1、不差七情六欲,只欠一心一意。 No difference in the seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, undivided attention.

2、不要因为你对别人好,别人就一定会对你好。 Not because you are good to others, others will be on you.

3、不要跟我说对不起,因为我没有把握跟你说没关系。 Don't say sorry to me, because I am not sure to tell you that never mind.

4、世界上最痛苦的爱情,莫过于,缘分到了,但是情还未了。 The world's most painful love, not too, by fate, but yet.

5、也许爱情的另一面。真的是成全。即使这个成全牺牲了自己。 Maybe the other side of love. Really is perfect. Even if the sacrifice of their own.

6、事过境迁,物是人非,生命不因任何人停留。 But, my life doesn't stop for anybody.

7、亲爱的,别担心,我虽不分东西南北,但我会走有你的方向。 My dear, don't worry, I'm not divided but I will go with the four corners of the world, your direction.

8、亲爱的,纵然世界都静止,我的选择仍然是你。 Dear, even if the world is static, my choice is still you.

9、今天我要做俯卧撑,今天先俯卧,明天再撑。 Today I'm going to do push ups, push today, and up tomorrow.

10、你可以*拥抱生活,但你不能放弃生活。 You may be forced to embrace life, but you can not give up life.

11、你听的情歌我也听,但我想的是你,你想的却是另一个她。 I have heard you listen to the song, but I think of you, you think it is another one.

12、你总是不考虑别人,感受随口一句话不知道有多伤人。 You do not always think of others, feel casual words, do not know how.

13、你的眼里只有她的美,却看不到我一丝丝的媚。 You only have eyes for her beauty, but I do not see a trace of mei.

14、你说过爱我一辈子,可是只爱了我一个月。这就是我的一辈子么? You said to love me for a lifetime, but only love me for a month. This is my life?

15、做早晨第一个唤醒你的人,做夜晚最后一个看你入睡的人。 Do you wake up the first morning, last night to make people see you fall asleep.

16、其实,我们都忘了曾经天真时说过的呢些永远在一起。 In fact, we have forgotten once innocent said these together forever.

17、再让我相信你之前,先编好一个能让我信服的理由。 Let me believe you before, first write a compelling reason to let me.

18、初次见你羞涩清纯的模样,深深触动了我的心弦。 The first time you see shy pure appearance, deeply touched my heart.

19、别轻易对别人说爱,别固执地将别人的心门打开,却又玩笑的离开。 Don't say to others love, don't stubbornly put other people's door open, but the joke to leave.

20、即使有些东西你没带走,可是,沉寂已打破,属于你的东西也终会给你。 Even some of the things you don't take, but silence has been broken, the things that belong to you will give you.

21、原来,命运并不会因为你欲哭无泪,而停止给你伤悲。 Originally, fate will not because you tears, and cease to give you sorrow.

22、可能我只是你生命里的一个过客,但你不会遇见第二个我。 Maybe I'm just a passer-by in your life, but you won't meet the second me.

23、听别人说你和她很幸福,我突然很想哭。 Listen to you and she is happy, I suddenly want to cry.

24、嘿,内为男士,我怎么还是这么想你呢? Hey, for men, how do I still think of you?

25、天下乌鸦一般黑,天下基佬一大堆。 The crow is black, the world a lot of gay.

26、天没降大任于我,照样苦我心智,劳我筋骨。 The day did not drop me, my mind still, to my bones.

27、失败不可怕,关键看是不是成功他妈。 Failure is not terrible, thekey is not the mother of success.

28、好的爱情,战得胜时间,抵得住流年,经得起离别,受得住想念。 Good love, war victory time, to withstand time, will stand up to leave, to endure miss.

29、如果f一句Σ黄鹂梢栽Vf一切的^e的,那世界上就]有犯e的人老。 If say sorry can tell all the faults, the world no old people will make mistakes. I thought that as long as we love you, you can move, and finally found that the move is just my own.上一页12下一页

30、如果你是我命中注定的王子,那么请你为我披荆斩棘。 If you are my prince you decreed by fate, as I worked my way.

31、如果我用爱你一半的心来学习,一定成学霸。 If I study with love you half of the heart, a Curve Wrecker.

32、如果拍证件照可以卖萌的话,就不会那么丑了。 If the identification photo can sell adorable words, it won't be so ugly.

33、如果有下辈子,我一定要做你的心脏因为我不跳,你就得死。 If the next life, I want to be your heart because I don't jump, you will die.

34、安静的存在着,安静到让别人感觉不到我的存在。 There is quiet, quiet to let others feel my existence.

35、就让所有的心让我一个人伤、所有的泪让我一个人流。 Let all my heart hurt, all let a person tears let me flow.

36、忘记你,习惯没有你,未来的每一天请记得安好。 Forget you, habits without you, every day in the future please remember.

37、情话固然动听,但也很,刺耳。 Love is beautiful, but also very harsh.

38、感恩!感谢有你们,一路陪着我,度过漫长的岁月! Thanksgiving! Thank you accompany me all the way, through the long years!

39、我不在乎你穷,我心里只有你。 I don't care if you are poor, only you in my heart.Love, or let people mature, or let people down.

40、我们在错误的时间相遇,在正确的时间却又分开了。 We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time.

41、我们曾经也深爱过。我们曾经爱的不比别人差。可我忘了,那毕竟是曾经。 We once loved. We used to love not worse than others. But I forgot, it was once.

42、我受不了打字时 I can't stand when typing, encounter a homophone in the first place is his name.

43、我和他私奔海角天涯,我们的爱多完美无瑕。 I ran away and we love him far-off regions, flawless.

44、我总是在担心失去谁,现在想想,有谁会担心失去我。 I always worry about losing who think now, who is afraid of losing me.

45、我没有这种天分,包容你也接受她。 I don't have this talent, you also accept her tolerance.

46、我爱你轰轰烈烈撕心裂肺,你却平平淡淡一句无所谓。 I love you but you light piercing with vigour and vitality, a nonsense.

47、我爱的遍体鳞伤,你玩的孜孜不倦。 I love you play diligently covered all over with cuts and bruises.

48、我的奋斗目标是百度上能搜出我的个人资料来。 My goal is to Baidu can find out my personal information to.

49、我磕磕碰碰走了那么多路,怎么能不会首,怎能不心疼。 I stumble all that walking, how can not, can not love.

50、我讨厌别人拿手指我!不知道我是你的吗! I hate that people get my fingers! Don't you know I'm yours!

51、我还是个孩子,不要让我经历太多的撕心裂肺。 I was a child, don't let me experience too many.

52、或许,我们终究会有那么一天:牵着别人的手,遗忘曾经的他。 Perhaps, we will have so a day, holding someone's hand and have forgotten him.

53、明明都知道那都是谎言,可是我还是会被感动。 We both know it's a lie, but I will still be moved.

54、是你给我爱上你的理由,却又给出离开我的借口。 You give me reason to fall in love with you, but also left me an excuse.

55、最可悲的是,你喜欢的人以为你喜欢着别人。 The most sad is that you love the people you think love others.

56、最有魄力的是康师傅,成千上万的人都泡他。 The most ambitious is Tingyi, tens of thousands of people he bubble.

57、最残忍的事是一个人教会你任性,却又用离开来报复你的任性。 The cruelest thing is a person to teach you wayward, but with leave to avenge your wayward.

58、有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己。 Sometimes, the same thing, we can go to the comfort of others, but failed to convince yourself.

59、有的时候明知道做下去是错的,但是还要义无反顾。 Sometimes know it is wrong, but also without hesitation.

60、梦想不会逃跑,会逃跑的永远都是自己。 The dream will not escape, escape is always their own.

61、每次在伤痛过后,总是会掩饰伤痛,还自己一堆微笑。 Every time after the pain, always hide pain, a pile of smile.

62、每犯v的女人背后,都有一她最深的男人。 Behind every bitchy woman, there is a most of the men hurt her.

63、每道伤口的背后,有多少的回忆痛到窒息。 Behind every wound, how many memories of pain to suffocate.

64、沉默,是一个女人最大的哭声。 Silence is the loudest cry.

65、爱你才会和你一起拼搏,不然何苦拿青春赌明天。 Love you and you will work together, otherwise why bother to take youth gambling tomorrow.

66、爱情、除了一见钟情、还有一种就是日久生情。 In addition, love at first sight, there is a feeling.


68、现在,时不时收到你信息就满足了。 Now, you will receive information from time to time to meet the.

69、生命的序曲只是几声哭泣,而结局却是一声叹息。 The prelude of life just a few cry, but the end is a sigh.

70、男人,记住,女人才是新一代锝霸主。 Remember, man, woman is a new generation of technetium overlord.

71、衷心祝我们老死不相往来,今生不复相见,再无联系。 We sincerely wish laosibuxiangwanglai, this life no longer meet, no contact.

72、让我的那些与青春,与温暖有关的回忆里都是你的影子。 Let me those with youth, and warm the memories of all is your shadow.

73、让我站在心碎的地方,轻轻打一个结,一种缝补,阻止伤痛再流出。 Let me stand in the heart of the place, gently make a knot, a sewing, stop pain and outflow.

74、谢谢所有关心我,说想我的人,无论是不是真心。 Thank you all care about me, I want to say one, whether it is not true.

75、这种闲着没事干儿的滋味,比穷困潦倒更不好受。 The idle son's taste, and is more uncomfortable than. 

76、逆着风向吹干眼泪,说不出的痛越藏越多。 Against the wind to dry the tears, unspeakable pain more and more.

77、那么花心的男人,我能抓的住么? That man, I can catch?

78、那段时间以逝去,成为了回忆。 At that time in the past, a memory.

79、闭嘴!主管不在不许谈工作。 Shut up The director is not allowed to talk about work.

80、闺蜜,就该一起笑,一起疯,一起闹,一起潮到爆。 Bestie, to laugh together, together, together, together with the tide to burst.
