1、不用羡慕别人有多么幸福。每个人的感情都不顺利。 Don't envy other people how happy. Everyone's feelings are not smooth.

2、不知道他那里好,让你抛下我为他奋不顾身。 Don't know him well, let you leave me for him regardless of personal danger.

3、不要说我爱的值不值,痛死了也不会说后悔的才叫爱情。 Don't say I love is worth a pain never say regret is love.

4、不见得我有多爱你,我只是厌倦了寻觅。 Not how much I love you, I just tired of looking.

5、也许你度过了很糟糕的一天,但这并不代表你会因此度过糟糕的一生。 Maybe you had a bad day, but it doesn't mean you're going to have a bad life.

6、也许所谓的幸福结局,就是抱着永不放弃的希望,继续前行。 Perhaps the so-called happy ending, is holding the hope that never give up, continue to move forward.

7、人生么有等出来的美丽,只有走出来的辉煌。 Life, there is such a beautiful, only to come out of the brilliant.

8、你不必像罪犯流亡,莫非爱过我是场磨难。 You don't have to like criminals in exile, has loved me is suffering.

9、你从不孤单。因为,这个世上肯定有一个人,在努力地走到你的身边。 You're never alone. Because, there must be a person in this world, in the effort to come to your side.

10、你们都很好,是我不好。你们都没错,是我的错。 You are good, I am not good. You're all right. It's my fault.

11、你和她手牵手,却遗忘了我在后面跟着你们走! You and her hand in hand, but forget me in the back to follow you go!

12、你永远不知道,和你一起玩的朋友是人是狗。 You never know, and you play with a friend is a dog.

13、你没有经历过我的心境,又怎能如此坦然评论我的心情? You have not experienced my state of mind, how can such a calm comment on my mood?

14、你看不到我内心深处的千疮百孔,但我依旧对你笑魇如花。 You can't see my heart in a disastrous state, but I still smile like you.

15、你看不懂我,是因为你站在自己的位置上看我。 You do not understand me, because you stand in my position to see me.

16、假装的坚强,伪装的面具,这些是要给谁看? Pretend to be strong, disguised as a mask, which is to be given to who?

17、其实最好的日子,无非是你在闹他在笑,如此温暖过一生。 In fact, the best days, nothing more than you are in trouble, he is laughing, so warm life.

18、别想一下造出大海,必须先由小河川开始。 Don't think about the great ocean starts from a small river.

19、别把我想得太坚强,别以为我不怕受伤,我明媚笑容的背后,其实有那么多的沧桑。 Don't think I'm too strong, don't think I'm not afraid of hurt, I smile behind the beautiful smile, in fact, there are so many vicissitudes of life.

20、别让过去的悲催,或者未来的忧虑,毁掉当下的快乐。 Don't let the sadness of the past, or the fear of the future, ruin the happiness of the present.

21、别说你最爱的是谁,人生还很长,谁也无法预知明天,也许你的真爱还在下一秒等着你。 Don't say you love is who, life is still very long, who also can not predict tomorrow, maybe your true love is still waiting for you next second.

22、华丽的言语,最终承载不住丑陋的本性。 Gorgeous words, and ultimately bear the ugly nature.


24、友情可以进一步为爱情,但是爱情退一步就不一定能还原为友情。 Friendship can be further for love, but love can not be reduced to a step back to friendship.Excuse me, does not mean I explain how good, but I Shebudeer.

25、只是我不小心试探你的温柔、却没想过是这种结果。 But I do not care to test your gentle, but did not think that this result is.

26、喜欢简单美好的图画,干净质朴的文字,浅唱低吟的旋律。 Love simple beautiful pictures, clean plain text, sing the melody.

27、在你最回味的旅程里,我才能给你的独家微笑。 In your most memorable journey, I can give you the exclusive smile.

28、在你的微笑里我才有了呼吸,为什么你总在哭泣。 I can breathe in your smile, why do you always cry.

29、夏日的黄昏与夜晚交汇,直到晚霞消失天际,繁星满天,满了夜空,满了心灵。 Dusk and night summer intersection, until sunset disappear sky, starry sky, full of sky, full of heart.

30、如果上天知道我心诚,就让石头发芽吧! If God knows my heart is sincere, let the stone sprout!

31、如果天是灰色的,如果梦是反的,是不是你的手,还会牵着我的? If the sky is gray, if the dream is the opposite, is not your hand, but also lead me?

32、如果我的掌纹堆积了尘,命运没法敲定前世今生。 If I had the palm of the palm of the dust, fate can not finalize the previous life.

33、宫本武藏说:谁能阻止得了少年武士赴死呢?他们听不到,他们听不到。 Miyamoto Takehide said: who can stop the young warrior to die? They can't hear, they can't hear.

34、对不起,敬个礼。发个屁,臭死你。 I'm sorry, I respect a gift. Send a fart, smelly dead you.

35、对我忽冷忽热忽远忽近却还想和我到永久,其实你不必这样说我有我自己的活。 To me sometimes hot and sometimes cold far and near and I still want to forever, but you don't have to say that I have my own life.

36、崇光真的爱林萧,他变成陆烧只是换了个方式爱她。 Sogo really love him into Lu Xiao, burning just changed theway to love her.

37、当你发现你对某个人来说并非你想象中那样重要,真的会很伤心。 When you find that you are not as important as you think to a person, it will be very sad.

38、很多人都想和你在一起,但没人和我一样,想永远和你在一起。 A lot of people want to be with you, but no one is like me, want to be with you forever.

39、得过且过,爱过恨过,也就无憾了。 Muddle along, love hate, have no regrets.

40、心好像不曾痛过 Heart does not seem to have pain, but the tears are falling.

41、想对你说的那么多,结果出口的却是几个简单的问候语。 Want to say so much to you, the results of the export is a few simple greetings.

42、感情里没有谁对谁错,只有谁不珍惜谁。 There is no feeling in the right who is wrong, only who do not cherish who.

43、我一直活在自己的情绪里,在自己的情绪里长大。 I have been living in their own emotions, in their own emotions, grow up.

44、我从来不知道,你爱我和想离开我时,竟然都会对我那么好。 I never know that you love me and want to leave me, even if it would be so good to me.

45、我以为她生性冷淡,直到亲眼看到她对另一个人嘘寒问暖。 I thought she was cold, until she saw another being.

46、我们不停的翻弄着回忆,却再也找不回那时的自己。 We don't stop to turn over the memories, but can not find the time to return to their own.

47、我们不需要太多的关心,我们只需要一点点在乎。 We don't need too much care, we just need a little bit of care.

48、我们的故事太短,短到我清楚的记得每一个细节。 Our story is so short, so short that I remember every detail.

49、我们的爱情刚开始就已经结束,而我却丢失了全部。 Our love has just begun, and I lost it all.

50、我多想一个不小心就和你白头偕老。 I want a careless and you said of a couple.

51、我并没有迷失方向,只是丢了自己而已。 I didn't lose my way, I just lost it.

52、我总会想你,睡觉的时候也没停止过。 I always think of you, when you go to sleep.

53、我的心不是公交车,不是有空位就可以坐下来。 My heart is not a bus, not a seat to sit down.

54、我莫名奇妙的笑了,只因为想到了你。 I have a wonderful smile, just because I thought of you.

55、我说:原来我放不下的不是你,而是有你的那段时光。 I said: I can't let you, but there is your time.

56、所谓的成熟、其实就是在不断看开狠多事情之后、更好的生活着。 The so-called mature, is in fact a lot of things, continue to look after a better life.

57、指着心骄傲的说对你说,这里以后都是你。 Pointing to the heart proud to say to you, here are you.

58、摘掉眼镜过后我的世界变得模糊,你们这些没近视的能理解吗? Glasses after my world become blurred, you don't understand these myopia?

59、放手后的微笑,只是用来掩盖疼痛的伤疤。 To let go of the smile, just to cover up the pain of the scars.

60、无语,沉默,不解释,不联系,就这样安静的结束吧。 Silent, silent, do not explain, do not contact, so the quiet end of it.

61、时间的河入海流,终于我们分头走。 The timeof the river into the sea, finally we separately.

62、时间的稀释,今夜的雨是不是可以洗去以往的沉痛。 Time dilution, the rain can not wash away the previous painful.

63、是你的错,还是我的错,还是现实的错。 It's your fault, my fault, the real fault.

64、曾几何时,在一段短暂的时光里,我们以为自己深深的爱着的一个人。 Once upon a time, in a short period of time, we thoughtthat he was deeply in love with a person.

65、最怕此生已经决定自己过,没有你,却又突然听到你的消息。 The most afraid of this life has been decided to live, without you, but suddenly heard your news.

66、有时候,你问的问题,如果对方一直在闪躲,那就是委婉的告诉你,真实的回答很残忍。 Sometimes, you ask the question, if the other party has been Dodge, that is euphemistic tell you, the real answer is cruel.

67、有的人趴在桌子上睡觉别人会以为她在哭;有的人趴在桌子上哭别人却以为她在睡觉。 Some people lie on the table and others will think she is crying; some people lie on the table crying, others thought she was sleeping.

68、本想这次期中考试咸鱼翻身的,结果没想到TMD粘锅了。 This to the mid-term examination re energized, the results did not expect the TMD stick.

69、没有娱乐的暑假,还放假做什么,没有爱上的爱情,还一起做什么? There is no entertainment in the summer, but also a holiday to do what, do not fall in love with the love, but also do what?

70、爱上你就想爱上了一盆仙人掌,随时都有可能被刺伤。 Fall in love with you just want to fall in love with a pot of cactus, at any time may be hurt.

71、爱情不会没有暂时的冷却,在人与人之间的关系中也不会不发生误会。 Love does not have a temporary cooling, in the relationship between people and people will not happen without misunderstanding.

72、爱情,开心时让我们忘记自我,伤心时麻醉自己,爱情到底是什么? Love, when we forget ourselves, when we are sad, when we are sad, what is love in the end?

73、留在你的身边,我的生命就只有一种可能,那就是痛苦。但是离开了你,我的生命就有一万种可能! In your side, my life is only one possible, that is pain. But left you, my life there are ten thousand possible!上一页12下一页

74、直到失去才明白,没有任何一种关系能够恒久不变,没有任何一个人会永远永远属于你 Until you lose it, you know, there's no relationship that lasts forever. No one will ever be yours.

75、眼睛在为你下雨,心却在为你打伞。 Eyes for you the rain, the heart is an umbrella for you.

76、积极思考造成积极人生,消极思考造成消极人生。 Positive thinking leads to positive life, negative thinking leads to negative life.

77、等到天放晴的时候,也许我会好好再爱你一遍。 Until the day fine, maybe I'll love you again.

78、胆怯的人在危险前被吓住了;懦弱的人在危险中被吓住了;勇敢的人在危险过后被吓住了。 The timid man was frightened before danger; the coward was frightened in danger; the brave man was frightened after the danger.

79、脱口而出你的名字,又算怎么回事,我很想你。 Out your name, and how it is, I miss you very much.

80、莪想到那条路上去,可以看见开的正盛的彼岸花很凄美。 I think of the road, can see the open Masamori Equinox flower is very beautiful.

81、记忆变成空白,遗憾就会像绳子一样拴住你的心。 A blank memory, regret is like a rope tied to your heart.

82、谓爱情就是有那么一个人,前一刻让你哭,下一刻又让你笑。 That love is a person, the first moment to make you cry, the next moment and make you laugh.

83、醒时只愿朝花笑,醉时只愿对花眠。从今不问人间事,只作人间不老仙。 To wake up with a smile when the flowers, only the flowers sleep when drunk. Do not ask for the earth from now on, only for the world is not the old fairy.
