1、一个人如果胸无大志,既使再有壮丽的举动也称不上是伟人。——拉罗什夫科 If a person heart and even more spectacular action is not great。

2、一个人的价值,应当看他贡献什么,而不应当看他取得什么。——爱因斯坦 The value of a person, should see him what contribution, should not look at what he achieved。

3、一个好的教师,是一个懂得心理学和教育学的人。——苏霍姆林斯基 A good teacher, is a man who understand the psychology and pedagogy。

4、一寸光阴一寸金,寸金难买寸光阴。——谚语 An inch of time an inch of gold, an inch of gold will not buy inch of time。

5、不准备结婚的恋爱,是不纯正和不认真的。——里斯 He is not ready to get married of be in love, is not pure and not serious。

6、不要回避苦恼和困难,挺起身来向它挑战,进而克服它。——池田大作 Don't shy away from pain and difficulty, stand to it challenges, and overcome it。

7、不论是老人,还是青年,航行对我们来说都是最后一次。——斯蒂文森 Whether old or young, navigation is the last time for us。

8、书不仅是生活,而且是现在、过去和未来文化生活的源泉。 ——库法耶夫 Book is not only the life, and it is now, in the past, and the source of cultural life in the future。

9、书籍把我们引入最美好的社会,使我们认识各个时代的伟大智者。 ——史美尔斯 Books introduce us into the best society, make us know all times great wise man。

10、人生最终的价值在于觉醒和思考的能力,而不只在于生存。——亚里斯多德 Finally the value of life lies in the awakening and the ability to think, and not only is to survive。

11、今天应做的事没有做,明天再早也是耽误了。——裴斯泰洛齐 Should do not do today, tomorrow early and delayed again。

12、从不浪费时间的人,没有工夫抱怨时间不够。——杰弗逊 Never a waste of time, there is no time complaining about didn't have enough time。

13、会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。——杜甫 Be ling extremely, see the mountains small。

14、你要知道科学方法的实质,不要去听一个科学家对你说些什么,而要仔细看他在做什么。——爱因斯坦 Do you want to know the essence of the scientific method, don't listen to what a scientist said to you, and want to see what he's doing。

15、修养的花儿在寂静中开过去了,成功的果子便要在光明里结实。——冰心 Cultivation of flowers here in the silence of the past, the fruit of success is in strong light。

16、倘使要使别人咸动,首先要自己感动。——米勒 If want to make others salty, first moved to yourself。

17、假使你希望别人保守你的秘密,你应该首先自己保守秘密。——辛尼加 If you want others to keep your secret, you should first of all you keep a secret。

18、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非 Internal and external corresponding, words and deeds。

19、勇气通往天堂,怯懦通往地狱。——塞内加 Courage to heaven, cowardice to hell。

20、卓越的人一大优点是:在不利与艰难的遭遇里百折不饶。——贝多芬 As a big advantage is remarkable, in bad and hard encounters hundred fold not rao。

21、取得成就时坚持不懈,要比遭到失败时顽强不屈更重要。——拉罗什夫科 Achievement persistence, fortitude is more important than when failure。

22、古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。——苏轼 In the ancient times, was not only the world, also the great fortitudonous ambition。

23、只有受过一种合适的教育之后,人才能成为一个人。——夸美纽斯 Only with a proper education, people can become a person。

24、君子喻于义,小人喻于利。——孔丘 Gentleman YuYuYi, a downside。


26、在所有批评家中,最伟大、最正确,最天才的是时间。——别林斯基 Among all the criticism, the greatest and the most correct, the most gifted is time。

27、在重视劳动和尊重劳动者的基础上,我们有可能来创造自己的新的道德。劳动和科学是世界上最伟大的两种力量。——高尔基 In recognition of labor and respect laborer, on the basis of we are likely to create their own new moral。 Labor and science are two of the world's greatest strength。

28、女人的最珍贵饰物是美德,不是钻石。——苏格拉底 Virtue is the most valuable decorations of the woman, not a diamond。

29、好事总是需要时间,不付出大量的心血和劳动是做不成大事的。想吃核桃,就是得首先咬开坚硬的果壳。——格里美尔斯豪森 Good thing always takes time, don't pay a lot of work and labor is done great things。 Want to eat walnuts, is the fruit of the first bite a hard shell。上一页12下一页 Seize this day, is worth two tomorrow。

30、如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友,以经验为参谋,以当心为兄弟,以希望为哨兵。——爱迪生 If you wish to succeed, as perseverance, for friend, experience as your reference, and watch as your brother and hope as your sentry。

31、学不可以已,青出于蓝,而胜于蓝;冰,水为之,而寒于水。 ——荀子 Learning can not have, shine on you, and is better than blue; Ice, water, and cold in water。

32、学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。——乌申斯基 Learning is labor, it is full of ideological work。

33、对于我来说,生命的意义在于设身处地替人着想,忧他人之忧,乐他人之乐。——爱因斯坦 For me, the meaning of life is to put yourself in others', sorrow others of sorrow and joy of others to enjoy。

34、少而好学,如日出之阳;壮而好学,如日中之光;老而好学,如炳烛之明。——刘向 Little and studious, such as Yang sunrise; The light of strong and studious, such as Japan and China; Old and studious, such as bean candle of Ming。

35、希望是厄运的忠实的姐妹。——普希金 Hope is the faithful sisters of fate。

36、当我们责备他人时,通常意在间接夸奖自己。——布拉基 When we blame others, usually intended to praise yourself indirectly。

37、当许多人在一条路上徘徊不前时,他们不得不让开一条大路,让那珍惜时间的人赶到他们的前面去。——苏格拉底 When many people are stuck in a way, they had to get out of the way a road, let the cherish the time people to their front。

38、得进一寸进一寸,得进一尺进一尺,不断积累,飞跃必来,突破随之。 ——华罗庚 Into a silly one inch, into a foot into a foot, accumulating, leap will come, break then。

39、恨不得挂长绳于青天,糸此西飞之白日。——李白 Very anxious to hang long Yu Qingtian, si the shoulders of the day。

40、意志是独一无二的个体所拥有的、以纠正自己的自动性的力量。——劳伦斯 Will is unique, to correct their own individual have the power of automaticity。

41、愿相会于中华腾飞世界时。——* Wish to meet in off the world。

42、懒惰会使事情困难,勤奋能使事情容易。——富兰克林 Laziness makes things difficult, hard to make things easy。

43、我只惋惜一件事,日子太短,过得太快。一个人从来看不出做成什么,只能看出还应该作什么?——居里夫人 I only regret one thing, the time is too short, too much too fast。 From a person to see what we can't make it, can only see should also do?

44、把意念深潜得下,何理不可得,把志气奋发起,何事不可做。——吕坤 Get the mind deep submergence, He Li unavailable, the ambition to go up, what not to do。

45、把握住今天,胜过两个明天。——拉美谚语 Wake up the sleeping lion is not a good thing。

46、把时间用在思考上是最能节省时间的事情。——卡曾斯 The time in thinking is the most can save time。

47、攻克科学堡垒,就像打仗一样,总会有人牺牲,有人受伤,我要为科学而献身。——罗蒙诺索夫 Conquer bastion of science, like war, someone will always sacrifice, someone is injured, I want to die to science。

48、故立志者,为学之心也;为学者,立志之事也。——王阳明 So determined to, to the heart of learning also; For scholars, determined also。

49、时间是一位可爱的恋人,对你是多么的爱慕倾心,每分每秒都在叮嘱;劳动、创造、别虚度了一生。——于沙 Time is a lovely lover, for love of how much you fall inlove, in each minute told; Labor, create, don't waste life。

50、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。——迈克尔·F·斯特利 The challenge of the most challenging than improve yourself。

51、有勇气承担命运这才是英雄好汉。——黑塞 Have the courage to bear the fate is the tragic hero。

52、有百折不挠的信念的所支持的人的意志,比那些似乎是无敌的物质力量有更强大的威力。——爱因斯坦 Have a persistent belief supported by thepeople's will, than those who appear to be unbeatable more powerful material force。

53、每一个人都嘲笑陈旧的时尚,却虔诚地追求新的时尚。——梭罗 Everyone laughed at the old fashion, but reverently pursuit of new fashion。

54、每一个人都是一卷书籍,假如你懂得正确的读法的话。——威廉·强宁 Every man is a volume of books, if you know the correct pronunciation。

55、每一种恩惠都有一枚倒钩,它将钩住吞食那份恩惠的嘴巴,施恩者想把他拖到哪里就得到那里。——堂恩 Each kind of grace has a barb, it will hook mouth and swallowed it favors a giver want to drag him where to get there。 Grace

56、没有人不爱惜他的生命,但很少人珍视他的时间。——梁实秋 There is no one but loves his life, but few people cherish his time。

57、没有感恩就没有真正的美德。——卢梭 No gratitude, no true virtue。

58、流行是一种无法忍受的丑陋。所以每半年都要更换流行一次。 ——王尔德 Fashion is a kind of can't stand the ugly。 So to replace popular once every six months。

59、熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。——孙洙 Perusal started first, not poetry will sing。

60、生命多少用时间计算, How much life time calculation, the value of life by contribution calculation。

61、生命是以时间为单位的,浪费别人的时间等于谋财害命,浪费自己的时间,等于慢性**。——鲁迅 Life is a time for the unit, waste other people's time is equal to murder, wasting your time, equal to chronic suicide。

62、生命的意义在于付出,在于给予,而不是在于接受,也不是在于争取。 ——巴金 Is the meaning of life is to give, give, is not accepted, also is not fighting for。

63、生当作人杰,死亦为鬼雄,至今思项羽,不肯过江东。——李清照 Born as a VIP, dead also as a soldier, xiang yu, not across the east。

64、生活便是寻求新的知识。——门捷列夫 Life is to seek new knowledge。

65、生活得最有意义的人,并不就是年岁活得最大的人,而是对生活最有感受的人。——卢梭 To live the most meaningful, is not is the biggest age live people, but most feelingabout life。

66、生活的情况越艰难,我越感到自己更坚强,甚而也更聪明。 ——高尔基 Life is more difficult, the more I feel stronger, even is also more intelligent。

67、生活的道路一旦选定,就要勇敢地走到底,决不回头。——左拉 Once chosen way of life, be brave to go to the end, never look back。

68、盛年不重来,一日难再晨,及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。——陶潜 Prime not heavy, once a day morning, in a timely manner appropriate。 Time and tide wait for no man。

69、目标越接近,困难越增加。——歌德 Target the closer it gets, the more difficult to increase。

70、真正的才智是刚毅的志向。——拿破仑 The real talent is resolute aspirations。

71、真理,哪怕只见到一线,我们也不能让它的光辉变得暗淡。——李四光 In truth, even if only a line, we also can't let it become dim light。

72、知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。——孔子 To know the person as well, as joy of those who are good。

73、祖国如有难,汝应作前锋。——陈毅 The motherland as hard, you should make a striker。

74、科学是到处为家的,不过,在任何不播种的地方,是决不会得到丰收的。——赫尔岑 Science is everywhere for the home, but, in any place to sow, will never be the harvest。

75、给青年人最好的忠告是让他们谦逊谨慎,孝敬父母,爱戴亲友。——西塞罗 Give young people the best advice is to let their humility cautious, show filial obedience parents, love relatives and friends。

76、美有如夏天的水果,容易腐烂且不持久。——培根 Beauty is as summer fruits, easy to corrupt, and does not last long。

77、美男子不会成为好丈夫。——托尔斯泰 Man does not become a good husband。

78、自己活着,就是为了使别人过得更美好。——雷锋 Oneself live, is to make others a more beautiful。

79、自己的鞋子,自己知道紧在哪里。——西班牙 Where is his shoes, you know。

80、自己的饭量自己知道。——苏联 You know his eating。

81、节制使快乐增加并使享受加强。——德谟克利特 Moderate increase happiness and enjoy。

82、要在这个世界上获得成功,就必须坚持到底:至死都不能放手。——伏尔泰 To succeed in this world, we must stick to it: to death can't let go。

83、要掌握书,莫被书掌握;要为生而读,莫为读而生。——布尔沃 To master book, don't be master; Read to live, not live to read。

84、读书是在别人思想的帮助下,建立起自己的思想。——鲁巴金 Reading is in thought, with the help of others to build their own thoughts。

85、越少思想的人,说话越多。——德雷敦 The less people thought, the more you talk。

86、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。——邓拓 The more no ability became more pretentious。

87、过去一切时代的精华尽在书中。——卡莱尔 In books lies the soul of the whole past time。

88、重要的是如何生存,而非如何死亡?——约翰生 How important is how to survive, rather than death?

89、错误经不起失败,但是真理却不怕失败。——泰戈尔 Wrong cannot afford defeat but right can。

90、青少年是一个美好而又是一去不可再得的时期,是将来一切光明和幸福的开端。——加里宁 Youth is a wonderful and one to go again to The Times, is the beginning of all the light and happiness in the future。

91、音乐是人类共通的语言。——朗非罗 Music is the common language of mankind。
