1、一句心累就结束了我们的感情。 A tired heart ends our relationship.

2、一座城,一段情,一个人,一生痛! A city, a love, a person, life pain!

3、七零八落、拼凑不起曾经的记忆。 Scattered, patchwork can not remember once.

4、不吃的苹果被人抢了,还是难过。 I'm still sad that the apple I don't eat is robbed.

5、不属于我,打死我也不要。 It doesn't belong to me. I don't want to be killed.

6、不是人间不值得,是我不值得。 It's not that the world is not worth it, it's me.

7、不是我不懂你,是因为我还爱你。 It's not that I don't understand you, it's because I still love you.

8、世态炎凉,别太善良。 Don't be too kind.

9、世界那么大能认识你,我觉得好不幸。 The world is so big that I feel so unfortunate to know you.

10、久居深海,我名孤独。 Living in the deep sea for a long time, my name is lonely.

11、久违放晴的天空,依旧留着你的笑容。 Long time no clear sky, still keep your smile.

12、仓山负雪,浮生尽歇。 Cangshan is full of snow.

13、你有什么了不起,我还不是一样忘了你。 What's the matter with you? I haven't forgotten you.

14、先学会不生气,再学会气死人。 First learn not to be angry, then learn to be angry.

15、其实我们这代人,很多是没有后路的。 In fact, many of our generation have no future.

16、其实我们都没错,都是爱情惹的祸。 In fact, we are all right. It's all caused by love.

17、别皱眉,你要的我一定拼命给。 Don't frown. I'll give you what you want.

18、却待你青丝绾正,笑看君怀她笑颜。 But treat you green silk Wan Zheng, smile to see Jun Huai her smile.

19、可能我只是他疲于寻找之后的选择。 Maybe I'm just tired of looking for the next choice.

20、外面下着雨,犹如我心血在滴。 It's like rain outside.

21、女汉子也是女的,她也需要哄的。 A woman is also a woman, and she needs to be coaxed.

22、心好痛,你要离开我,是我没做好么? Heart pain, you want to leave me, I did not do it?

23、我为你写的情书,被六月的风带走了。 The love letter I wrote for you was taken away by the wind in June.

24、我仅有的一颗心,不是让你用来伤的。 My only heart is not for you to hurt.

25、我们都在变,何必感概从前。 We're all changing. Why feel the past.

26、我会爱你一辈子,但不能和你在一起。 I will love you all my life, but I can't be with you.

27、我只是一个疯子,一个很爱你的疯子。 I'm just a madman, a madman who loves you very much.

28、我怎么拼命的挽留,但最后你还是走了。 I tried my best to keep you, but at last you left.

29、我本是百毒不侵,谁料你万毒俱全。 I was invincible to all kinds of poisons, but you have all kinds of poisons.

30、所谓爱,不过是种束缚人感情而已。 The so-called love is just a kind of bondage.

31、时间一点点走过,我们相离更远。 Little by little, we are far away.

32、晴天霹雳,竟是教会你成长。 A bolt from the blue, it is to teach you to grow.

33、智慧源于经验,经验源于小愚笨。 Wisdom comes from experience, experience from little fool.

34、最唯美的笑容,却成为最悲伤的面具。 The most beautiful smile, but become the most sad mask.

35、有一种陪伴不在身边,而在心里。 There is a company not around, but in the heart.

36、有些东西虽拿得起,却不一定放得下。 Although some things are affordable, they may not be able to be put down.

37、有些事情不说是个结,说了是个疤。 Some things are not a knot, but a scar.

38、爱情可以简简单单,却不可以随随便便。 Love can be simple, but not casual.

39、爱情这条路,我在半路就迷失了方向。 I lost my way on the way of love.

40、直到十七岁才明白,原来那不是爱。 It wasn't until I was seventeen that I realized that it wasn't love.

41、短暂的浪漫过后留下的都是漫长的痛苦。 After a short period of romance, what is left is a long pain.

42、笑脸给多了,惯的全是病。 Smile to many, used to all the disease.

43、约定好的明天,总是遗落在昨天。 The agreed tomorrow is always left behind in yesterday.

44、说好不再为爱哭,却时而心动时而心痛。 Say good no longer cry for love, but sometimes heart, sometimes heartache.

45、越来越不爱解释,即使对自己爸妈。 I don't like to explain more and more, even to my parents.

46、还有谁能给我温暖,你们都离开了。 Who else can give me warmth, you all left.

47、这世界仅有回不去的,没有过不去的。 There is only one thing in the world that can't go back, and there is no one that can't go back.

48、陪你疯,陪你傻,到最后谁陪我哭。 Accompany you crazy, accompany you silly, to the end who accompany me cry.

49、青衫湿遍方悔恨,奈何流光不等人。 Green shirt wet all over the party regret, but streamer wait for no one.

50、风景断续,爱情流泪。 Intermittent scenery, love tears.