1、一介草民,不敢高攀爱情。 A grassroots, dare not love.

2、一路上都是伏笔,转身的那刻全世界都失陷了。 All the way is foreshadowing, the moment of turning around, the whole world is lost.

3、一辈子的承诺,现在却忘得一干二净。 A lifetime of commitment, but now forget all.

4、不幸的人才要更坚强。 Unfortunate people need to be stronger.

5、不谈感情,不谈落魄,杯酒下肚,一醉方休。 Don't talk about feelings, don't talk about depression, after a glass of wine, get drunk.

6、世界上最酸的味道不是吃醋,而是你无权吃醋。 The most sour taste in the world is not to be jealous, but you have no right to be jealous.

7、也许有时候你回头了,而我却早以不在那个路口。 Maybe sometimes you look back, but I'm not at that intersection.

8、从来都是别离时,才知爱有多深。 Never know how deep love is until you leave.

9、他们都在笑,那笑声里没有我。 They were all laughing, and there was no me in that laughter.

10、你有你的诗和远方,我有我的懒和嚣张。 You have your poetry and distance, I have my laziness and arrogance.

11、你知道就算大雨让这座城市颠倒,我会给你怀抱。 You know, even if the heavy rain turns the city upside down, I'll give you a hug.

12、你还欠我一句对不起,可我不会再说没关系。 You still owe me a sorry, but I won't say it again, it doesn't matter.

13、信任,需要数年经营,却可以在一瞬间坍塌。 Trust, which takes years to operate, can collapse in an instant.

14、假如生活出卖了我,我希望是论斤卖! If life betrays me, I hope it's selling by Jin!

15、冬雪白头,是不负韶华最美的问候。 Winter snow white head, is live up to the most beautiful greetings of Shaohua.

16、删除一个人,你一定心寒过。 Delete a person, you must be too cold.

17、别再出现在我的梦里,我负担不起醒来的落空。 Don't appear in my dream again, I can't afford to wake up.

18、别在分手的时候说爱我,那样只会让我更难过。 Don't say you love me when you break up, it will only make me more sad.

19、原来不快乐旳孩子不止我一个。 I am not the only unhappy child.

20、原来都是假的,只有自己在乎。 It turns out that they are all fake, only they care.

21、后来,我爱的人都与你有几分相像。 Later, the people I love are similar to you.

22、寂寞不是因为没人陪,而是因为没有他。 Loneliness is not because there is no one to accompany, but because there is no him.

23、左心房旳温暖,是沵最耀眼旳光芒。 The warmth of the left atrium is your most dazzling light.

24、希望多年以后,陪伴我身边的依然是你。 I hope that after many years, I will still be accompanied by you.

25、心,在抽痛、依旧笑颜如花。 Heart, in pain, still smile.

26、想念如果有声音的话,你早就被我吵死了。 If there was a sound, you would have been killed by me.

27、愿君多采撷,此物最相思。 May you pick more, this is the most Acacia.

28、我也不知道人为什么而活,所以我至今还活着。 I don't know why people live, so I'm still alive.

29、我们要怎么做,爱情才会很快乐。 How do we do, love will be very happy.

30、我会一直喜欢你,直到被你伤害到没力气。 I will always like you, until you hurt to no strength.

31、我想关心你,可是我是你的谁。 I want to care about you, but who am I.

32、我爱你爱到心都碎了,心都没了。 I love you so much that my heart is broken and my heart is gone.

33、挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想,忘不了的爱。 The regret that can't be recalled, the dream that can't be touched, the love that can't be forgotten.

34、时光的背后,我以为的以为,永远都只是我以为。 Behind the time, what I think is always just what I think.

35、是不是当我说爱你的时候,你就准备出逃。 Are you ready to run away when I say I love you.

36、是我自己遮住了光,所有黑暗我一个人扛。 It was I who covered the light and carried all the darkness on my own.

37、有时候,孤单一个人反而更好,没人伤害得了你。 Sometimes, it's better to be alone. No one can hurt you.

38、来,陪我喝一杯吧,别让我一个人醉。 Come on, have a drink with me. Don't let me get drunk alone.

39、梦境越深,痛觉越弱。 The deeper the dream, the weaker the pain.

40、深情即是死罪,又怎怕挫骨扬灰。 Deep love is a capital crime. How can we be afraid of disheartening.

41、生活的一半是倒霉,另一半是如何处理倒霉。 Half of life is bad luck, the other half is how to deal with it.

42、相互都勇敢一点,或许结局就不一样了。 Be brave to each other, maybe the ending will be different.

43、相爱却不能相恋,相恋却不相爱。 Love but not love, love but not love.

44、真想买两个超大的电风扇,把我记忆都吹走。 I really want to buy two super large fans to blow away my memory.

45、致命的曾经,是你在我的人生中埋下的一个伏笔。 The fatal past is a foreshadowing of you in my life.

46、落花有意,流水无情。 The falling flowers are intentional and the flowing water is merciless.

47、要敢于边缘化,起码可以保留一些初心。 We should dare to marginalize, at least we can keep some original intention.

48、身处这么一方世界,我便已感感悟与一道沧桑。 In such a world, I have already felt the vicissitudes of life.

49、这个世界真好,每天都有不同的难过。 It's a wonderful world. There are different kinds of sadness every day.

50、醒时只愿朝花笑,醉时只愿对花眠。 I only want to laugh at the flowers when I wake up, and I only want to sleep on them when I'm drunk.