1、一年之计在于春,一日之计在于晨。 A year's plan is in spring, and a day's plan is in the morning.

2、一笺花笺,剪不断的情思缱绻,绻不绝的离苦浅缘。 A piece of flower paper, cut the constant love, the endless from the bitter shallow edge.

3、一钱相思,两两淡酒,煎熬成疾,奈何药石无医。 One money Acacia, two light wine, suffering into a disease, but no medicine stone.

4、不觉神思飞卷,待到刹那眸光如烟。 I don't feel that my mind is flying and my eyes are like smoke.

5、为你,袖手天下,陪你,浪迹天涯。 For you, the world, with you, wandering the world.

6、予你痴情,赠我伤痛。 Give you infatuation, give me pain.

7、云鬟绿鬓罢梳结,愁如回飙乱白雪。 Cloud maid green temples combed knot, sorrow such as back wind chaos snow.

8、五行轮灵,真火九转;九九归一,九练归仙。 The five elements turn to spirit, and the true fire turns nine times; Nine to one, nine to the immortal.

9、人是铁,贱是钢,一天不犯闷得慌。 People are iron, cheap is steel, a day is not boring.

10、人生只有一个依靠,总会让你失望。 There is only one dependence in life, which will always disappoint you.

11、人间有风,有雨,有阳光,还有一个不错的你。 There is wind, rain, sunshine, and a good you.

12、人间烟火,山河远阔。 The world is full of fireworks.

13、什么时候想嫁人了就告诉我,我娶你! Tell me when you want to get married, I will marry you!

14、今生都等不来,何必寄往来生。 This life can't wait, why send it to the next life.

15、伤情处,高城望断,灯火已黄昏。 The wounded place, high city, lights have been dusk.

16、你是我始料不及的遇见,也是我突如其来的欢喜。 You are my unexpected encounter, but also my sudden joy.

17、你负责貌美如花,我负责赚钱养家。 You are responsible for the beauty, I am responsible for the money to support the family.

18、免费赠送一红本,永不褪色。 A free red book will never fade.

19、入骨愁思知不知?缘断诛仙诀此世。 Do you know when you are in deep sorrow? The fate is broken and the immortal is killed.

20、冬日暖阳,好日常在。人间烟火,谁能不爱。 Warm sun in winter, good daily. World fireworks, who can not love.

21、别指望我谅解,别指望我体会。 Don't expect me to understand, don't expect me to understand.

22、十轮霜影转庭梧,此夕羁人独向隅。 Ten frost shadow turn court Wu, this Xi Ji person alone to corner.

23、华严瀑布高千尺,不及卿卿爱我情。 Huayan waterfall is thousands of feet high, which is less than Qingqing's love for me.

24、南方以南,以梦为马。太阳以西,折骨为刀。 To the south, dream is the horse. To the west of the sun, a broken bone is a knife.

25、卿已为凉人,绝情断根,撕心裂肺的心房隐隐泛疼。 Qing has been a cool person, heartbroken root, heart splitting atrium faint pan pain.

26、只因会尽人间事,惹得闲愁满肚皮。 Only because will do the human affairs, causes idle worry to fill the belly.

27、吾王起灵归来日,尔等俯首称臣时。 On the day of my king's return, when you bow your head and become a minister.

28、女神亭亭山之上,白云舒卷在脚下。 On the mountain of Goddess Tingting, white clouds curl at the foot.

29、好感怎会永保新鲜,毕竟热情总会变冷淡。 How can a good feeling always be fresh? After all, enthusiasm always turns cold.

30、如果所有土地连在一起,走上一生只为拥抱你。 If all the land is connected, I will go on for a lifetime just to embrace you.

31、如花美眷,似水流年。 As beautiful as flowers, as time goes by.

32、寒风凛冽,无星无月,欠一次久别重逢。 Cold wind, no star, no moon, a long time to meet again.

33、小生不才,未能及姑娘一生所爱。 I'm not talented enough to love the girl all my life.

34、就让我笨拙的爱你,从须臾到不朽,从一叶到知秋。 Let me clumsily love you, from a moment to immortality, from a leaf to Zhiqiu.

35、山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。 Mountain is not high, there are immortal name; The water is not deep, the dragon is the soul.

36、岁月无多人易老,乾坤虽大愁难著。 There are few years, many people are easy to grow old, but the world is hard to worry about.

37、心不动,人不妄动,不动则不伤。 The heart does not move, the person does not rashly move, does not move does not hurt.

38、心中有篇文,期许一永恒,字里行间,念谁? There is an article in my heart. I hope it will last forever?

39、情如流水,爱似桃,,以我浮生,渡君一梦。 Love is like running water, love is like peach, floating in my life, crossing your dream.

40、想任你劫夺红尘知遇,永生不得离去。 If you want to rob the world, you will never leave.

41、想你的时候什么事都做不好,毕竟一心不能二用。 I can't do anything well when I miss you. After all, I can't do two things at once.

42、想送你很多很多口红,让你每天还我一点。 I want to give you a lot of lipstick, so that you can give me a little every day.

43、愿有岁月可回首,且似深情共白头。 May there be years to look back on, and like a total of love.

44、愿花常开月长圆,愿有情人共婵娟。 May the flowers bloom and the moon be long and round, and may the lovers be beautiful together.

45、我们不能一起出生,但是我们可以一起*苍生。 We can't be born together, but we can harm people together.

46、我在人世间轮回多少世,终找不回你的来生再会。 I reincarnate in the world how many lives, eventually can not find your next life goodbye.

47、我想用我的全部,换取1条通往你心里的路。 I want to use my all, in exchange for a road to your heart.

48、我用一生来陪你等,等缘分认真。 I spend my whole life waiting for you, waiting for fate to be serious.

49、我还在努力,你千万不要喜欢别人。 I'm still working hard. Don't like others.

50、我错过了很多,我总是一个人难过。 I miss a lot, I'm always sad by myself.

51、才感盛夏,忽而已秋。 It's summer, and it's autumn.

52、扫地扫地扫心地,心地不扫空扫地。 Sweep the floor, sweep the heart, sweep the air.

53、断魂还逐晚潮回,相映枝头红更苦。 The soul is broken, and the tide comes back at night. The red branches are more bitter.

54、日记所记录的不是一天天的事情,而是刻骨的爱情。 What the diary records is not the daily events, but the deep love.

55、最寂寞的人,应该就是在记忆中被遗忘的人。 The loneliest person should be the one forgotten in memory.

56、未来难预测,我们只坚持当下的选择。 The future is hard to predict. We just stick to the choice of the present.

57、某个人欠你的,会有另一个人还给你。 If one owes you, another will pay you back.

58、桃腮沉恨,粉褪梅林,幽思盈盈。 Peach cheek deep hate, powder fade plum forest, you Si Ying Ying.

59、楼底与楼顶的风景,永远不同,谁也别羡慕谁。 The scenery at the bottom and the top of the building is always different. No one should envy anyone.

60、比抵制诱惑更难的,是守住自己的节奏。 More difficult than resisting temptation is to keep your rhythm.

61、泪滴千千万万行,更使人、愁肠断。 Thousands of teardrops make people sad and heartbroken.

62、海水,除巫山不是。取次花回,伴修道伴君。 Sea water, except Wushan, is not. Take the second flower back, accompany the monk.

63、满目山河空念远,落花风雨更伤春。 The mountains and rivers are far away, the falling flowers and the wind and rain hurt the spring even more.

64、生能尽欢,死亦无憾。 Live happily and die without regret.

65、男人进入角色最早,而女人入戏总是太深。 Men are the first to enter the role, while women are always too deep into the play.

66、百世修来同渡船,千世修来共枕眠。 A hundred years of cultivation come to the same ferry, and a thousand years of cultivation come to sleep together.

67、看着你,内心滚烫,如同晴光。 Looking at you, my heart is burning like sunshine.

68、秋水凉,烟火烫,梦觉在伊身旁。 The autumn water is cool, the fireworks are hot, and the dream is by Yi's side.

69、童年的雨天最是泥泞,却又是记忆里最干净的曾经。 Childhood rainy day is the most muddy, but it is the cleanest ever in memory.

70、笑一个吧,熬过这段日子来汉中看油菜花海吧。 Smile and come to Hanzhong to see the sea of rape flowers.

71、米已成饭,木已成舟,只好听之而已。 Rice has become rice, and wood has become boat. It's just nice to hear.

72、给我五千虎骑,复我浩荡中华! Give me five thousand tiger riders to restore my great China!

73、缘来则聚,缘去则散,缘起则生,缘落则灭。 When the edge comes, it gathers; when the edge goes, it disperses; when the edge comes, it grows; when the edge falls, it dies.

74、若今昔一别一别永年苍山负雪浮生尽歇。 If the present and the past farewell forever, Cangshan snow floating life rest.

75、这一生一条路走到黑,无味无谓也无畏。 This life a road to black, tasteless, meaningless and fearless.

76、逝者以去,天地虽阔,与之何有。 With the passing of the dead, though the heaven and the earth are wide, what is there with them.

77、都不是什么成功人士,就别互相指点人生了。 If you're not a successful person, don't tell each other about your life.

78、隐约雷鸣,阴霾天空,但盼风雨来,能留你在此。 Dim thunder, haze sky, but look forward to the wind and rain, can keep you here.

79、青山原不老为雪白头,绿水本无忧因风皱面。 Green mountains are not old for snow, green water is not worry, because the wind wrinkled face.

80、静静的仰望着天空,只为寻找那个所谓的微笑。 Quietly looking up at the sky, just to find the so-called smile.

81、鸟儿尚成双,双依对唱亡。怎奈伊人泪两行。 The birds are still in pairs, and they die by singing to each other. But I have two lines of tears.

82、黑夜混沌,暗影迷离,紫眸深邃可看透险恶人心? Night chaos, shadow blurred, deep purple eyes, can see through the heart of dangerous villain?