someone else's busy.

20、我们总是将爱心奉献给不相干的人,却伤害着最亲的人。 We are always dedicated to irrelevant person, will love is hurting the most close people.

21、我参与,你奉献,我快乐! I participate in, your dedication, I am happy!

22、我愿怀着愚诚的心,为那些我所认为值得奉献的人付出。 I would like to with a sincere heart to pay for those who I think is worth giving.

23、我所能奉献的,只有热血辛劳汗水与眼泪。 I have nothing to offer but blood sweat and tears.

24、我能为正义战斗至奉献自己的生命,却不能相信你躺在那里的安静。 I fight to dedicate their life for justice, but can't believe you lie there quietly.

25、我觉得,我这辈子最灿烂的笑容,大概都奉献给我电脑和手机屏幕了。 I think, I this life the most brilliant smile, probably all dedicated to my computer and mobile phone screen.

26、我还不想为谁奉献自己,我的年华和我的精力。 Who I don't want to devote yourself, for my time and my energy.

27、所有的青春都奉献给了学校,而学校奉献了初恋给我们。 All the youth are dedicated to the school and the school dedicated the first love to us.

28、所谓幸福,都是奉献。我们拥有的都是我们给予的。 The so-called happiness, is dedication. Are we give our own.

29、最好的时光,请让我全部奉献给我的学业。 The best time, please let me all dedicated to my studies.

30、有句话说,用奉献牺牲所获取愉悦和满足感的幸福才是真正的爱。 There is a saying, with happiness which are sacrificed to get pleasure and satisfaction is the true love.

31、爱不是无私奉献的,因为它,你花费了一生! Love is not selfless dedication, because of it, you spent a lifetime!

32、爱是自然流溢出来的奉献。 Love is a natural flush out of devotion.

33、爱要无私的奉献,自私的拥有。 The dedication of love, selfish.

34、生命的价值在于创造和奉献,那么创造和奉献的价值不就是放弃生命吗? The value of life lies in creating and dedication, so the value of creativity and dedication is to give up life?

35、知责任重大而勇担,行有所作为而奉献。 As a responsible and explorations, and dedicated line.

36、自私就是渴望他人无私奉献,害怕自己奉献后变成无私的心情! Selfishness is selfless dedication, eager to others feared his dedication to become selfless mood!

37、自问:为什么关怀他人?以何种方式?只为自我爱的奉献。 Ask yourself: why care others? In what way? Only for self dedication of love.

38、至高的文明是奉献, High civilization is dedication, is a kind of give up perfect "higher self" spirit of sacrifice.

39、贝壳虽然死了,却把它的美丽留给了整个世界。 Shells, though dead, but its beauty to the whole world.

40、身为一个劳动者,就应该像牛一样劳动,像土地一样奉献。 As a laborer, it should work like cattle, like land, dedication.

41、这世界上没有绝对的奉献,但却有绝对的自私。 This world, there is no absolute dedication, but there are absolute selfish.

42、逻辑的尽头,不是理性与秩序的理想国,而是我用生命奉献的爱情。 The end of the logical, not rational and order of utopia, but I use the love of life.
