1、一年四季都在困,只有躺在床上最清醒。 Sleepy all year round, only lying in bed is the most sober.

2、不亏待每一份热情,也不讨好每一份冷漠。 Do not treat each enthusiasm badly, also do not please each indifference.

3、不喜欢我就直说,一直晾着我算什么。 If you don't like me, just say it. It's nothing to keep me hanging.

4、不要怕被别人利用,人家利用你说明你还有用。 Don't be afraid to be used by others. They use you to show that you are still useful.

5、中年一个女人更需要好心情,学会调节放松最重要。 A middle-aged woman needs to be in a good mood. Learning to adjust and relax is the most important thing.

6、乐观而灿烂的笑容不仅愉悦自己,也快乐着身边的每一个人。 Optimistic and bright smile not only pleased themselves, but also happy with everyone around.

7、人人都说我很听话,其实我只听自己的话。 Everyone says I am obedient, but I only listen to myself.

8、会讲究,也可以将就。能享受最好的,也可以承受最坏的。 You can be fastidious and you can make do with it. Can enjoy the best, can also bear the worst.

9、你会不会每次都那么高兴的找你喜欢的人聊天,是以失望结尾。 Will you be so happy to chat with the people you like every time? It ends in disappointment.

10、你总说我像云雾般看不清,却不知是你看不透我深情。 You always say that I can't see clearly like clouds, but I don't know that you can't see through my deep feelings.

11、你是比清风明月更难得的人间至善。 You are more rare than the pure wind and bright moon.

12、你爱我是一时的口误,我信你是一时的失误。 You love me is a slip of the tongue, I believe you are a slip of the tongue.

13、你要相信,总有一天你会找到那个适合你的人。 You have to believe that one day you will find the right person for you.

14、你过得好,我替你高兴,你过得不好,我替全世界高兴。 I'm happy for you if you're well, and I'm happy for the whole world if you're not well.

15、做我一辈子情人,就凭我爱你这么久。 Be my lover all my life, just because I love you so long.

16、别人说的话,随便听听就行了,别当真,认真你就输了。 Just listen to what others say. Don't take it seriously. If you are serious, you will lose.

17、只是希望你能明白,你在,便好。不在,便老。如此而已。 I just hope you can understand that you are here. If you are not here, you will be old. and that.

18、只要不放下努力和追求,小草也有点缀春天的价值。 As long as we don't put down our efforts and pursuit, grass also has the value of embellishing spring.

19、在下愿剜去双眼,望得君永世不得长安。 I would like to gouge out my eyes and hope that you will never live in Chang'an.

20、如果朋友让你生气,那说明你仍然在意他的友情。 If a friend makes you angry, it means that you still care about his friendship.

21、孤单的你,孤单的我,孤单的灵魂,*。 Lonely you, lonely me, lonely soul, displacement.

22、宁愿有神一样的敌人,也不愿有狗一样的朋友。 I would rather have enemies like gods than friends like dogs.

23、当遇到困难之时,就是离成功不远之时。 When we meet difficulties, we are not far away from success.

24、得之坦然、失之淡然、其必然、其自然。 It's easy to gain, easy to lose, inevitable and natural.

25、我们走过同一条街,却回到了两个世界。 We walked the same street, but we came back to two worlds.

26、我固执的只想要做自己,以我自己的方式爱着你。 I just want to be myself and love you in my own way.

27、我学着咽下一大段话和所有情绪,只用嗯表达我所有得想法。 I learned to swallow a large paragraph and all my emotions, just to express all my thoughts.

28、我的世界很简单,只有我在乎的跟不在乎的,以及爱的你。 My world is very simple, only I care with don't care, and love you.

29、我的床不大不小,用来抱着你睡正好。 My bed is not big or small. It's used to hold you and sleep well.

30、时间如水,总是无言。 Time is like water, always speechless.

31、是我爱上了你,现在又要伤了你,是我太傻还是我无情。 Is I fell in love with you, and now hurt you, is I too stupid or I heartless.

32、最幸运的是,我的闯入也惊动了你的心。 Most fortunately, my intrusion also shocked your heart.

33、有些人让你哭,你却飞蛾扑火。有些人让你笑,你却弃之不顾。 Some people make you cry, but you moth to the fire. Some people make you laugh, but you don't care.

34、有时候明知道是痛苦的,偏偏爱上了一些痛苦的感觉。 Sometimes I know it's painful, but I fall in love with some painful feelings.

35、没有人会心疼我,哪怕我哭的再撕心累裂肺,伤的遍体鳞伤。 No one will love me, even if I cry again tear heart tired split lung, injured black and white.

36、流过泪的眼睛更明亮,滴过血的心灵更坚强! The eyes flowing through tears are brighter, and the heart dripping blood is stronger!

37、爱上一个人是没有理由的。爱上了之后,她的一切就成了理由。 There is no reason to fall in love with someone. After falling in love with her, everything became a reason.

38、爱情,是一个精心设计的谎言。 Love is a well-designed lie.

39、生命就像一场梦,一场别人的梦,始终没有结束。 Life is like a dream, a dream of others, never ending.

40、生命,并不介意短暂地关闭心门。 Life doesn't mind closing the door for a short time.

41、生活是丰富多彩的,但我也有自己的颜色。 Life is colorful, but I also have my own colors.

42、男人不坏,女人不爱,男人不色,纯属摆设。 Men are not bad, women do not love, men do not color, pure decoration.

43、白茶清欢无别事,我在等风也等你。 I'm waiting for the wind and waiting for you.

44、等到风景都看透,也许你会陪我看细水长流。 When the scenery is clear, maybe you will accompany me to see the long stream.

45、终是谁使弦断,花落肩头,恍惚迷离。 Who is the end of the string broken, flowers fall on the shoulder, trance blurred.

46、若天有爱意,思念可跨生死。 If there is love in heaven, missing can cross life and death.

47、若是你一贫如洗,我会是你最后的行李。 If you are poor, I will be your last luggage.

48、行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧。 Action is the cure for fear, and hesitation and procrastination nourish it.

49、雨停而不止,夜深却牵挂依然,宝贝,晚安! The rain stops, but it's still late at night, baby, good night!

50、青春就是让你张扬的笑,也给你莫名的痛。 Youth is to make you laugh, but also give you inexplicable pain.