1、一个人愿意等待,另一个人才愿意出现。 A person willing to wait for, another talent to appear.

2、一场算计,究竟算计了谁,丢了谁的心? A calculation, exactly calculating the who, who lost his heart?

3、一念起,万水千山;一念灭,沧海桑田。 A read out, the long march; A read out, things change.

4、一直以为自己很幸福,原来如此惨烈。 Always thought he was very happy, so bitter.

5、不在乎你的过去,只关心你的未来就好。 Don't care about your past, only care about your future.

6、不是我不爱你了,而是我爱的心都痛了。 Not I do not love you, but I love the heart was hurt.

7、不要怪我的不懂事,我需要你们的谅解。 Don't blame me not sensible, I need your understanding.

8、人和人太熟,就知道刀子往哪里捅最痛。 Person and person, will know where the knife stabbed the most pain.

9、会离开就别说爱我,会推开就别抱紧我。 Will leave just don't say love me, would open don't hold me tight.

10、你不懂我的沉默,又怎么会懂我的难过。 You do not understand my silence, and how can understand my sad.

11、你到底爱不爱我,我不知道该说些什么。 Do you love me or not, I don't know what to say.

12、你总是逗她笑,她却喜欢让她哭的人。 You always make her laugh, she likes to make her cry.

13、你永远都不懂我,就像白天不懂夜的黑。 You never understand me, just like the day don't understand the night's black.

14、你的人轻靠我肩膀,你的心爬上谁的床。 You gently on my shoulder, and your heart who climbed up the bed.

15、你背叛了爱情请告诉我,只是不想伤害。 You betrayed love please tell me, just don't want to hurt.

16、傻逼样的去坚持,自会看见牛逼的结果。 Shitty samples to insist, will see the result of the cow force.

17、其实去哪不重要,重要的是和谁一起去。 Actually where is not important, the important is and who go together.

18、其实我知道的,我在等待着快乐的救赎。 In fact, I know, I'm waiting for the joy of redemption.

19、分手旅行只是为了找到一个理由忘记你。 Break up to travel just to find a reason to forget you.

20、只有父母会感觉没了你,没了全世界。 Only parents can feel lost you, not the world.

21、只要你能记住我,哪怕用恨的方式也好。 As long as you can remember me, even hate the way.

22、各奔东西后才知道,一别也许就是一世。 After each rush thing just know, don't may be a life time.

23、后悔的事我不做,我只做让你后悔的事。 And I don't regret, I only do let you regret.

24、听别人说你和她很幸福,我突然很想哭。 Listen to other people say you and she is very happy, I really want to cry suddenly.

25、回首曾经,不过是像看路人一样看自己。 Looking back at once, but is like watching passersby watch yourself.

26、在我一无所有的时候,你就是我的所有。 When I have nothing, you are my all.

27、好男人经得起**、好女人耐得住寂寞! Good man can withstand temptation, good woman tolerance for solitude!

28、安于现状的我们,再也没有感情可言了。 The status quo of us, no feelings.

29、对一个人养成习惯,那该是多么可怕。 To a person habit, it would be terrible.

30、幸福与希望,总是生命中最求之不得的。 Happiness and hope, it is always the most welcome in life.

31、彼此相爱就是幸福,如此简单,如此难。 Love each other is happy, so simple, so difficult.

32、忘了,该忘得人吧。想了,不该想得人。 Forget, forget the gadites. Think, shouldn't want to person.

33、性格相同的是朋友,性格互补的是情侣。 Character is the same friends, character is complementary.

34、我不后悔爱过你。哪怕你伤的我那么深。 I don't regret love you. Even if you hurt me so deep.

35、我不得不承认,失败的我是那么的脆弱。 I have to admit, failure of I is so fragile.

36、我发誓离开你我笑了,笑得眼泪都掉了。 I swear I'll leave you I smiled, laugh tears away.

37、我可以快乐的生活,但心不可停止疼痛。 I can be happy life, but the heart do not stop the pain.

38、我喜欢他,喜欢的好辛苦,都还得不到。 I like him, like a good hard, also can not get.

39、我姓坚名强,只要没死就还能笑的猖狂。 My name is established a strong, as long as not dead can still laugh rampant.

40、我总是觉得莫名的想哭,不知道为什么。 I always feel strange want to cry, don't know why.

41、我是个自私的人,我自私得只许你有我。 I am a selfish person, I have only you have my selfish.

42、我爱你,我爱你即使分手了我还是爱你! I love you, I love you even broke up I still love you!

43、我特别想在哭的时候笑,因为我够坚强。 I especially want to cry to laugh, because I am strong enough.

44、我的爱只有一份,一旦付出,就是全部。 My love is only a, once pay, is all.

45、我要的不是生命的长度,是生命的宽度。 What I want is not the length of life, is the width of the life.

46、我还是做着同样的梦,思念握着你的手。 I'm still doing the same dream, missing is the one who holds your hand.

47、所谓爱情、不过是一场痴人说梦的把戏。 The so-called love, is just a silly trick.

48、把思念藏在心间,任季风渐瘦了容颜。 Remember fondly hidden in the heart, as the monsoon gradually lost face.

49、无论多好的望远镜,也望不到幸福边缘。 No matter how good the telescope, and wang budao edge of happiness.

50、既然决定了要走,又何必等着我的挽留。 Since decided to go, why wait for me to retain.

51、时光不停的在转动,现在你是谁的英雄。 Time in the rotation, now who are you heroes.

52、曾那么近的温柔,如今那么陌生的距离。 Tender was so close, so strange now.

53、最怕的就是被身边人,抢了自己最爱的。 The most afraid of be being around people, grabbed their favorite.

54、有些人华丽丽的退场,有些人安静落幕。 Some delicious exits, some quiet.

55、有些时候,需要的不是爱情,而是友情。 In some cases, the need is not love, but friendship.

56、有很多个一瞬间,想断绝你的一切联系。 There are a lot of moment, want to cut off all your contact.

57、有时候真话太尖锐,有人只好说着谎言。 Sometimes the truth is too sharp, someone had to say a lie.

58、有时沉默不是不快乐,只是想把心放空。 Sometimes silence is not unhappy, just want to put the heart is empty.

59、每个人都怕爱太深。我不敢太爱一个人。 Everyone is afraid of love too deep. I'm not too love a person.

60、每天第一眼看到的不是你,而是我自己。 Every day not see you for the first time, but my own.

61、沉溺于死亡的姿态。恨只恨,苍天负我。 Addicted to the attitude of death. Negative I hate just hate, heaven.

62、没那么简单,就能找到自己想要的幸福。 It's not that simple, you can find what you want happiness.

63、爱了这么久,终究抵不过你的一句分手。 Love so long, to break up but your word after all.

64、爱情这淌浑水,爱得越深,陷得越深。 Love this muddy water dripped, love the deeper, the deeper trap.

65、爱情里谁认真了,谁就输的一塌糊涂。 In love who seriously, who is lost in a great mess.

66、爱我的人我不爱,不爱我的人往死里踹。 Love my people I do not love, not love my people to kick into the death.

67、爱是一种付出,即使痛苦也会觉得甘愿。 Love is a kind of pay, even pain will find willing.

68、爱,即使没有边缘那不一定都是误会的。 Love, even if there is no edges that are not necessarily misunderstanding.

69、玩归玩闹归闹,别拿我在乎的人开玩笑。 Play to play to make, don't make fun of the person I care about.

70、现实结束所有幻想,思念瘫痪所有欲感。 End all fantasy reality, missing paralyzed all desire.

71、男人没几个是东西、更没有几个好东西。 Man is a few things, a few good things.上一页12下一页

72、相信付出会有代价,代价只是一句傻瓜。 Believe that there will be a price, price is only a fool.

73、眼泪留下来的时候、才知道芯有多痛。 When the tears to stay, just know how much pain.

74、管我有多差。在这个世界上。就一个我。 Tube how poor I am. In this world. Just one me.

75、肆无忌惮的伤害后,谁还需要你的道歉。 After the unscrupulous damage, who also need your apology.

76、自己给自己打个结。却忘记了怎么解开。 Knot themselves. Have forgotten how to solve.

77、表面是一个开心的,心里却不是开心的。 The surface is a happy, the in the mind is not happy.

78、请不要假装对我好,我很傻,会当真的。 Please don't pretend good to me, I'm stupid, be true.

79、躲在黑暗的小角落, Hiding in the darkness of the small corner, a person to enjoy loneliness.

80、那人真没礼貌,上课时老是不跟我讲话。 The man really rude, never speak to me in class.

81、难离难舍想抱紧些,茫茫人生好像荒野。 Difficult from difficult shed to hold some, life is like a wilderness.
