1、10岁女人乖巧,是梨花,纯真洁白。 The 10-year-old woman is clever, pear blossom, pure and white.

2、70岁女人可亲,是菊花,素雅坚贞。 70 year old woman is amiable, chrysanthemum, elegant and faithful.

3、三分忙,七分瞎忙,总算把生活凑满了十分。 Three is busy, seven is busy, finally has filled the life ten.

4、不要随意发脾气,谁都不欠你的。 Don't lose your temper at will. No one owes you.

5、中规中矩,赢得尊重。赢得尊重,也赢得信赖。 To be regular, to win respect. Win respect and trust.

6、也许你真的很有实力,但我未必看的起你。 Maybe you are really powerful, but I don't have to look up to you.

7、习惯寂寞以后,一个人就是全世界。 After getting used to loneliness, a person is the world.

8、人们总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。 People always see the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair.

9、人生中,总有一些挫折,让我们情绪低落。 Life, there are always some setbacks, let us down.

10、人生若只如初见,从现在开始迷恋。 If life is just like the first sight, from now on infatuation.

11、从外入者不是家珍,从内发者,方谓真慧。 Those who come from outside are not family treasures, but those who come from inside are called true wisdom.

12、你不用仅展示近三天朋友圈,我一天也不想看。 You don't have to show the circle of friends for the last three days. I don't want to see it for a day.

13、你可能不理解别人,但你要尊重别人。 You may not understand others, but you should respect them.

14、使人成熟的是经历,而不是岁月。 What matures is experience, not years.

15、出去玩吧,给你的心情放个假。 Go out to play, give your mood a holiday.

16、别小看女人,女人有女人的用处。 Don't underestimate women. Women have women's uses.

17、善恶到头终有报,举头三尺有神灵。 Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, and there will be gods three feet up.

18、回忆,是与往事最美丽的重逢。 Memory is the most beautiful reunion with the past.

19、在任何状况下,不能玩弄别人,玩人必被人玩。 In any case, you can't play with others; you must be played by others.

20、在怀抱中抚慰,在感激中成长。 Comfort in the arms, grow up in gratitude.

21、城市灯火人心醉,打工日子确实累。 The city is full of lights and people are intoxicated. Working days are really tiring.

22、女人如花,愿每个女人像花一样绽放。 Women like flowers, I wish every woman bloom like a flower.

23、如果从小不说话,跟自己交往的很少。 If you don't talk since childhood, you seldom associate with yourself.

24、学会坚强,做一只沙漠中永不哭泣的骆驼! Learn to be strong and be a camel who never cries in the desert!

25、它溺过了所有的故事,却找不到逃生的方向。 It drowned all the stories, but couldn't find the way to escape.

26、心理在于健康,心理在于理想素质的提高。 The psychology lies in health and the improvement of ideal quality.

27、怕苦的人苦一辈子,不怕苦的人苦一阵子。 Those who are afraid of suffering will suffer for a lifetime, and those who are not afraid of suffering will suffer for a while.

28、总盯着别人的生活,看不到自己的幸福。 Always staring at other people's life, can not see their own happiness.

29、恢弘志士之气,不宜妄自菲薄。 It is not advisable to belittle oneself with lofty ideals.

30、愿岁月静好,人生朴素,无怒无嗔,无怨无悔。 May the years be quiet, simple life, no anger, no anger, no regret.

31、我们不能去欺负别人,但也不看别人的冷脸。 We can't bully others, but we don't look at their cold faces.

32、我的人生充满失败,为此,我充满感慨。 My life is full of failures, for which I am filled with emotion.

33、我跟你熟不熟,要看我跟你聊天的猥琐程度。 I'm not familiar with you. It depends on the obscenity of my chat with you.

34、或者生活是外买,上帝决定外买的时间。 Or life is bought out, and God decides when to buy out.

35、房子解决了,但心情还是挺沉重的。 The house has been solved, but my heart is still heavy.

36、抱最大的期望,为最大的发奋,做最坏的打算。 Expect the most, work for the biggest, and prepare for the worst.

37、改变自我,挑战自我,从现在开始。 Change yourself, challenge yourself, from now on.

38、无法改变所处的环境,但是可以坚强地活着。 Can not change the environment, but can be strong to live.

39、时间能改变一个人,生活能磨练一个人。 Time can change a person, life can hone a person.

40、更想无数因果后,这爱仍有盈余。 After thinking about countless causes and effects, this love still has a surplus.

41、有时候沉默,就是最好的诉说。 Sometimes silence is the best way to tell.

42、爱自己多一点吧,睁开眼又是崭新的一天。 Love yourself a little more, open your eyes is a brand new day.

43、狗不能喂的太饱,人不能对他太好! Dogs can't be fed too much, people can't be too nice to him!

44、生命是珍贵之物,死是最大的罪恶。 Life is precious, and death is the greatest sin.

45、生活不要安排得太满,人生不要设计得太挤。 Life should not be arranged too full, life should not be designed too crowded.

46、用勤奋实现梦想,用智慧成就人生。 Realize your dream with diligence and achieve your life with wisdom.

47、看淡世事沧桑,内心安然无恙。 Look down on the vicissitudes of the world, the heart is safe and sound.

48、看清眼前的,关注背后的。过好每一天! See what's in front of you and focus on what's behind. Live every day!

49、科学是永无止境的,它是一个永恒之谜。 Science is endless. It is an eternal mystery.

50、经历了一些事,才知道自己真的好傻。 After some things, I know I'm really stupid.

51、而时光的力量恰恰在于更改记忆中的模样。 The power of time is to change the appearance in memory.

52、艰苦岁月总难长久,坚毅的人总会出头。 Hard times never last long, and those who are resolute will always come out.

53、若想快乐,学会随和,若想幸福,学会随缘。 If you want to be happy, learn to be easy-going, if you want to be happy, learn to follow the fate.

54、要么就闭嘴接受现实,要么就证明自己的能力。 Either shut up and accept the reality, or prove your ability.

55、要相信人生无绝路,只有自绝的心灵。 To believe that there is no way out in life, there is only a spirit of self denial.

56、要让别人感激自己,就得先学会感激别人。 To make others appreciate themselves, you must first learn to appreciate others.

57、读书,是为了远离渣货垃圾人。 Reading is to keep away from the garbage people.

58、财富、知识、荣耀,不过是权力几种类型。 Wealth, knowledge and glory are but types of power.

59、迩总是这样在怀念过去,让怎么舍得放下。 You always miss the past like this, how can you give up.

60、麻烦你坚强点,你的软弱真的没人看。 Please be strong, your weakness is really nobody to see.