1、人的一生有一个半童年。一个童年在自己小时候,而半个童年在自己孩子小的时候。——余光中 There is a childhood and a half in one's life. One childhood is when you are a child, and half of your childhood is when you are a child.
2、儿童不是要塑造的东西,而是要展开的人。——杰斯·莱尔 Children are not things to shape, but people to expand.
3、儿童是进入天堂的钥匙。——理·斯托达德 Children are the key to heaven. ——Lee Stoddard
4、儿童游戏中常寓有深刻的思想。——席勒 Children's games often contain profound thoughts.
5、儿童的情形,便是将来的命运。——鲁迅 The situation of children is the fate of the future.
6、天地最有情,少年莫浪投。——陈毅 Heaven and earth are the most affectionate.
7、孩子们,你们的未来万岁!——高尔基 Children, long live your future!
8、孩子变好的最佳方法是给予他们快乐。——王尔德 The best way for children to get better is to give them happiness.
9、孩子提出的问题越多,那么他在童年早期认识周围的东西也就愈多,在学校中越聪明,眼睛愈明,记忆力愈敏锐。要培养自己孩子的智力,那你就得教给他思考。——苏霍姆林斯基 The more questions a child asks, the more things he knows around him in his early childhood, the smarter he is in school, the clearer his eyes and the sharper his memory is. To develop your child's intelligence, you have to teach him to think.
10、孩子是来自无限和永恒的阳光,有美德和邪恶的可能性,但尚未染色。——莱曼雅培 The child is from the infinite and eternal sunshine, has the possibility of virtue and evil, but has not yet dyed.
11、宁肯在成人的团体中被逐去,不可为儿童们所憎厌。——德纳 It is better to be banished from adult groups than to be detested by children.
12、应该努力使子女有强健的身体,使他们在爱的环境中过和平而且宁静的童年,使他们那种美好的信心尽可能地延长。——居里夫人 We should try our best to make our children have a strong body, make them live a peaceful and peaceful childhood in a loving environment, and extend their good faith as much as possible.
13、我们知道的东西是有限的,我们不知道的东西则是无穷的。——拉普拉斯 What we know is limited, and what we don't know is infinite.
14、我时常回到童年,用一片童心来思考问题,很多烦恼的问题就变得易解。——王小波 I often go back to my childhood and think about problems with a childlike innocence. Many vexed problems become easy to solve.
15、教育不能创造什么,但它能启发儿童创造力以从事于创造工作。——陶行知 Education can't create anything, but it can inspire children's creativity to engage in creative work.
16、智慧属于成人,单纯属于儿童。——蒲柏 Wisdom belongs to adults, pure to children.
17、树叶之与森林,犹如儿童只于世界。——朗费罗 The leaves and the forest are like children in the world.
18、童年原是一生最美妙的阶段,那时的孩子是一朵花,也是一颗果子,是一片朦朦胧胧的聪明,一种永远不息的活动,一股强烈的欲望。——巴尔扎克 Childhood is the most wonderful stage of life, when the child is a flower, but also a fruit, is a hazy wisdom, a never-ending activity, a strong desire.
19、童年呵!是梦中的真,是真中的梦,是回忆时含泪的微笑。——冰心 Childhood! It is the truth in the dream, the dream in the truth, and the tearful smile when recalling.
20、童年时代是生命在不断再生过程中的一个阶段,人类就是在这种不断的再生过程中永远生存下去的。——肖伯纳 Childhood is a stage of life in the process of continuous regeneration, in which human beings will survive forever.
21、自己强大,长大后才会依然有童话,我的脸上若有从童年带来的红色,它的来源是那座花园。——汪曾祺 I am strong, and I will still have fairy tales when I grow up. If there is red on my face from childhood, its source is that garden.
22、赞美童年吧,它在我们尘世的艰难中带来了天堂的美妙。——阿米尔 Praise childhood, which brings the beauty of heaven in our earthly difficulties.