1、-时过境迁的爱情,永远不知道永远有多远。 - the passage of love, never know how far is forever.

2、m就是岬牡疲m亮了,岵拍芸吹眉方向。 You are my light, your light, I can see the direction.

3、一边听雨,一边想你,雨声滴滴,淅沥淅沥。 While listening to the rain, while to you, the rain drops, patter.

4、不以淫荡示天下,但求**动世人! Not to show the world our, but our dynamic world!

5、世界上最幸福的三个字就是:在一起。 The three happiest words in the world are together.

6、也许生死相许,又或许各奔东西。 Maybe death, perhaps gebendongxi.

7、以后想吸烟了告诉我,我吻你。 After smoking, tell me, I kiss you.

8、以后的每一夜我都抱着你到天亮。 Every night I hold you till dawn.

9、会帮你系鞋带的男人是好男人!且珍惜。 The man who will help you tie your shoes is a good man! And cherish.

10、你令我改变了很多,不再是一个人。 You make me change a lot, not a person.

11、你可以让我伤心,但是千万不要让我死心! You can make me sad, but don't let me die!

12、你掌心的温度不高,却足以温暖我。 Your palm temperature is not high, but enough to warm me.

13、你是太阳、我是暖光、我们缺一不可。 You are the sun, I am warm light, we are indispensable.

14、你有什么身份,你就有个身份证。 What you have, you have an ID card.

15、你能否把心腾干净只装下我一个人。 Can you clean your heart and set me free.

16、你说因为有我所以赢了全世界。 You said you won the world because of me.

17、你说我们还小,可爱情也会老。 You say we are still small, cute will be old.

18、俄为迩抛弃一切,换来一句祝迩比俄幸福。 Russia for you to abandon all, in return for a wish you happy than I am.

19、做一道多选题,但是答案都是迩。 A multiple choice, but the answer is you.

20、其实我的心是个傻瓜,它只能爱你一个人。 In fact, my heart is a fool, it can only love you a person.

21、冬天你是我的优乐美,夏天你是我的冰棒。 In winter, you are my baby, you are my summer popsicle.

22、别站在你的角度看我,你看不懂。 Don't look at me from your point of view.

23、十字开头的年纪,说爱永远还太早。 Cross at the beginning of the age, love is always too early.

24、友情一旦认真比爱情还刻骨铭心。 If friendship than love is The imprint is engraved on my heart. seriously.

25、只想拥有他的爱,让我只做你一个人的爱人。 Just want to have his love, let me be your lover.

26、只要你不放手我可以爱你好久好久。 As long as you don't let go I can love you for a long time.

27、只要喊了她媳妇,就要拿了命去珍惜。 As long as the call of her daughter-in-law, it is necessary to take life to cherish.

28、哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。 Where there is great love, there are always miracles.

29、喜欢依赖你,星星依赖夜空般不离弃。 Like to rely on you, the stars do not abandon the night sky.

30、喜欢童话,是因为把它当成了童年。 Like the fairy tale, because it as a childhood.

31、因为爱过,所以慈悲;因为懂得,所以宽容。 Because of love, so mercy; because to understand, so tolerant.

32、多谢你的不在乎、知道了我的自作多情。 Thank you for your care, I know the way.

33、大姨夫管好你媳妇,别让她欺负我媳妇。 Uncle you and your wife, don't let her bully my daughter-in-law.

34、太像的两个人不是特别相爱就是互相伤害。 Too like the two people are not particularly in love is hurt each other.

35、她是左撇子,我们吃饭都可以手牵手! She is left-handed, we can eat hand in hand!

36、对一个人的感觉从喜欢到爱是幸福的吧。 The feeling of a person from love to love is happy.

37、对,我就是喜欢你,喜欢到自己都害怕了。 Yes, I just like you, like to be afraid of.

38、就算全世界离开你,还有一个我来陪。 Even if the whole world leave you, I have to accompany.

39、就算是美好的结局、也比不上没有结局。 Even a happy ending, but also no end.

40、幸福是当我失落,你像天使给我快乐。 Happiness is when I'm down, you're like an angel to me.

41、当我看见的你微笑,一切都不用苦恼。 When I see you smile, nothing to worry about.

42、心里最最最重要A位置,依旧留给你。 The heart is the most important place, still leave you.

43、悄悄等你很久,你没来,我却习惯了等待。 Quietly waiting for you for a long time, you did not come, but I used to wait.

44、我仰望满天的繁星,却仍迷失在你的光和影。 I look at the stars in the sky, but still lost in your light and shadow.

45、我可以,在你身边直到地老天荒。 I can be at your side until The end of life.

46、我喜欢你,这是永远不会变的事实。 I love you, it's never gonna change.

47、我喜欢的人啊他有一身的温暖。 I like the people he has a warm.

48、我心中最浪漫的事,就是和你一起变老。 The most romantic thing in my heart is to grow old with you.

49、我爱你始于初见,止于终老。 I love you from the beginning, check in.

50、我爱你,我也爱你我之间的小幸福。 I love you, I love you, my little happiness.

51、我的男友,只需要做到视我为唯一就够了。 My boyfriend, just need to see me as the only enough.

52、我的脾气赶走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。 My temper drove away a lot of people, but left the real person.

53、我要和你幸福的度过每一天的时光。 I want to spend every day happily with you.

54、把手放开,不是不爱,而是把爱藏在心中。 Let go of the hand, not love, but the love hidden in the heart.

55、抱着自己喜欢的人,才是最好的感觉。 Hold the person you like, is the best feeling.

56、掩饰悲伤,寂寞唏嘘,爱的初体验。 Hide sadness, loneliness and regret, the first taste of love.

57、昨天我知道了我喜欢的人他也喜欢我。 Yesterday I knew who I liked and he liked me.

58、桔梗花有双层花语:永恒的爱,无望的爱。 Flower has double meaning: eternal love, hopeless love.

59、沉默是害怕的借口 Silence is afraid of excuses, giggling all reason.

60、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。 Love a person is difficult, give up their loved ones more difficult.

61、爱人不必太完美,是你便足以! Love doesn't have to be perfect!

62、爱就像一个瓶子,溢满了我们之间的幸福。 Love is like a bottle full of happiness between us.

63、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也使人忘记爱情。 Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love.

64、爱情无需言作媒,全在心领神会。 Love without words for the media, all at the hint.

65、爱我你说,搁在心里多坎坷。 Love me you say, put in the heart more bumpy.

66、爱是心心相印的默契,是两小无猜的情怀。 Love is the heart of the tacit understanding, is Liangxiaowucai feelings.

67、生命为你提的字,谱成摇滚乐的诗。 Life for you to mention the word, into the rock and roll poetry.

68、生活有进有退,输什么也不能输了心情。 Life has to retreat, lose what can not lose the mood. Love is a touch of love, love is deep love.上一页12下一页

69、看到你的手我就能安心,陪你天涯海角。 See your hand I can feel at ease, to accompany you to the remotest corners of the globe.

70、真的,异地恋连一个拥抱都是奢侈的。 It's true that even a hug is a luxury.

71、素颜,说的美是你甜蜜的笑容。 Su Yan, said the United States is your sweet smile.

72、美丽是幸福的,幸福是花,也是叶子。 Beauty is happiness, happiness is a flower, is also a leaf.

73、美满的爱情,使斗士紧绷的心情松弛下来。 Happy love, so that the soldiers relaxed mood down.

74、自作多情只因为想让你也喜欢我。 Love just because I want you love me.

75、虽然不知道你是谁但我知道你对我重要。 I don't know whoyou are, but I know you are important to me.

76、让我爱你两天,有你的那天和没你的那天。 Let me love you two days, have your day and the day without you.

77、遇见你,不再朝朝暮暮,已是此生最美。 I met you, no longer is the most beautiful life every morning and evening.

78、遇见你,不再朝朝暮暮,已是此生最美。 I met you, no longer is the most beautiful life every morning and evening.

79、隐身的人回复你说明他不曾远离你。 The invisible man replies that he is not far away from you.
