1、一个人出发去旅行,孤独却不寂寞。 A person set out to travel, lonely but not lonely.

2、一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己。 A person's travel, meet the most real yourself on the road.

3、一个人的旅行,在路上遇见较真实的自己。 A person's travel, meet more real yourself on the road.

4、不匆匆赶路,才能好好感悟。 If you don't hurry, you can have a good understanding.

5、不确定为什么要去,就是你出发的理由。 Not sure why you want to go is the reason why you set out.

6、与这世界交手这么多年,是否光彩依旧。 Is it still glorious to fight with the world for so many years.

7、世上再美的风景,都不及回家的那段路。 The most beautiful scenery in the world is not as good as the road home.

8、世界那么大,我想去朋友圈看看。 The world is so big that I want to go to the circle of friends.

9、世界那么大,我想去看看。 The world is so big, I want to see.

10、人生就像一次旅行,生活的每天都是风景。 Life is like a journey. Every day of life is a scenery.

11、人这一生,要见众生,见天地,见自己。 In this life, people should see all living beings, heaven and earth and themselves.

12、人间烟火气,最抚凡人心。 The world's fireworks are the most soothing.

13、你在舞台,我在人海,就已经很好啦。 You're on the stage and I'm in the crowd.

14、你所不知道的远方,都是值得去的天堂。 The distance you don't know is a paradise worth going to.

15、你透过窗看风景,山川湖泊也在看你。 You look at the scenery through the window, and the mountains and lakes are looking at you.

16、你透过车窗看风景,山川湖泊也在看你。 You look at the scenery through the window, and the mountains and lakes are looking at you.

17、光怪陆离都经历,山川湖海放心里。 Strange experiences, mountains, rivers, lakes and seas.

18、初秋应暗恋一个人,待冬日与他私奔。 Early autumn should secretly love a person and elope with him in winter.

19、别让正事,耽误了玩。 Don't let business delay play.

20、去看世界前,先看世界观。 Look at the world outlook before you go to see the world.

21、善良一点,因为每个人都在与生活苦战。 Be kind, because everyone is struggling with life.

22、在有趣的城市,遇见彩色的梦和许多美好。 In interesting cities, I met colorful dreams and many beautiful things.

23、如果你在看,我就是你的风景。 If you are watching, I am your scenery.

24、如果你在看,我就试试你的风景。 If you're watching, I'll try your scenery.

25、山水一程,三生有幸。 A journey through the mountains and rivers is a blessing in life.

26、山脚人多,我们山顶见。 There are many people at the foot of the mountain. I'll see you at the top of the mountain.

27、很放松,只是没有分享快乐的人。 Very relaxed, but there are no people who share happiness.

28、心中草莽无文案,只知游玩很欢愉。 I have no copy in my heart. I only know that it's fun to play.

29、愿你我既可以朝九晚五、又可以浪迹天涯。 I wish you and I can work nine to five and wander all over the world.

30、愿你精致到老,眼里是太阳,笑里是坦荡。 May you be exquisite to old, with the sun in your eyes and magnanimous in your smile.

31、我们会变得更好,不要总是回头。 We will get better. Don't always look back.

32、我和*之间,只隔着一张火车票的距离。 Tibet and I are only separated by a train ticket.

33、我和*之间,只隔着一张火车票! There is only one train ticket between me and Tibet!

34、我就是想停下来,看看这个世界。 I just want to stop and see the world.

35、我的背包已装满晴朗,出发去山顶看月光。 My backpack is full of sunshine. I set off to the top of the mountain to see the moonlight.

36、我眼里的世界,想分享给你。 The world in my eyes, want to share with you.

37、我装作在四处看风景,可我的眼里只有你。 I pretend to look around at the scenery, but my eyes are only you.

38、所有的道别里,我最喜欢:下次见。 Of all the goodbyes, I like best: see you next time.

39、找不到答案的时候,就去看一看这个世界。 When you can't find the answer, take a look at the world.

40、把眼睛留给风光,把体重留给美食。 Leave your eyes to the scenery and your weight to the food.

41、换一种方式,寻找另一面的美好生活。 In another way, look for a better life on the other side.

42、探知未知旅途,做更闪耀的自己。 Explore the unknown journey and be more shining yourself.

43、放轻松,就当漫游地球。 Relax and roam the earth.

44、旅行是心灵的阅读,而阅读是心灵的旅行。 Travel is the reading of the mind, and reading is the travel of the mind.

45、旅行的意义在于找到自己,而非浏览他人。 The meaning of travel is to find yourself, not to browse others.

46、旅行的深度,决定回味的长度。 The depth of travel determines the length of aftertaste.

47、旅行,最试验得出一个人的品性。 Travel is the best way to test a person's character.

48、旅途愉快,停哪站都不算太坏。 Have a nice trip. It's not too bad to stop at any station.

49、星空给予万种安宁,雪山治愈万种心碎。 The starry sky gives ten thousand kinds of peace, and the snow mountain heals ten thousand kinds of heartbreak.

50、有些事情现在不做,一辈子都不会做了。 If you don't do something now, you won't do it for a lifetime.

51、有的事情现在不做,就一辈子也不会做了。 If you don't do something now, you won't do it for a lifetime.

52、来世间一趟,一定要努力看看更多的风景。 If you come to the world, you must try to see more scenery.

53、没有一点儿疯狂,生活就不值得过。 Life is not worth living without a little madness.

54、注定要去的地方,多晚都有光。 Where you are destined to go, there is light no matter how late.

55、照片,快乐时光的一些证据。 Photos, some evidence of happy times.

56、用指南针过你的生活,而不是时钟。 Live your life with a compass, not a clock.

57、看看晚霞,吹吹风,都会过去的。 Look at the sunset, the wind will pass.

58、背包,相机,目的地,下一站不告诉你。 Backpack, camera, destination, I won't tell you the next stop.

59、背包,相机,目的地,下一站,不告诉你。 Backpack, camera, destination, next stop, I won't tell you.

60、苍山不墨千秋画;洱海无弦万古琴。 Cangshan does not ink Qianqiu painting; Erhai stringless ancient Qin.

61、让别人快乐是慈悲,让自己快乐是本分。 It is compassion to make others happy, and it is duty to make yourself happy.

62、趁兴而行,我们能走多远就走多远。 Take advantage of the fun and go as far as we can.

63、这一路都是风景,我就不为你翻山越岭了。 There are scenery all the way, so I won't climb mountains for you.

64、长安归故里,故里有长安。 Chang'an returns to his hometown, where there is Chang'an.

65、风尘仆仆,终有归途。 Travel, there is a way home.

66、风来自远方,我去去也无妨。 The wind comes from afar. It doesn't matter if I go.