1、一个人可以逃避世间的一切魔鬼,但惟有一个是他永远无法摆脱的,那就是懦弱的自己。 A man can escape from all the evil in the world, but only one is that he can never get rid of, that is, the weakness of their own.
2、一切伟大时代皆会结束,正如所有的王都将死去。 All of the great era will end, as all the kings will die.
3、一切都应该还有机会,一切都应该还来得及,所有糟糕的结果都还能改变,在命运的轮盘中没有最终停下之前。 Everything should hav一次机会,一切都应该及时处理,所有不好的结果都可以改变,在命运的光盘没有停止之前就进入了决赛。 Some of the world's tragedy no solution is a deadlock.
4、世界上不该有任何牢笼能困住一个真正的男人,只有一样例外,那就是你喜欢的姑娘。 There is no cage in the world can trap a real man, only the same exception, that is the girl you like.
5、世界上有些悲剧没有解,是个死结。To live in a madman is to adapt to the logic of a madman.
6、人就是这样,一旦突破下限就无所畏惧,事事变得驾轻就熟。 This is the people, once the breakthrough limit will be fearless, everything becomes effortless.
7、人总是在长大之后才明白小时候那些用钱就能买来的幸福多么难能可贵。 People always grow up after that when those money how precious happiness.
8、从相遇的刹那开始,离别也已经开始。 From the moment of meeting, parting has begun.
9、他知道自己已经撑不下去了,这件事原本就超过了人类的极限。 He knew that he could not hold on, this thing was more than the limit of the human.
10、他身上还有好些伤口呢,有一道深可见骨,他连包扎都懒得弄,重置后伤口也会消失,留下的只是疼痛的记忆。 He also has a number of wounds, there is a deep visible bone, he did not even bother to get a bandage, reset the wound will disappear, leaving only the memory of pain.
11、你们拼命有用吗?你们拼命会死啊!够资格拿命来拼的,只有我啊! Are you guys trying to help? You desperately will die ah! Enough to take life to fight, only me ah!
12、你们知道弃族的绝望么?上千年的沉睡!无穷的循环的噩梦!最深的黑暗里只有你自己! Do you know the despair of the abandoned people? Thousands of years of sleep! Endless cycles of nightmares! There is only you in the deepest darkness!
13、你只有跑得比时间还快,才能改变这个故事的结局。 Youcan only change the ending of the story if you run faster than the time.
14、你师姐四处收养猴子这毛病得改,她总不能带着一窝猴子嫁给恺撒吧? You look around this problem by adopting the monkey, she cant take a nest of monkey married Caesar?
15、你最初开始喜欢一个人的时候,也是你最不了解他的时候。 When you first began to like a person, but also the least of his understanding of his time.
16、你知道目的地存在,却永远不能抵达。 You know the destination, but you can never reach it.
17、你要去找他,要去救他,万山无阻。 You have to find him, to save him, Wanshan without hindrance.
18、再见这种事,总是说起来比做起来容易太多。 Goodbye to this kind of thing, it's always easier to say than to do too much.
19、凡艰辛的路,当由勇敢者以坚硬的脚底踏开。 Where the hard way, when the brave to step on the hard soles of the feet.
20、可女孩为什么要跟那个需要她的人在一起呢?她应该跟那个她需要的人在一起啊。 Why do you want to be with the people who need her? She should be with the one she needs.
21、可是会变的,大家都走了,留下他在原地。你在长大的同时,某个人也在离开你。 But it will change, everyone left, leaving him in place. When you grow up, someone is leaving you.
22、哥哥,宿命这种事,往往说出来就会变成真的哦。 Brother, fate of this kind of thing, often say it will become true.
23、因为怀着那么大的心愿所以无所畏惧,为它死去也在所不惜。 Because with so much desire so fearless, for it is so dead.
24、因为爱,不后悔。 Because love, do not regret.
25、在我可以吞噬这个世界之前,与其孤独跋涉,不如安然沉睡。 Before I can devour the world, and its lonely journey, as well as sleeping.
26、在所有人目光之外,一个人无声的坍塌下去,像是被什么火烧尽了,只余下灰烬。 In the eyes of all the people, the collapse of a person silent, like the fire was done, and only the remaining ashes.
27、多少红颜为傻逼,多少傻逼不珍惜。 How much is Confidante idiot, idiot do not cherish.
28、大家都会长大,都要寻找幸福,谁也不会停留在过去,只是偶尔想起曾经相遇的时候那么美,会有点,黯然神伤。 Everyone will grow up, to find happiness, who also won't stay in the past, only occasionally remembered once meet so beautiful, can be a bit, dejected.
29、她忽然笑了,笑得像只猫,这是恺撒第一次在这个老实女孩的脸上看出一丝丝少女的狡猾来。 She suddenly smiled and smiled like a cat, which is Caesar for the first time in the face of the honest girl see a trace of a girl of cunning.
30、如果一个人心里藏了那么多的喜怒哀乐 If a person heart so much the passions, must have live scars.
31、如果这个世界不喜欢你,那他就是我的敌人了。 If the world doesn't like you, then he is my enemy.
32、如果这泪水是因为悲伤,那么他的悲伤一定像大海一样宽阔。 If the tears are sad, then his sorrow must be as broad as the sea.
33、孤独是与生俱来的种子,萌发于爱上一个人的瞬间。 Loneliness is born with the seeds, germination in love with a person's moment.
34、对别人残酷的人,首先得对自己残酷,否则只是懦夫。 Cruel to others, first of all have to be cruel to their own, or just a coward.
35、就像现在这样,我想要杀死自己,想要让那个家伙永远活着。 Just like this, I want to kill myself and want to keep thatguy alive forever.
36、就是那种很神经病的朋友,不管怎么样都会相信你,不管怎么样都会跟你在一起。 Is the kind of very nervous friends, no matter how will believe you, no matter how will be with you.
37、恐惧和愤怒把他的脑海烧得一片通明,他面目狰狞,凶猛得像是狮子。 Fear and anger in his mind he burned a lit, fierce, fierce as a lion.
38、我以我心为棺,以我身为椁,埋葬一个女孩。 In my heart for me to the coffin, coffin, buried a girl.
39、我们做了任何错误的决定,结果只能自己承担。 We made the wrong decision, the result can only be borne by ourselves.
40、我是诺诺捞出来的,我不能是废物! I'm Luigi Nono. I can't be a waste!
41、我有时候想你多一些,有时候少一些,但不会停止。 I sometimes think you more, sometimes less, but will not stop.
42、我真没想过,要当英雄啊。 I never thought I would be a hero.
43、所有封印都会脱落,所有牢笼都会腐朽,而笼中的东西却是永生不灭的。 All the seal will fall off, all the cage will decay, and the cage is immortal.
44、所谓弃族的命运,就是要穿越荒原,再次竖起战旗,返回故乡。 The so-called fate of abandoned family, is to through the wilderness, erected again, return to hometown.
45、所谓错过,不是错了,而是过了 The so-called miss, not wrong, but too
46、把一个正常人送进神经病院,他会觉得神经病人的逻辑听起来也很有道理。 Put a normal person into a nerve hospital, he will feel the logic of the patient's nerve also sounds very reasonable.
47、整个天空映在他的瞳孔里,这么看去,好像所有的雨点都是从天心的一点洒落,都会落入他的眼中。 The whole sky reflected in his pupil,so look, as if all the raindrops are from the heart of a fall, will fall into his eyes.
48、明明想为什么人把命赌上,可是连下注的理由都没有。 Obviously think why people put life on the bet, but even the reason for the bet is not.
49、有一天当我死了,你就是我在这世界的唯一。因为你身上流有我一半的血。 One day when I die, you are the only one in this world. Because you have half of my blood.
50、有一种渴,只有酒才能滋润,这种渴就是孤独。 There is a thirst, only wine can nourish, this thirst is lonely.
51、有些人总是会让你不顾一切想要保护的。 Some people will always make you desperate to protect.
52、有些人绝望,能点燃世界;有些人绝望,只能飞蛾扑火! Some people desperate to light the world; some people only to despair!
53、有时候宁可牺牲离开这里的机会,也想握着她的手。 Sometimes would rather sacrifice the opportunity to leave here, also want to hold her hand.
54、死亡不是一种病。 Death is not a disease.
55、每个人心里都有一个死小孩。死小孩总在一个地方徘徊不去,所以他们是死小孩。 Everyone has a dead child in his heart. Dead children always wander in a place, so they are dead children.
56、每个人都会成长,有时候只是一瞬间的事,只需等那个令他脱胎换骨的时间到来。 Everyone will grow up, sometimes just a moment, just like that time he is reborn.
57、每当你打开一扇门,其它的门就随之关闭,自始至终,你都只有一条路可走。 Every time you open a door, the other door is closed, and from beginning to end, you have only one way to go.
58、比起她恨你,更可怕的是她根本不在乎你做过什么。 More terrible than she hates you, she doesn't care what you do.
59、求生的人永远无法战胜求死的人,因为后者早已无所畏惧。 The survival of people will never overcome death, because the latter is fearless.
60、没人记住死了的东西,没人记住的东西死了一样! No one remembers dead things, no one remembers something dead!
61、海风悠悠地吹上高崖,满园落花未扫,涛声往复,雾气蒸腾,这种时候最适合回忆。 The sea breeze blowing gently on the high cliff, garden flowers sweep, the reciprocating, fog transpiration, this time the most suitable memories.
62、滚出去!我只认识一个狮心会长,他的名字叫楚子航,而你他妈的不配! Get out of here! I only know a lion's heart, his name is Chu Zihang, and you don't deserve it!
64、男人就该这样,虽然背上背着山,也要轻描淡写的说话。 So man, although the back mountain, also want to speak.
65、男孩最像男人的时候,就是他的女孩最像女人的时候。 The boy is the most like a man, is his girl most like a woman's time.
66、相聚往往短暂而告别常常是永恒,人们所不能承受的哀伤却是世界永恒的法则。 Together often short and farewell often is eternal, people can not bear the grief is the eternal law of the world.
67、真丑陋啊,这个世界。 Really ugly ah, this world.
68、眼前仿佛世界尽头,美得让人觉得那么孤单。 Eyes as if the end of the world, the United States had to make people feel so lonely.
69、神不会惩罚恶行。如果他惩罚,我应该活不到这个年纪。 God will not punish evil. If he should be punished, I should not live at this age.
70、绘梨衣愿意和路明非分享全世界,你愿意和我分享你的爱吗? Would you like to share your love with me, Lu Mingfei?
71、走道真长,真不凑巧,这时候空荡荡的,没有什么能够阻隔两人的相见。 The aisle is really long, unfortunately not empty at this time, what can not meet the barrier of two people.
72、跟你说过多少次了,不能放过到手的机会.这个世界上你喜欢的人固然不多,但喜欢你的人也不会多啊。 With you said how many times, can't let go of the opportunity. The world you like the person is not much, but you will not like many people ah.
73、路明非你这个样子,全班的平均分都被你一个人拖下去了!你属秤砣的么? The way you look this way, the average of the class are you a person dragged down! Is your weight?
74、路明非茫然地抬起头来,刚才的一瞬间,他闻到一股极其熟悉的气息,一股带着兵戈杀气的馨香。 Lu Mingfei looked up, blankly, just a moment, he smelled a shares extremely familiar atmosphere, a shares with Bingge murderous fragrance.
75、这是什么神转折?前言后语之间不需要一点衔接吗?你们理科的果然都是些愣货! Thisis what God turning point? Do not need a little connection between the language? Your science is indeed as expected of some Leng goods!
76、逆我们的就让他们死去这就是我们的法则。不需要计划在我们的战场上是没有计划的。用绝对的力量抹掉它。 We just let them die. This is our rule. There is no plan to plan on our battlefield. Erase it with absolute power.
77、遇到喜欢的人,就像浩劫余生,漂流过沧海,终见陆地。 I love people, like Jericho, drifting over the sea, finally see the land.
78、那是一种骨子里沁出来的孤独,满世界想要找个跟他同病相怜的人,找到了就跟他做好兄弟。 It is a kind of bone seeps out alone, all over the world to find a with his misery loves company, found it with his good brothers.
79、醉意上涌,他抽出红笔在照片的边缘写字,就当时跟那个取景框里的女人说话。 Drunk on the Bay, he writes on the edge of the picture taking the red pen, with the viewfinder to a woman at the time.