1、一人嘴动,十人嘴酸。 One mouth moves, ten sour.

2、一勤生百巧,一懒生百病。 A diligent student makes a hundred tricks, a lazy one makes a hundred diseases.

3、一艺不通一世穷。 A poor man is a poor man.

4、一阵太阳一阵雨,栽下黄秧吃白米。 A shower of sun and rain, planting yellow rice to eat white rice.

5、三分像人,七分像鬼。 Three are like human beings and seven are like ghosts.

6、三分种,七分管。 Three species, seven in charge.

7、不懂装懂,永世饭桶。 Do not pretend to understand, eternal bucket.上一页12下一页

8、不气不愁,活到白头。 No worries, no worries, live to the white end.

9、人嘴两层皮,言是又言非。 A man's mouth has two skin layers: right and wrong.

10、人多出正理,谷多出好米。 More people make sense, more grain makes good rice.

11、人越嬉越懒,嘴越吃越馋。 The more you play, the lazier you are, the more you eat.

12、今冬麦盖三层被,来年枕着馒头睡。 This winter wheat cover three bedding, next year pillow steamed bread to sleep.

13、六月里盖被,十二月里无米。 Covered in June, no rice in December.

14、冬麦深,春麦浅。 Winter wheat is deep, spring wheat is shallow.

15、刮别人的油水长自己的膘。 Scrape other people's oil and grow their own fat.

16、千里不捎针,万里没轻重。 Thousands of miles without needles, thousands of miles without weight.

17、半夜东风起,明日好天气。 It's windy in the middle of the night and it's fine tomorrow.

18、口吃酥油,筋卡喉管。 Stuttering butter, tendons stuck in the throat.

19、只要有觉睡,头颅睡烂也甘心。 As long as you sleep, your head is willing to fall asleep.

20、吃得快、咽得忙,伤了胃口伤了肠。 Eating fast, swallowing busily, hurting appetite and hurting intestine.

21、吃饭防噎,走路防跌。 Eat to prevent choking, walk to prevent falling.

22、固执己见,袋里装牛角。 Stick to your own opinions and put horns in your bag.

23、夏至进入伏里天,耕田像是水浇园。 As the summer solstice enters the volcanic sky, farming is like watering a garden.

24、夏走十里不黑,冬走十里不亮。 It is not dark to walk ten miles in summer, but not bright to walk ten miles in winter.

25、大榕树冬不落叶,兆春寒。 Big banyan leaves do not fall in winter, auguring cold in spring.

26、大海不嫌水多,庄稼不嫌肥多。 The sea is not too wet, the crops are not too fat.

27、好汉不提当年勇。 A good man does not mention bravery.

28、宁做蚂蚁腿,不学麻雀嘴。 Better be an ant's leg than a sparrow's mouth.

29、它山之石,能够攻玉。 The stone of other mountains can attack the jade.

30、小暑风不动,霜冻来的迟。 Little summer wind does not move, frost comeslate.

31、平时不烧香,临时抱佛脚。 Usually do not burn incense, temporary embrace Buddha's feet.

32、庄稼行里不用问,除了人力就是粪。 There's no need to ask in the crop industry, except for manpower, which is dung.

33、日落云里走,地雨半夜后。 Sunset clouds, rain after midnight.

34、早起活活腰,一天精神好。 Get up early and live your waist. Have a good day.

35、旱枣涝栗子,不旱不涝收柿子。 Dry jujube and waterlogged chestnut, no drought or waterlogged persimmon harvest.

36、春天刮风多,秋天下雨多。 It's windy in spring and rainy in autumn.

37、有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相识。 Fate thousands of miles to meet, no chance to know each other.

38、树不修,长不直;人不学,无知识。 Trees do not grow straight; people do not learn, no knowledge.

39、桐叶马蹄大,稻种下泥无牵挂。 Tongye horseshoe big, rice seed mud without concern.

40、水养一条线,旱荒一大片。 Water feedsa line, and drought and famine are widespread.

41、水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 Water can carry a boat and overturn it.

42、活到老,学到老,一生一世学不了。 It's never too old to learn. It's never too old to learn.

43、活动好比灵芝草,何苦去把仙方找。 Activities are like Ganoderma lucidum. Why bother to find the fairy prescription?

44、滴水之恩,当涌泉相报。 The grace of dripping water should be reported by the gushing spring.

45、火碳上放盐巴。 Put salt on the charcoal.

46、由俭入奢易,由奢入俭难。 From thrift to luxury is easy, from luxury to frugality is difficult.

47、痒要自己抓,好要别人夸。 The itch should be caught by oneself, so that others can praise it.

48、白露前,快种麦。 Before dew, grow wheat quickly.

49、直闪雨小,横闪雨大。 The direct flash rain is small, the horizontal flash rain is big.

50、种地无巧,粪水灌饱。 No sowing skill, fecal water filling.

51、立秋三天遍地红。 The first three days of autumn are red everywhere.

52、粪沤好,庄稼饱。 Feces are well fed andcrops are full.

53、细雨没久晴,大雨无久落。 The fine rain lasted for a long time, and the heavy rain lasted for a long time.

54、良言一句三冬暖,恶语一句六月寒。 Good words are warm in winter, bad words are cold in June.

55、芒种麦登场,秋耕紧跟上。 The awn-planted wheat comes on the stage, and the autumn plough keeps up with it.

56、菜地麦子用手扬,一亩能抵三亩粮。 The wheat in vegetable fields can reach three mu of grain per mu by hand.

57、虎瘦雄心在,人穷志不短。 A tiger is thin and ambitious, but a man is poor and ambitious.

58、见解虽与神相同,行动需要和众人。 Opinion is the same as God, but action needs to be with all.

59、豆腐多了一包水,空话多了无人信。 Tofu is a pack of water, empty talk is too much to be believed.

60、败家子挥金如粪,兴家人惜粪如金。 The loser spends money like dung, while the rejuvenating family cherishes dung like gold.

61、贪别人个花,误自我个家。 Greed others for flowers, mistake oneself for home.

62、赌钱众人骂,读书众人夸。 People swear at gambling and praise reading.

63、锻炼不刻苦,纸上画老虎。 Exercise is not hard. Draw tigers on paper.

64、阳光是个宝,越晒人越好。 Sunshine is a treasure, the more people are exposed to the sun, the better.

65、风吹秧田水放干,雨淋秧田水满田。 Wind dries the seedling field and rain dries the seedling field.

66、高粱选尖尖,玉米要中间。 Sorghum should be pointed and corn should be in the middle.

67、鸟美在羽毛,人美在勤劳。 Bird beauty is in feathers, and man beauty is in diligence.

68、麦熟一夜,禾熟三朝。 One night of wheat ripening, three dynasties of grass ripening.
