1、一个女孩儿是否纯洁应该取决于的她的个性和心灵,而不是取决于她的历史。 Whether a girl should depend on the purity of her personality and spirit, and not depend on her history.

2、一个女生开始幻想她和男朋友的未来,这就是深爱的开始。 A girl's fantasy she and her boyfriend in the future, this is the beginning of love.

3、一旦爱情得到了满足,他人魅力也就荡然无存了。 When love is satisfied, others also eases up.

4、一晃神,一转眼,我们就这样垂垂老去。 When god, looking, we like this old man.

5、不管你多爱一个人,也不能阻止他继续飞翔的*。 No matter how love a person, you can't stop him to continue to fly free.

6、两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮。 If love between two long, and do exist.

7、人生是花,而爱便是花的蜜。 Life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower.

8、伸出手,却触不到你。我们之前的距离,怎么也迈不过。 Held out his hand, but not touch you. Before we distance, how also Wallace but.

9、你会找到一个人,把他当作自己一样去相信。 You will find a person, take him as your believe.

10、你在孤独、悲伤的日子,请悄悄地念一念我的名字,并且说:这世上有人在怀念我,我活在一个人的心里。 You are lonely, sad day, quietly read a read my name please, and say: this world someone miss me, I live in a person's heart.

11、做你一个人的竹子。一生只开一次花,只结一次竹米。 Do you a person of bamboo. Life is only a flower, bamboo meters only once.

12、其实世界上哪有什么“突然想起你”,其实就是一直在心里。 In fact, what in the world "suddenly remind of you," is always in my heart.

13、即将转出来的那一面,是快乐或痛苦,是爱还是恨。 Will soon turn out side, it is happy or pain, is love or hate.

14、只要男女真心相爱,即使终了不成眷属,也还是甜蜜的。 As long as the men and women are truly in love, even if not the end of household, also is sweet.

15、多年以后你和她情深似海,你会不会想到你还欠我一个未来。 Oceans after many years you and her, you will think of you still owe me a future.

16、如果一段感情没有把你变成更好的人,那么很有可能你选错了人。 If a relationship doesn't turn you into a better person, then chances are you're picked the wrong person.

17、如果你想走的快,那么你就一个人走,如果你想走的远,那么就一起走。 If you want to go fast, then you are a person, if you want to go far, go together.

18、如果我的名字是你拒绝所有的理由,那我也愿拼了命和你走到最后。 If my name is the reason why you reject all, that I also may spell the life and you come to the end.

19、如果把金钱当作爱情的化身,无疑是把爱情推向绞架。 If the money as the embodiment of love, no doubt, is the love to the gallows.

20、如若今生再相见,哪怕流离百世,迷途千年,也愿。 If this life meet again, even if were immortal, lost in one thousand, also wish.

21、对于世界而言,你只是芸芸众生中的一人;但是对于某个人而言,你却是他的整个世界。 To the world you are just one person, but to one person; But to one person you may be the world.

22、开始的时侯,我们就知道,总会有终结。 Beginning, we know, there will always be an end.

23、当你累了有人疼你,当你受伤了有人照顾你,这也许就是幸福,是多种幸福的一种。 When you are tired someone hurt you, when you hurt someone care for you, perhaps this is happiness, is a kind of happiness.

24、思念某人,最糟糕的莫过于,你坐在他身旁,却知道自己永远都无法拥有此人。 The worst way to miss someone, you sit by him, but know you will never have this person.

25、恋爱是结婚的过程;结婚是恋爱的目的。 Love is a process of marriage; The purpose of marriage is love.

26、感情就是这样,你伤了别人,无论有意无意,就总会有一个人来伤你。 Feelings is like this, you hurt others, either intentionally or unintentionally, there isalways someone to hurt you.

27、愿意赌上所有时光,只为换你与我共白头。 Willing to bet on all the time, only for your grow old with me.

28、成功来到门前时,爱情往往就走出了窗外。 When success comes in the door, it seems, love often goes out the window.

29、我们之间就像旋转木马,一直没有分开过,却也没有在一起过。 Between us is like a merry-go-round, never separate, but not together at that moment.

30、我们都还年少无知,那些一辈子的承诺我们许不起。 We are young ignorant, the promise of a lifetime we can't afford to make.

31、我会想起你,我真的欢喜你在身边的感觉。 I'll think of you, I'm really glad you're feeling around you.

32、我有一个疼爱我的哥哥,心里很开心。 I have a love my brother, the in the mind very happy.

33、我没有讨好你的天份,但我比谁都认真。 I don't have to please your talent, but I'm better than anyone seriously.

34、我真的不想你了,只是,不能再像喜欢你一样喜欢别人了而已。 I really don't want you, I just, cannot like like you like to be.

35、我还是舍不得让你失去我所有消息,哪怕你并不在意。 I was reluctant to let you lose all my messages, even if you don't mind.

36、按规则去爱,就得不到爱。 According to the rules of love, is not love.

37、接纳不了一个人,是因为忘不了另一个人。 Can't accept a person, because can't forget the other one.

38、摧残爱情的方式很多,不过连根拔起的狂风暴雨,却是借钱。 There are many ways to trample upon love uprooted storm, however, is to borrow money.

39、是没有形态的 There is no form. Is a kind of state. Is a kind of can't words.

40、暖一颗心要多少年,心凉只需一瞬间。朝我心头开一枪,死的那人会是你,因为你在我心里。 How many years to warm a heart, heart cool just moment. The open one gun, my heart dead that person would be you, because you are in my heart.

41、最好的恋情是,你可以彻底地做自己,并且你的他依然迷恋真实的你。 The best relationship is, you can thoroughly do yourself, and you he still infatuated with the real you.

42、有一天你能到我的心理去,你会看到那里全是你给的伤悲。 One day you can to my psychological to, you will see where are all your sorrow.

43、有些失去是注定的,有些缘分是永远不会有结果的。爱一个人不一定会拥有,拥有一个人就一定要好好去爱她。 Some lose is predestined, some fate is never have the result. Love a person does not necessarily have, have one must take to love her.上一页12下一页

44、每个嘴里说不想谈恋爱的人,心里都装着一个无法拥有的人。 Every mouth say don't want to fall in love of people, the in the mind is filled with a cannot have.

45、没有青春的爱情有何滋味?没有爱情的青春有何意义。 What is the taste without youth love? What's the meaning of the youth without love.

46、爱不可以作为一种信仰,因为它太容易坍塌。 Love can not serve as a religion, because it is so easy to collapse.

47、爱叫懦夫变得大胆,却叫勇士变成懦夫。 Love is called coward valiant, call the warriors into a coward.

48、爱情不只是月夜里并肩散步,更是风雨中的携手同行。 Love is not just walking side by side on the night, more rain in the hand in hand.

49、爱情不能用常识衡量。 Love cannot be measured by common sense.

50、爱情使所有的人变成雄辩家这话说得绝对正确。 Love makes all become orator this absolutely right.

51、爱情埋在心灵深处,并不是住在双唇之间。 Love is buried deep in the heart, not live in between lips.

52、爱情就像是一条橡皮筋,拉的越紧就会伤的越重。 Love is like a rubber band, the more tight will hurt more heavy.

53、爱情就像火车一样,就算你买了票,你迟了,火车一样会走。 Love is like a train, even if you bought a ticket, you are late, the train will go.

54、爱情应当山盟海誓,只有专一的、忠贞不渝的爱情,才是真正的爱情。 Love should pledge of eternal love, only faithful, constancy of love, is the true love.

55、爱情是世界上最重要的,可橄榄球也不错。 Love is the most important thing in the world, but football is good too.

56、爱情是发生在两个人之间的一种共同的经验。 Love is in a kind of common experience between two people.

57、爱情是女人一生的历史,而只是男人一生中的一段插曲。 Love is a woman's life history, but only an episode in man's life.

58、爱情的欢乐虽然是甜美无比,但只有在光荣与美德存在的地方才能生存。 Although the joy of love is sweet, but only a place to live in honor and virtue.

59、爱情要用忠诚播种,友谊要用谅解护理。 Love to sow with loyalty, friendship with understandingof nursing.

60、爱情,是世上伤人至深的武功。怀疑,是谋杀爱情最厉害的武器。 Love, it's hurt to deep martial arts in the world. Doubt, is the most powerful weapons murdered love.

61、爱是生命的火焰,没有它,一切变成黑暗。 Love is the flame of life, without it, everything into darkness.

62、*的爱情总是绝不会持久的。 Fanatical love always not persistent.

63、理智时常纠正爱情的过于匆促的判断。 Reason often correct love too hasty judgment.

64、真正持续的爱情必须有尊敬才能成立。 Constant true love must have respect to set up.

65、真诚的爱情的结合是一切结合中最纯洁的。 True love is the combination of all combined with the most pure.

66、结婚是因误解而成立的。 Marriage is formed as a result of misunderstanding.

67、蝶爱,永恒的美丽,短暂,但我用尽全身的力气去爱你,照顾你。 Butterfly love, eternal beauty, short, but I run out whole body energy to love you, take care of you.

68、被你喜欢的感觉,像站在漆黑的舞台*,突然亮起一束追光。 Are you the feeling of like, like standing in the middle of the dark stage, suddenly light up a bunch of the spotlight.

69、要得到别人的爱,就必须要有值得爱的地方。 If you'd be loved, be worthy to be loved.

70、要相信,那个和你聊天聊着聊着就一不小心睡了的人,一定是最在乎你的人。 Want to believe, that chatting with you chatting then do not take care to those who are sleeping, must be the most care about you.

71、认识我的人,没有一个不知道你的名字。 Those who know me, no one doesn't know your name.

72、身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通。 The body has no colourful feng wing, intended-and not to take a hint when a hint is not intended.

73、追寻爱情,然后发现,爱,从来就是一件千回百转的事。 Pursuit of love, and then found, love, has always been a flexuous thing.
