1、一直以来都怪我太贪婪,贪婪着你对我的关心和爱。 I have always been blamed for my greed, greed for your concern and love for me.

2、一颗心,只能装一个人,如果你装了两个人,你就不是人。 A heart can only contain one person. If you install two people, you are not a person.

3、不完全是,但要是没有肯定不能叫爱情,顶多叫交情。 Not exactly, but if there is no affirmation can not be called love, at most friendship.

4、不要回头看,因为在爱的恐惧。 Don't look back, for fear of love.

5、不要对我太好,让我分不清你是爱情还是友情。 Don't be too kind to me, let me not know whether you are love or friendship.

6、世界再大,大不过一颗心,走得再远,远不过一场梦。 No matter how big the world is, it's no bigger than a heart, and how far it goes, it's no more than a dream.

7、为什么暗恋那么好,因为暗恋从来不会失恋。 Why is secret love so good, because secret love never lost love.

8、为什么,现在你还是不明白,我是那么的爱你。 Why, now you still don't understand, I love you so much.

9、你在时,你是一切。你不在时,一切是你。 When you were there, you were everything. Everything is yours while you are away.

10、你要想清楚自己爱的到底是谁,最后不要让自己后悔。 You have to figure out who you really love, and finally don't let yourself regret.

11、其实,我习惯了假装坚强,习惯了一个人面对所有。 In fact, I am used to pretending to be strong, accustomed to a person to face all.

12、再怎么海誓山盟的约定,还不如有那帮疯疯癫癫的朋友。 How can we swear the agreement of Shanmeng League? We might as well have those crazy friends.

13、删了你,只是为了不想看见你又为谁换了心情。 Delete you, just to do not want to see who you changed mood for.

14、别因为知道我会等你,就把我晾在那儿等。 Don't hang me there just because you know I'll wait for you.

15、别提过去,别问将来,珍惜现在美好的这一刻! Don't mention the past, don't ask about the future, cherish the present moment!

16、原地傻傻的等,换不回那温存。 Wait foolishly in place, and you can't change that warmth.

17、原来这城市的夜景也可以这么暧昧,这么魅惑人心。 It turns out that the night scenery of the city can be so ambiguous and so charming.

18、同一座城市,同一个地方,上演着不一样的故事。 In the same city, in the same place, there are different stories.

19、因为喜欢,所以情愿,没有那么多为什么。 Because like, so willing, not so many why.

20、如果我无法撼动你的爱情,请你坚定自己的感情。 If I can't shake your love, please strengthen your feelings.

21、就承认脆弱的是我,才在你流泪时沉默。 Acknowledges fragile is me, only when you shed tears silence.

22、异地恋,恋的不仅仅是爱情,还有种坚持。 Long-distance love, love is not only love, but also a kind of perseverance.

23、得之坦然,失之淡然,争取必然,顺其自然。 Be calm in gaining, indifferent in losing, strive for necessity and let nature take its course.

24、总要经历一些背叛一些心酸,才能把人心看明白。 We must experience some betrayal and some heartache before we can understand the people's hearts.

25、我一点也不优雅,快乐,美丽,我不是玫挠爬置馈 I am not elegant, happy, beautiful, I am not your graceful beauty.

26、我不知道未来的我是怎样,我只知道现在的我很迷茫。 I don't know what I will be like in the future. I just know that I am confused now.上一页12下一页 I decided to give up, I will silently pay attention to you in the distance, always in!

27、我们还太年轻,分手是一道不得不做的逆命题。 We're too young to break up. It's an inverse proposition that we have to do.


29、我已经失去过太多,但最后还是把你也失去了。 I've lost too much, but in the end I lost you too.

30、我是有多么舍不得离开,尽管全都是伤害。 How reluctant I am to leave, even though it is all hurt.

31、我最不擅长做的就是挽留,而你们一个个偏要走。 The last thing I'm good at is retention, and you have to go one by one.

32、是你转身就忘的路人甲,凭什么陪你蹉跎到天涯。 It's a passer-by who you forget when you turn around.Why do you spend time with you to the end of the world?

33、有你在的一天,必有我长伴左右。 If you have a day, you will have my long companion.

34、有毒的草开出迷人的花,害你的人说你爱听的话。 Toxic grass blossoms charming flowers, and those who harm you say what you love to hear.

35、有没有一双手,握住了就不轻易放开。 If you have one hand, it's not easy to open it when you hold it.

36、爱她就给她最完美的,结婚是她所需要的。 Love her to give her the most perfect, marriage is what she needs.

37、爱情使人忘记时间,时间也让人忘记爱情! Love makes people forget time, time also makes people forget love!

38、爱情如果不会死掉,那么请让它苟延残喘的活着可以吗? If love doesn't die, can you let it survive?

39、爱若难以放进手里,何不将这双手放进心里。 If love is hard to put in hands, why not put them in heart?

40、直到最后我才明白,原来我们千差万别的如此离谱。 It wasn't until the end that I realized how different we were.

41、苦了,累了,伤了,欢了,醉了,晕了,最终还是分了。 Pain, tired, injured, happy, drunk, fainted, and eventually divided.

42、誓言变成了谎言,我的心被你撕成了碎片。 The oath becomes a lie, and my heart is torn to pieces by you.

43、越是在乎的人,越是猜不透。 The more you care about people, the more you can't guess.

44、青春这东西,我们总是嫌它不够好,又怕它走得太匆忙。 Youth is a thing we always dislike because it is not good enough and we are afraid that it will go too fast.
